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r/collapse is the most insidious fash cesspool on reddit and they're not even hiding it anymore
  • I remember a british friend telling me how in school he learned that overpopulation is amounting to large carbon emissions and people need to stop having children... In school... Crazy how normalized literal ecofascist rethoric is.

  • Capitalist Efficiency
  • Here before the libs try to "own" you in the comments

  • AC: Shadows' black samurai outrage in a nutshell
  • Yasuke is a really interesting choice for a protagonist - taking a lesser historical figure and giving him the spotlight. This isn't untreaded territory, there are a lot of Japanese works with Yasuke as the protagonist or as an important character, like Afro Samurai. I live to see these gamers seethe, though, next Assassins Creed game better be set in colonial Brazil with Zumbi dos Palmares as the protagonist or in Haiti with Dessalines as the protag

  • My favorite kind of metal
  • the names of the albums are in the post caption, my bad for not including them earlier

  • My favorite kind of metal
  • done! completely forgot about listing them, mb

  • My favorite kind of metal
  • The bands are Kaatayra and Vauruvã. my bad, i was tired when i made this and didn't even think about including the bands

  • My favorite kind of metal


    Kaatayra - No Ruidar da Mata Que Mirra

    Kaatayra - Toda História Pela Frente

    Vauruvã - Por Nós da Ventania

    The United States be like, "Who are you voting for?"
  • Honestly crazy how they pretend this is what true democracy looks like and manage to get away with it

  • 12 ft ladder Alternative?
  • Saving this thread for future use. Love the suggestions

  • "A Critical Read of Animal Farm" by Brazilian historian Jones Manoel A Critical Read of Animal Farm

    Let us broach a polemical subject. The British author George Orwell is very well known for works such as Animal Farm, Nineteen Eighty-Four, and his book about the Spanish Civil War, Homage to Catalonia. Throughout 2022 I intend to discuss each of these…

    A Critical Read of Animal Farm
    Sanders Rips Colleagues for Attacking Student Protesters Instead of Netanyahu | Common Dreams
  • Well said, no person can make a genocide and create an ideology alone. Were Netanyahu not PM another reactionary would be promoting genocide in Palestine. It's not a single-person problem, it's a deeply-rooted problem in the Israeli government and society.

  • There's an uphill battle here
  • Right-wing humor is just fear-mongering and prejudice. Left-wing humor is actually funny

  • [not a meme] anyone I should add?
  • Efrim (and all the other band members) from Godspeed You! Black Emperor. they're very based in general and extremely supporting of trans people (photo from one of their shows)! also GY!BE is a great band and you should all listen to them

  • Nether Rule
  • GOD the old Nether makes me nostalgic :(

  • Elon Musk is a pigeon CEO, 'he comes, sh*ts all over us, and goes', says former Tesla manager
  • thing is, pigeons actually contribute to the environment

  • A web search tip to avoid AI generated SEO junk
  • dead internet theory is becoming more and more real

  • Am I the only one who's sick of the isekai?
  • I think that has been a pretty common opinion for the past 4 years lol

    My problem isn't isekai as a concept, it's the fact that all of them are pretty much the exact same. I enjoyed Sasaki and Peeps last season precisely because it deviated from most isekai

  • Death Metal Triangle Player
  • this is what techdeath sounds like to me

  • Enter samd man
  • Exactly, and this is what happens when you go mainstream and drop your characteristic sound for radio-friendly music

  • Enter samd man
  • Love Metallica's first few albums but honestly fuck them and what they've become. Went from a really solid thrash band to a million-dollar business with subpar dad rock and shitty titles like Don't Tread on Me. They go against everything thrash metal (and metal in general) was supposed to be.

    And the direction Megadeth went, while not as bad, is still rlly disappointing. Dave could've been one of the coolest figures in metal but instead he became a right-wing conservative.

    Crossover Thrash FTW

  • Rule
  • chaos princesses rise up!!

  • helena helena

    transfem nb vampire communist.

    she/it (EN) ~ ela/elu (PT) ~ ella/elle (ES)

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