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What questions are likely to be on a botany exam?
  • hmm yes 'cause everything is vulgair!! sniff sniff zizek-joy

  • Trump dances for 30 minutes at campaign event | CNN Politics
  • Donald Trump x Boiler Room session when?

  • One of my nicest coworkers said she wanted to assassinate AMLO and Sheinbaum.
  • tbf in my experience talk about any of the 'third' world countries and you'll receive the same sort of answers, capitalist or not.

  • Left a bad relationship ~30 mins ago. Anyone want to chat?
  • i am not in a relationship and haven't been. ever. i thought if i would be happy on my own it would sort of happen automatically, but now im just 'good' at being by myself

  • Is it "comrad" or "comrayd"?
  • it's comraid shadow legends

  • bbc fact checkers jumping at shadows
  • reminds me of that headline "china uses sea to hide their submarines" or something like that

  • 🌰 Shots fired, I'm hit
  • is it still true that only a good squirrel with a gun can stop a bad squirrel with a gun?

  • Latest libertarian moment
  • he's running it ... into the ground!

  • Lol, lmao even
  • it is also funny that in the graphic they rope in universal healthcare as equal to the other statements