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2 yr. ago

  • Are you also a glazer for Amazon and Bezos? Because most of these arguments can apply to them too?

  • Can you explain how world is notbgreat for LGBT people?

    Or is this just about the whole neopronoun thing?

  • That or he didn't love her, he didn't say anything about love or emotional attachment or anything, just that she was Asian and fucked him.

    Anon wasn't after a relationship, he was after a sex toy, and fundamentally misunderstanding what a relationship is and being in one that was entirely loveless was draining on him. He just didn't realise why.

  • Yeah it's telling the only things he said about her was that she's asian, makes him food and has sex with him.

    Annon has very 4chan-esque ideas about what a relationship is about and what he should get from it.

  • Are you talking about the best selling novel and winner of the esteemed and very real Jim Taylor best novel award: all the fire that we hold tomorrow?

  • Went to the beach for a donkey ride and just rode off into the sunset.

  • A southern accent? That doesn't sound like a Kent accent to me?

    Maybe he means southern Canada??

  • Apt

  • What world are you living in?

    They had 4 years to fight Trump and make sure he was properly tried and sentenced for his crimes and they just didn't because they didn't want to look like they were going after political opponents. They have actually done next to nothing to fight him.

    And the "mistake" they don't want to interrupt is Trump deporting people to random countries, setting up a giant concentration camp in gitmo, cutting cancer research funding and making life he'll for trans people. So maybe they SHOULD interrupt this mistake, with more than just signs.

  • And Bill Gates is trying to eradicate malaria. So should we all be glazers for Microsoft and use Windows?

  • That's a lot of effort to put in to trying to excuse blatantly predatory practices of a company with an almost defacto monopoly on PC games and uses said almost-monopoloy to steal 30% of the profits from people that actually make games.

    GOG existing does not excuse Steam.

    30% is massive. Imagine you sold something on, let's say, Ebay and they took 30% of that money. And devs could have other options of markets to sell their games if more people realised how predatory Steam is and stopped glazing Gabe like he's the video game messiah.

    There's a difference between gatekeeping/allowing only AAA games, and just having 0 standards of what is allowed on the store.

    Yes early access could be a good thing. But it isn't, they allow all the blatant shovelware and asset flips because, ya know, money. Again, if they just had some fairly basic standards of what they allow on their store to stop their users being ripped off, it wouldn't be a problem, but that wouldn't make them as much money, so they don't do it.

    Gabe newel is a billionsire capitalist and Valve runs like any other company. Profits first and foremost.

    Why have standards to protect consumers when Gabe needs an 8th super yatch to add to his fleet.

  • Man I love it when people glaze objectively bad companies just because it's popular opinion to like them.

    Remember steam started the business model of not actually owning your games.

    Gabe has made billions by stealing profit from the workers that actually make games.

    They had to be sued just to offer refunds.

    They host tons of malware and shovelware and outright scam games and even protect them from """"review bombing"""

    They pushed "early access" into the mainstream.

    And because of people like you that would literally suck Gabes dick for the meme, they get away with it.

  • OP is a nice modern gentleman.

  • I think he mea s you include the UK one, but all the other regional ones are left out

  • Oh yeah, the soviet union nevvvvvver involved themselves in coups. That's something only evil westerners do.

    (Please don't looked at the history of Africa, or southern/southeat Asia during the cold war.

  • Same, but I also think killing average working people for no reason makes you a bad person.

  • rule

  • Dear liberals

    My wife left me

  • Lemmy Shitpost

    The second matchup of the tournament

    Lemmy Shitpost

    It is truly magic


    Me: moves my leg 0.1cm. My cat: