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What games did you have a good time with that you just never finished?
  • It's a disappointing masterpiece!

  • Custom error pages
  • 400 - “We apologize again for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked.”

    403 - "We are the Knights Who Say... Ni!"

    404 - "This parrot is no more. It has ceased to be. It's expired and gone to meet its maker. This is a late parrot. It's stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. It's rung down the curtain and joined the choir, invisible. This is an ex-parrot."

  • Space Station 14 is a modern reimagining of a cultish and richly complex online RPG
  • Looks interesting!

    Signed up and will be trying this!

  • Happy birthday,!
  • Congratulations!

    Thank you to all those who make it worth being here!

  • Crosspost: tankie censorship problem
  • Would be a shame to defederate and lose the good communities.

    The couple of niche game communities I use on .ml have very little participation as it is, and would likely not survive even a few users moving to c/'s on other instances.

    Not that I have any better suggestions, other than just blocking the troublesome political c/'s on .ml.

  • 25 years ago, Napster changed how we listen to music forever
  • A quarter century of shameless piracy! Now that's something to celebrate!

  • ‘No one going to jail’ for avoiding UK national service, says Cleverly
  • Mandatory volunteer work? Isn't that an oxymoron?

  • Is there a temperature so hot that relativistic effects are noticeable?
  • The way I understand it, (which is virtually not at all really!) there is no overall universal time or background clock like a force field of time or "stable rhythm" that everything experiences. But every observer experiences its own time, relative to whatever point of reference is used.

    This is where my meager brain fully melts down.....

    If everything is moving through spacetime, the faster through space, relative to C, the slower you travel through time, the slower through space, the faster through time.

    So if every particle is moving away from each other equally at C, from each ones perspective it's own time is slowed to 0, so now everything is eternally rushing away from everything else with no time passing.

    Now my reasoning and vocabulary fail completely tbh,

  • Is there a temperature so hot that relativistic effects are noticeable?
  • Surely time had also only just sprung into being so shortly after the big bang? If "everything" was moving near C, there was no "other" time to be relative to?

  • For a game that turns 40 years old next month, it's unreal what we are learning about Tetris
  • I knew which video this would be! Its a brilliant summary indeed!

    I feel for Fractal though, he came so close!

  • who is on Lemmy (the sociology of Lemmy)
  • Still mainly use them!

  • What's the most fucked up movie you ever watched?
  • Grave of the Fireflies. Not the same type of fucked up, but I don't want to watch it again!

  • What's the most fucked up movie you ever watched?
  • Martyrs was brilliant as well, not just fucked up like a lot in this thread!

  • My undying love for the painfully uncool Amiga
  • Ahh.. I still miss my Amiga500. The 1200 was much better but it's the 500 that sticks with me!

  • Anyone have any tips or tools to help with managing slicer profiles using inheritance?
  • I also use SuperSlicer and find this issue problematic too!

    Hoping someone has a suggestion.

  • Could you answer some VLAN based questions please?
  • My main need of a separate POE is more logistical than networking, it's convenient to power a couple of cameras from a distant switch.

    I think if I started over the only things I'd alter would be the number of ports on the main switch. 16 ports at least. I've used all 8 and still have things I would use more for.

    Here's a physical diagram (not all clients are shown) that may help some more:

  • Could you answer some VLAN based questions please?
  • Yep, it's not as overkill as it first seems.

    One managed handles all the VLAN designations and most of the heavy lifting of the network,

    One is just a virtual switch in my Proxmox server dealing with the virtual machines and containers.

    And then a physical VLAN aware switch at each end of the house for all client devices on multiple VLANS, ie CCTV (no internet), Media VMs on VPN only VLAN, PC, laptop, phones etc on their own, and a management VLAN.

  • Could you answer some VLAN based questions please?
  • Here's my network as an example:

  • I saw a recent post that 60% of playtime in 2023 was spent on games 6 years or older. What 6+ year old games are you playing?
  • I have more hours in KSP and DF than very other game added together. Including 100%s of BOTW and TOTK!

  • The rule is still present in your time, as it was in ours
  • Anyone else hear Kraftwerk playing when reading this?

  • Anyone Been Bitten by (or even heard of) the Blandford Fly?

    They're named after a town in Dorset, so must be pretty common, but I'd never heard of them before.

    Possible Federation Problem?

    In a support post it's noticed that some comments are not appearing here at

    Comments made in a community on not appearing on

    But they do show over at

    Maybe more of a issue?

    Any one got any thoughts?

    ilovecheese ilovecheese
    Posts 3
    Comments 37