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Prominent Android manufacturers commit to supporting phone software for 7 years
  • prominent

    Fairphone isn't known about by your average person, they're definitely not a "prominent" android manufacturer

  • Removed
    There is no genocide in China
  • Oh look, more examples of why defederation would be a good idea.

    Be honest: are you guys actually as out of touch as the MAGA dipshits or is it all one massive troll?

  • New Teslas might lose Steam
  • Well, you didn't explain why they're bad, that's probably why

    As others pointed out it's incredibly nice for the times when you're not doing anything but are in your car, anyway. If the ability to play games is disabled while driving then is there actually an issue?

    Seems like a great way to kill time while plugged into a charger to me, I already do it with my steam deck when I charge my car

  • 1 month of Linux Mint and some thoughts.
  • I can't imagine why you wouldn't want something so it's stupid to not want it

    Your lack of imagination doesn't mean you are correct. You have an opinion, learn to handle that it's not fact.

    I pray you're not involved with anything UX related either as your attitude is the exact kind of dismissive garbage that's landed us in this world of horrid UI and UX

  • 1 month of Linux Mint and some thoughts.
  • And, by using that key as a confirmation-step, you get a whole bunch of extra functionality that you say you don't use

    Yes, which is entirely useless to me and not something I want. Incredibly simple concept you're having trouble with.

    Which, if you don't use it, will still give you the exact same functionality, and doesn't affect you.

    Nope, you're really shit at reading comprehension. It does not function exactly the same, that's the problem.

    Consider if you ever need to repeat the screen grab 10x times, the difference is:

    I will not as I do not ever need to do that. Idk what weird world you live in where you'd ever need to take 10 screenshots of the same still screen but I can think of even easier ways to manage something like that then with a Printscreen manager.

    I find it fascinating to care so strongly

    You're the one typing out multi-paragraph replies to me simply stating that windows does this better and it's silly that Linux doesn't have something as simple as Snip. I don't really care at all as it's one keypress, it's just funny.

    objectively a worse approach in every single way

    Subjectively, you mean. I do not need or want hose extra features and it now takes time to tell my PC to not use those features. So no, it's a worse approach to me.

    And to care so strongly about that one keypress, that the optional versatility that gives (toggle video recording, adjust rectangle, reuse rectangle, move rectangle with same dimensions) is all in all considered a worse alternative

    You really have a hard time with other people valuing stuff differently then you, huh?

    Those features are less than worthless to me. I do not ever need or want them. The fact that the software cannot handle that I don't is useless bloat, which Linux is usually all about removing.

    To each their own, and UX design is arguably not yours.

    Go fuck yourself you stuck up prick. Fucking Linux users I swear

  • Stop Arming Cartels Act makes it unlawful to make, sell, possess a rifle ‘capable of firing .50-caliber ammunition’
  • I 100% advocate for this, as do many of my gun owning and enjoying friends. Most reasonable gun owners I've met are fine with everything non-hunting but pistols be lock-up-at-range. I get that pistols are used in a lot of crime but there are legitimste uses for them outside of shooting other humans (I get coyotes where I live and if ones trynna get at my birds I'm not gonna go get a rifle, I'll reach at my hip for my pistol, for example)

    Though, usually, it's also stipulated that support for this idea would require that the currently existing restricted things be brought under this umbrella. I'd love to fire off some illegal as fuck weaponry in a controlled environment where my accuracy can be tracked using modern camera equipment and other cool shit, yakno? Kinda like the idea behind axe throwing or those "destroy shit" rooms

  • Chip Enjoyers - What's your favourite brand/type of chip?
  • Shocked to see 0 mention of Sun Chips here

    So you're all wrong

  • 1 month of Linux Mint and some thoughts.
  • It's the same number of keypresses


    Only difference is one keypress

    Are conflicting statements within your own comment.

    and you have additional functionality that doesn't get in the way

    I couldn't care less about the additional functionality, that's not what I use snip for. And it does get in the way, that's my whole point. Needing to press enter to confirm that I'm "done editing" is an extra keypress that isn't needed and gets in the way.

    I'm curious how "more annoying by far" to click-drag-enter vs click-drag.

    As I stated I regularly snip at work on a Windows machine and pretty regularly at home which was until recently also windows. I'm very used to tapping a 3-key shortcut as 1keypress, click/dragging, and moving on with my life. That one extra keypress adds a second or two of confusion and annoyance every time I use it, and I can't even easily retrain myself as I still use it on Windows regularly.

    You can readjust the selection

    I would rather re-snip the 1/500 times this matters to me than press enter the other 499 times. I get others might like it, but why is it not an option for people like me?

    you can record video instead

    I have software for that already that does even more than the snip replacers, though I can't think of any time I've used a video when 3 screenshots would have worked too.

    Basically it boils down to over design without option boxes for those who don't want to do things exactly as the software designers intended.

