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fellas, is this true?
  • It may not be intentional, not plenty of women feel harmed, belittled, and ignored by the use of language like that. So we should stop using it. It doesn’t add anything, and it does, in fact, harm people.

    I understand your concern about the unintentional harm that gendered language can cause. While it's true that language can affect people in non-obvious ways and I support the idea of being mindful of our words and reducing gendered language where possible, I also think it's important to balance this with context and intent.

    And for the record, it’s not the meme, it’s the title of the post

    The title is a spin on the "Fellas, is it gay...." meme

  • fellas, is this true?
  • Usage of gendered language isn't inherently casual misogyny. For it to be misogynistic, it must actively harm or belittle women. While I fundamentally agree with reducing gendered language where possible (as I am a NB gender abolitionist myself), I don't think a silly meme on Lemmy is worth getting overly concerned about. It makes the whole movement look pedantic.

  • Paradox Interactive has completely cancelled "Life By You"
  • Then Paradox was developing it. They own the studio. Who else is going to build the game? An executive?

    I am sure that everyone would agree that Paradox owns/developed/published Europa Universalis 4.... But that was made by "Paradox Tinto" or Stellaris was "Paradox Development Studio"... The publishing wing of Paradox doesn't develop games. Obviously. But I don't understand why thats in any way relevant to the discussion. Paradox (the company, not specifically the publishing wing) was 100% responsible for the development, the testing, and the publishing of Life by You. They built it, they took it down.

  • Rule
  • AI didn't write this. AI would never write this. It's outrageously wrong to an extreme degree. Making dangerous and false claims have happened on occasion with LLM's (Often due to being fed various prompts until the user twists it into saying it), but an AI wouldnt write something like that, come up with a fake graph, and include a made up song (!?!) from the beetles about it. The fact that you are believing it doesn't speak to the danger of AI as much as it speaks to the gullibility of people.

    If I said "obama made a law to put babies in woodchippers" and someone believes it, it doesn't speak to Obama being dangerous, it speaks to that person being incredibly dense.

  • This could be humorous… but it’s actually tragic
  • Size isn't everything. While I get what they're trying to say, the 'light utility vehicles' of today are getting 20-30 mpg while the sedan of 40 years ago got like... 5. Fuck cars and all, but this isn't really a good angle.

  • fantasy
  • The comparison to modern travel is a bit off though... The vast, VAST, majority of humanity would never travel further than a few villages over in their entire lifetime. The 'mixing' of cultures isn't nearly as pronounced as you're suggesting. Consider that even medieval "France" was made up of over 6 distinct cultures with often different languages.

  • xkcd #2940: Modes of Transportation
  • As both an extreme unicyclist & rollerblader, unicycles are actually incredibly safe. More safe than a bicycle. The top speed is very slow comparatively, and if you fall... You fall on your feet. Forwards? Feet. Backwards? Feet. Sideways? Feet. If your feet were strapped into the pedals (like rollerblades...) it would be a deathtrap.

  • Can the internet ever be fun again?
  • Yeah. I've had exactly 0 issues in the past decade. The only people I tend to get op's complaints from are usually lamenting that they can't use the n-word or hate on marginalized groups anymore and hide behind "it's a joke lmao". Op was too vague to actually say what exactly they mean by sanitization, but it IS eerily similar.

  • Autism rule
  • If you read what he talks about further down, you've built out that communication mapping for autistic-nt communication due to your circumstances (manager of autistic people). You can easily understand them. As a husband of an autistic wife though, I would say that it seems like nt people have a dramatically easier time building out that autistic-nt map than autistic people have building it. She still regularly misunderstands me and other people (unless I'm talking to her directly) but I understand her very easily even when she's talking to her autistic friends.

  • Mother Gaia and Humans
  • Human-accelerated global warming wouldn't happen via a handful of deer.... But global warming was going to happen even if humans never existed. Global temperatures have waxed and waned since before life existed. The only difference here is that we're pressing on the gas pedal (literally) and accelerating the process. The idea that global temperatures would have never climbed without humans empowers denialists by giving them a strawman to point at.

  • Removed
    Do Christians really think that being educated is sinful and should be avoided?
  • The dark ages didn't happen. They're a myth perpetuated by protestant historians in the 1900's who were trying to imply that the era between the fall of the Western Roman empire (600s) and the reformation period (1500's) were this awful collapse of society due to the Catholic Church 'straying from gods light'. It's totally bullshit of course and any modern historian (regardless of religion) wouldn't use the term.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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