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So, how many communities have you blocked?
  • All of them. I'm browsing /all simply to block more, so that they won't accidentally show in my feed.

  • is there any chance we can migrate our Sync for Reddit layout to Sync for Lemmy?
  • It's public:

    They change the invite code every week, so better be quick ;-)

  • What's the best Korean drama you've ever watched and why?
  • Juvenile Justice was really great, but it's hard to say why without getting into spoiler territory. Let's just put it down to overall character development.

  • What's the best Korean drama you've ever watched and why?
  • Just trendy. Alice in Borderland (Japanese) was a million times better with a similar story but somehow less hype.

  • Removed
    Is it possible to block an entire instance, or all users from an entire instance?
  • Not currently. It's a much requested feature, but the devs aren't working on it yet, and no idea whether it's going to be prioritized in the future.

    Some apps are implementing it though, and there are browser plugins (tampermonkey scripts) achieving it as well: (using that myself to block

  • How to contact a Lemmy instance administrator if server seems to be down?
  • I can reach it just fine. Maybe you need to flush your cache / DNS?

    Generally speaking though, unless they have provided alternative means of contact and you saved them prior to the outage, there's nothing you can do. Same if they decide to shut down - the instance and your account would be lost, and that's that.

    Edit: you can look up the owner of the domain on sites like, but more often than not they use anonymizer services to not reveal their residential address. The given email address there might however serve as a forwarder to their actual one.

  • Removed
    indonesia apparently has blocked x com after its rebranding
  • Just use the app, or on your computer (or router) change the DNS to

    Indonesia is soft blocking via DNS only, very easy to bypass.

  • How can I protect my privacy when using Google Classroom
  • Using a dedicated browser should be good enough. Since you might need some proprietary google stuff, I'd suggest chromium portable, that way once the class is over, you can simply delete the whole folder and call it a day.

  • Musk is gonna get sued outta the world
  • Insights by Ground AI

    Do yourself a favor and block this trash AI news aggregator, they provide no value.

  • How many oreos do you eat as max per day?
  • Hey hey hey that's my job.

  • How many oreos do you eat as max per day?
  • I usually stop at one, when I remember that I don't actually like them.

  • Musk failed to get the necessary permits to change Twitter’s building signage to X, and the police shut it down just in time for “er” to remain.
  • ABAM (All Billionaires Are Morons)

    Bill Gates is actually a very smart, and nowadays even pleasant, man.

  • What website/app do you use to read ebooks?
  • ReadEra.

    The free app is so bloody good and adfree already, I bought it just to support the developer after using it for 8 years or so.

    Tried several others before and nothing comes even close.

    Android, no idea if any other version exists.

  • Child Safety on Federated Social Media
  • Because it's talking about a report without linking to any report. That's shouting into the void at best, clickbait at worst.

  • Child Safety on Federated Social Media
  • What report?


    Somehow the link in the post is broken. Trying to share it copies the link. Weird.

  • The excellent Arc browser is now available for anyone to download
  • On mobile I'd suggest Fennec instead of stock Firefox since you can use add-ons without limitation, and don't need workarounds such as the Firefox nightly.

    It's basically stock with enabled add-ons, and following the official release cycle with 2-3 days delay. Maintained by the original developers of the F-Droid store, so also a highly trustworthy source IMHO.

  • OpenAI founder’s eye-scanning crypto project launches in London
  • Reminds me of the movie "I origins" (the maternity ward part). If you haven't seen it, it's one of my all time favorites - and better to be watched without knowing what it's all about, too easy to spoiler.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Versuch's mal mit der App von Cloudflare, damit kannst du in der Regel alle DNS bedingten Probleme umschiffen. Kostet nix.

  • How do you browse lemmy?
  • Sync for Lemmy.

    It's in alpha and already better than all of the other apps (and yes, I've tried every single one available for Android).

  • Any must-have apps these days?

    So I'm actually German but haven't been back home in 5+ years, except for a short business trip where I didn't really do all that much.

    Now I'm going back for a few weeks almost exclusively for touristy purposes (my wife has never been to the EU), and I'm wondering what's really changed / what is considered must-haves these days?

    Holy smokes, best news ever!!!

    I just can't wait to get the first working version on my phone. Literally grinning like an idiot just now.

    Reddit blackout - watch it burn!

    Bunch of sites are streaming the sinking ship in real time:

    Here's my favorite:

    Let's see what the next 48h are gonna bring... My guess? Not much, and we'll just keep moving forward. Screw them.

    godless godless
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