  • Every American President
  • He might have somewhat wanted to, but it wasn't an explicit goal of his until it became strategic to the war effort.

    Lincoln before he got elected: no, I'm not coming for your slaves

    Lincoln after elected: no, I'm not coming for your slaves

    Lincoln during the war: "If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them"

    Lincoln the moment the British might aid them: "the war is now about slaves and their freedom so Britain won't feel good about helping"

    Yes, Lincoln didn't like slavery and thought it was bad for the country, but much like the founding fathers he thought it was on its way out naturally. Without the southern states throwing The Great Tantrum Lincoln would have left the slave issue alone

  • What drew you to the high seas?
  • When my mom's old laptop became mine in around 2011 it wasn't even powerful enough to run Minecraft at more than 13 FPS, so I sure as shit wasn't gonna spend the occasional money I got on a steam card at 7/11 to load up an account I couldn't even use to play the games well with

    I think every game I've ever pirated from childhood and actually liked enough to finish has been paid for now though

  • I'll be sad when they're 100% gone one day
  • Seriously? Maybe it's just cuz I was a poor kid who had to play the same games a shit ton but I went through at least 5 different disks in my time that I can think of just from playing them too hard.

    Something closer to to 50 for disks that were scratched from other shit, though that'll include music CDs and DVDs too

  • In case some of y'all are still looking for a job
  • Oh shit, at long last a job opening I'm fucking qualified for!

    1. I'm chill. Whiskeys more my jam but I'll drink whatever.

    2. Fuckin love industrial.

    3. I'm so down to do crimes in Japan that ive already done quite a few

  • Biden announces 100% tariff on Chinese-made electric vehicles
  • deleting all the safety equipment and being under powered

    That must be why those death traps regularly kill people in all of the countries where they're regularly used!

    And even if that (crap) reason is why: ban them from the freeways, then, not from every fucking road. You know, like mopeds and similar small scooters?

  • This is a rule for help
  • Just did it myself on Linux Mint:

    You want SteamTinkerLaunch, which the Git page mentions there's another program I can't recall the name of right now (proton something) you can use to install it.

    If you're on a Debian based OS the version of YAD you can get is laughably out of date (0.4 vs the minimum 7.0) so you'll have to compile that yourself but that's ezpz

    With STL enabled and set as your comparability tool launch it and install MO2 and mod away to your heart's content

    I used Vortex instead because I hate everyone else and like watching them cringe when I say that. 0 issues.

    Oh, proton will need to be ABOVE 8.5c to work with certain mods. 9.0 works great ime

  • When should you in fact: Ask to speak to a manager?
  • Rarely, but:

    • if whatever needs to be done actually requires the manager (refunds or such)

    • if the person you've been trying to resolve the issue with is being obstinate, dismissive, or rude

    • if something actually illegal is occuring (i did this once when I noticed that a gas station was charging more than their listed price on the sign, guy immediately fixed it and comped me my fill cuz that's super illegal)

    • if workers are jeopardizing safety of other people. Don't tell the worker to stop, get a manager to do it and note that they're doing something unsafe.

    And, most importantly:

    • when you catch an employee smoking a joint outside and they refuse to share
  • Are there any household gadgets you found unexpectedly useful after you'd gotten them?
  • I don't think I've encountered one that's hard to reach with my folding set, actually. Probably the one time I'd want to get my socket set, so fair enough if you encounter it more often

  • Anon's sister is a NEET shut-in
  • I'd call it "luxury"

    It's not expensive, but it's way more expensive than a chocolate bar of similar size from any of the "candy companies" people see at the corner store like Hershey's.

    Can get a Hershey's bar that's ~2x the size of 1 Lindt ball for 1/4 the price at my corner store. Bulk discount scaling makes that even more wonky, I think 10 Hershey's bars was like 8 bucks at Walmart while the smaller bag of kind milk chocolate balls was 12

  • Are there any household gadgets you found unexpectedly useful after you'd gotten them?
  • Yeah, these:

    Ratcheting is nice, but the torque I can get with these + ease of use and carrying means I never use my hex sockets anymore

  • Are there any household gadgets you found unexpectedly useful after you'd gotten them?
  • . A good socket set of Allen wrenches for assembling set furniture too.

    I'll push back and say that the 3-pack of imperial, metric, and SAE hex wrenches you can get these days are better than a socket set

    Sure, ratcheting is nice, but the ability to rapidly service ANY hex item without dicking around with my sockets or having to memorize which exact size a specific screw has been amazing

    Just grab the matching collection of wrenches (idk what to call them, Swiss army wrench?) for the size you're working in, or all 3 if you're unsure, and you'll be done in no time!

  • A cool guide to PIN code safety
  • Also it's the first code entered into the first door to leave the first room in the first System Shock, which is likely what thread OP was referring to.

    SS did it and so a bunch of other games do it in reference, like BioShock

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