Hopefully all the other countries put environmental tariffs on US goods.
Hopefully lots of people cancel which makes other companies wary of trying similar.
For me,.owning physical games is about being able to keep playing them and make them portable. Buying games on a multi platform service fits that better. I don't have a deck but would probably get it over a switch 2. I'd still have access to all my historical purchases, which probably are able to work better on newer gear, assuming they work.
Quite the opposite. The eu requires free movement of people and goods and services, so if a German was not allowed to buy, like a French, or Spanish person, that would be against eu rules. The explicitly cannot ban someone form outside their country who is an eu citizen.
Sure, you want to extend it globally, rather than just the eu, but the purpose was to restrict propert to locals. The logical policy if the eu did not exist would be to include the Germans etc you mentioned. The whole purpose of the eu is to increase, not decrease integration, with a view to preventing war by ensuring mutual prosperity.
Or keep them out.
I don't consent to that charge.
Oh, it's one of our rules.
Too bad so sad, no contract.
I found sleep waking too much and struggled when woken. If you are both not working, having a schedule helps. Sleep training helps, but you may have tried that. Being super strict is the only way any of these systems work, so bear that in mind.
I found that a combination of shushing rocking and darkness helped but on bad nights it could take 3 hours for first sleep and be every hour after that at 18 months. However, most days it was sleep and nonwakes at that age. The more you can establish a routinez the better. Structuring physical activity to support sleep is good too. So lihmght exercise before naps. More exertion before night bed but at least an hour prior.
Regularity is also helpful. With everything. Naps, meals, night sleep, location. Routine is hugely beneficial. So starting a routine with a bath, brush teeth, familiar song, read bedtime story etc. We still use night lights that gradually dim over time for our 6 and 7 year olds, that were helpful when they were younger.
I imagine from Polands point of view, it is another step towards being a wealthy country, rather than a poor country on the edge of Europe. It’s not necessarily bad to compare, nor does it change things in Poland. However, knowing that you get paid the same as many in the USA, with, I would assume, cheaper prices for most things and better social support is a big deal for those on minimum wage. 50 years ago, countries like Poland looked up to the USA. Now they are seen as a larger peer, but it’s less about the USAs decline, more polands arrival.
No, I didn't as it's not really a post about that, but I think ubinis the way forward.
No, I'm not saying artist money is any more immoral than any other purchase. I'm also saying artists should not depend on donations only. I also did not say I exclusively pirate. Don't put words in my mouth.
I'm saying the current system is broken. Replacing it with tips is not the solution. Transport and creative industries will see huge lay offs in the coming years. We need to decide as a society what we value. Is it creating art and pleasure or lines going up on company spreadsheets. Free spread of ideas and art is an ideology. The only reason not to allow it is to profit. Those profits don't go to most artists.
The question is will it cause division or just leopard face eating? Trump will manufacture another controversy for the media to move on to.
No, but that's the case with or without piracy. Artists and devs shouldn't rely on goodwill. That's just expanding the tips system which is already awful.
No, they didn't want tik tok scooping all the data up for the Chinese government. Facebook and Instagram and WhatsApp are meant to do that for the American government.
No, but saying to participate and that purchasing software is inherently moral is also fallacious.
Developers, musicians, creatives, actors etc all need to be paid to live in society. However, the current system rewards the lucky few and large corporations as well as the non creative side of media and software creation.
A 4 year old has a different attention span and different understanding than a 6 year old or an 8 year old. They are going to make shows that cater for them. They may as well use existing characters in an age appropriate way.
I've 2 kids and the older of the 2 still struggles with the pacing of spider man movies geared more towards 10-12 year Olds, even if it's not particularly inappropriate as he's just a year or two younger.
Star wars is for kids, as is spider man but they need to have the attention span and emotional maturity that a 4 year old doesn't have. It's a gentle introduction which probably allows them to appreciate the real thing a bit earlier than they otherwise would..
We also need to accept that some of the things we liked as kids won't be like by our kids. Star wars for kids was Ewoks: the battle for endoe, when I was a kid. It's awful.
There is a current Spiderman show for young kids. Spidey rather than Spiderman. I think it's on Disney plus, but I don't subscribe. My son loves it. He's a little older but started watching at that age. It's not violent but has some conflict. It also has positive female heros.
I think you might be in the wrong sub.
Of course. Otherwise people would buy guns to trade for a ps5. You want to have less guns, not more. It's to encourage the trade in of guns already bought with a reward for doing so, not a way to meet the value of the gun.
Until he benefits personally, then he's soft. All China would need to do is promise to sell Trump goods or let him build a gaudy hotel.
I think employment is based on those seeking work. So if you take time off, you wouldn’t be counted. It’s a balance in the market that stops wage rises and inflation when there is unemployment. It’s obviously not desirable for the individual.
I’m trying to set containers for some websites on a shared windows terminal with multiple users under the same login. We use some cloud software and each user has their own log in. Manually opening websites in container manager allows this, but I’m struggling to do so for opening in container for the home page.
Each log in just launches in the default container (unassigned). I’ve tried using bookmark tree, which seems to support containers, but I can’t get it to work. Assigning a site to always open in a container doesn’t seem to work either as it’s the same site for multiple users (which seems to be the purpose of multi account container), so if it always opens in container A, person B still needs to manually open in their container.
I just recently got the 190 update pushed. It mentioned lots of fixes. One was image handling.
I have found that now exiting an image is a bit slow or glitchy. A single gesture to go back does not exit and instead it needs two. Tapping an image instead still closes it but there is a delay that wasnt there before.
I'm on a pixel 7pro with gesture navigation.
My phone coverage stopped for a period. I was using connect at the time and a comment failed. I initially thought it was a big but noted after restarting, it still was out. Then I checked with a test search to find it was all internet.
A few minutes later internet was back. Went back into Lemmy and refreshed. No data showing. I checked down-for-me for my instance and it was up. Refreshed again. No data.
Again restarted app and it was fine then. So, it seems he connection outage did not allow refresh after it came back, despite a restart during the outage.