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Let's chat about these SEVEN nuclear power plants the LNP want to build ...
  • This is explicitly addressed in AEMO’s Integrated System Plan but the tl;dr is that in a national grid with geographically diverse renewable generation and a little more transmission, the chances of there being a weather-related shortfall are exceedingly rare.

    For these cases we have pumped hydro being built, and we can still fall back to gas peaking plants for whatever unmet demand is left.

    Yes, gas is not carbon free, and it will be expensive to run in these cases, but it won’t run often, it is already built and will allow us to operate at well above 80% renewables until we can built enough long term storage to make it redundant. This meets our international abatement obligations, and more importantly reduces the area under the emissions curve, which is all that really matters tbh.

  • Coalition announces where they want to build nuclear power stations
  • Nuclear: to maintain baseline power (as opposed to peak power) for emergency scenarios.

    That’s an incredibly expensive emergency power supply. If you can’t operate a nuclear plant 24/7 it’s going to take a veeeeerry long time to pay off the massive capital investment.

    And that’s the crux of the issue. These plants won’t be supplying baseload. By the time they get built we will have twice as much rooftop solar, and lots more utility wind and solar. There will be very little room for them to operate at a spot price that earns them money.

  • Let's chat about these SEVEN nuclear power plants the LNP want to build ...
  • Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that. Energy is bid into the market at the spot price. Because the marginal cost of producing energy from renewables is so cheap, this will displace energy from all other sources when the sun is shining or the wind is blowing. This is what’s already happening with the coal generators today.

    By the time any nuclear gets built, there will be so much solar in the system that nuclear will have to be forcibly shut off at least 40% of the time or operate at a loss. This capacity factor is then on par with wind, so you may as well just build more of that - it’s way cheaper.

    The concept of baseload power is dead and has been dead for a while. What we need is more dispatch-able generation and storage.

  • Bruce Lehrmann lodges notice of appeal after his defamation case failed in the Federal Court
  • Well he used to work as a tobacco lobbyist, and he was happy to get Channel Seven to buy him drugs, sex and a fancy apartment.

    The overall picture has telltale signs of an entitled, narcissistic, selfish creep. But hey, maybe I only see him like this because Lisa Wilkinson told me to.

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    Nanda, who lives about 60km from Melbourne's CBD, says he's saved up to $6,000 a year thanks to switching to an electric car. He's part of a growing trend that has seen EV sales in outer suburbs boom as cost-of-living pressures bite.

    Electric car sales are booming in Australia, but it's not where you think it is
    “We cannot support it:” Polestar follows Tesla out of car lobby over Toyota led campaign
  • I applaud them for calling out the BS publicly. I hope others brands follow, and I hope this story increases scrutiny on the misinformation being pushed. Unfortunately, this leaves the FCAI free to adopt an even more conservative position in its advocacy without dissenting member voices.

  • Allan Fels's ACTU initiated price gouging report calls for government to act against exploitative practices of big business The ACCC's former chair has handed down his price gouging report. Here are the key findings

    The former chair of the ACCC takes aim at electricity providers, banks, airlines, supermarkets, and other big businesses in his new report on price gouging and unfair pricing practices.

    The ACCC's former chair has handed down his price gouging report. Here are the key findings
    Stage-three tax cuts: cabinet approves new cost-of-living relief for workers on less than $150,000 Stage-three tax cuts: cabinet approves new cost-of-living relief for workers on less than $150,000

    Taxpayers earning under $150,000 would be better off under a plan to retain the 37% tax bracket, unwinding the Morrison government’s stage-three tax cuts due to come into effect this year

    Stage-three tax cuts: cabinet approves new cost-of-living relief for workers on less than $150,000
    SpaceX says propellant venting caused loss of second Starship
  • Yeah. As much as I love every little bit of information we can get from inside SpaceX, it kinda feels weird coming from Elon now. Like can we even trust what he’s saying anymore? I mean I hope it’s just a trivial purging of LOX that was at fault, and that’s an easy fix, but is that the whole story? What about the booster?

  • Coalition tells Cop28 it will back tripling of nuclear energy if Peter Dutton becomes prime minister
  • Counterpoint to your counterpoint: Due to renewables becoming cheaper and cheaper, private investment is pumping in capital en masse because the economics work out on their own. There is less and less room for government policy to set the direction. The market will decide.

    I honestly don’t know how a nuclear power plant could be anywhere near profitable when 30% of the time we have negative power prices due to rooftop solar. Batteries are already edging out gas plants on a LCOE basis, and they’re getting cheaper by the day.

    By the time the Liberals get in and try to implement their nuclear fever dream, there will be no cheaper form of energy than distributed solar + batteries and no sane financier will back anything else.

  • Starship hot staging worked!
  • Interesting. I’m not sure give many raptors are supposed to relight on the boostback, but it looks like one of the gimbal raptors and several of the inner ring failed to relight for boostback. That would explain the trajectory deviation and FTS activation. Nice to see the improved FTS did its job anyway!

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