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Monica - Like This And Like That (Bill & Ed bootleg)
  • Same, just redirects me to Google Play. Doesn't even open in the browser.

  • Long term ergo-mech keyboards reviews
  • I've been using a Kinesis Advantage for over a decade now. I've tried most of the ergo options out there and I keep coming back to the Advantage. It's the only one that gets the thumb keys right in my opinion.

    I currently run a heavily modified version done by the guys at Upgrade Keyboards.

  • Fedora Silverblue is the most frustrating distro so far
  • It is my understanding that a lot of thought and care is put into the design language and appearance of applications and frameworks. However the same level of consideration is not usually afforded to skins and themes, which are often released an never updated again. This can cause usability issues and sometimes even breakages. Of course, people are free to do as they please with their computers.

  • Development in Windows vs Linux
  • Just a heads up that Visual Studio is not the same as Visual Studio Code.

    Check out CLion, KDevelop, Builder

  • A cool guide on Tally Marks From Around The World
  • Since when is Brazil not part of South America?

  • Can You Use Raspberry Pi 5 as a Desktop Computer?
  • Be aware that Brave is essentially a scam and there are other privacy-focused browsers that might suit your needs.

  • Why We Should Stop Using JavaScript According to Douglas Crockford (Inventor of JSON) - YouTube
  • It will happen eventually. Look at FORTRAN, or COBOL, or BASIC, or Pascal, or even Objective-C.

  • Boys will be boys
  • Also "check" suggests America

  • What are your must-have programs?
  • This is simply not true.

    To add, you could have looked this up before posting a hostile comment on a relative newcomer's post. This is how linux communities develop reputation of being exclusive & unfriendly.

  • AI models have favorite numbers, because they think they're people | TechCrunch
  • Perhaps, but it's not a technical term. And it's not the correct term from a technical perspective either.

    AI is a pop culture term that has been in use long before practical machine learning or large language models. It already has a known definition which resembles artificial general intelligence or AGI. It is being applied to ML and LLMs for marketing purposes.

  • LAN party from 2003
  • I recognise almost all of those tower cases and had a couple myself.

  • LAN party from 2003
  • What's with all the shirtless people? We mostly kept our clothes on at our LAN parties.

  • TIL Madonna turned down a role in The Matrix, one of the biggest regrets of her career
  • The Matrix didn't take itself too seriously in my opinion. You didn't see the Wachowski's flaunting their film as if it were some auteur bullshit like you might see Zack Snyder do today. They did something new and they did it well. So well that it permanently left a mark on the genre.

  • Yak Bak (1994)
  • They had even smaller ones, too. I remember seeing them in the Sears catalog.

    I remember them looking sort of like this:

    portable tv

  • Yak Bak (1994)

    This was one of my most prized possessions as a kid—right up until my sister stole it and traded it for a Cheese String at school.

    gianni gianni

    I Am Incredibly Strong & And Handsome

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