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Despite Biden losing, debate also showcased how awful Trump is as a candidate
  • You know what they say, "You are what you eat".


  • NSFW
    [CW: nudity] To all the chapos trapped below the heat dom, remember a tree is burned to make each of these
  • look, I didn't follow the struggle session close enough to make a good follow-up joke about it, okay?

  • German Sturmpanzer I self-propelled gun (officially, 15cm sIG 33 auf Panzerkampfwagen I ohne Aufbau Ausf.B)
  • It makes sense in the logic of trying to instill fear at the sight of the weapon. But if that doesn't break the opponent, there's no plan B.

  • Are dems just unaware that Biden probably only won because of the pandemic?
  • Or what if he makes phone calls to all the people Obama called, saying "if you all rally behind Joe Biden, I will mount a 3rd-party run"?

    Libs would cry about it but they wouldn't do anything. There's a chance the candidates would be successfully goaded into maintaining/resuming their campaigns.

  • Are dems just unaware that Biden probably only won because of the pandemic?
  • I love everything in our political system being balanced on a knife's edge, it's so fun.

  • NSFW
    [CW: nudity] To all the chapos trapped below the heat dom, remember a tree is burned to make each of these
  • Ackshually, there is no nudity in this photo, it is only an artist's depiction of something that is clearly fictive.

    No birds were exploited in the making of this. How could it be immoral?

  • My lib friend, unprompted, posted this bullshit
  • If they've got a platter of shit as an option, their chicken is going to be an E. coli risk.

    The rational response is to say "I'm not hungry."

  • German Sturmpanzer I self-propelled gun (officially, 15cm sIG 33 auf Panzerkampfwagen I ohne Aufbau Ausf.B)
  • It gives me joy to know that more than one dumbass Nazi engineer signed off on this.

  • ???
  • 30330 is an Atlanta area code.

    There is a strong chance that at least one of the people working the debate... went to Joe, then 30330.

  • How do I make my business legally worker-owned?
  • This and this might be good places to start.

    There's also a newer org that provides revolving funding and other assistance for workers' cooperatives, called Seed Commons.

  • He made and packaged chips here until 1937


  • NSFW
    (cw: fatphobia) H Pearl Davis sister go on chapo
  • She should be on the beach, or anywhere that feels affirming.

  • Fundamentally Detached From Humankind
  • "I would be the beneficiary of this AI, not having to do any work myself. And people would pay the subscription fees to me."

  • The white libs are at it again
  • Looking at this image and thinking "Whose By-Line Is It Anyway"

  • How many of you have high paying jobs, and how have you prevented your material means and social circles from eroding your leftist convictions?
  • no-choice "oops all of a sudden I have made more than the global/national average income, this means I must suddenly convert to reactionary ideology in accordance with how my financial standing is the bulk of my self-conceptualization. not based at all on deep personal values so nothing at all that can be done about this.

  • Huge W ⚾
  • I'm really really happy for you, you deserve it!

    When this happens for the first time it proves that it's possible, and if there's a decent human connection there, it feels like the whole world pouring affinity through you.

    I hope you discover and learn a lot about yourself relationally (and about her too).

  • Im perpetually embarrassed after abusive work ethic since I was little. Everything was attacked and work was endless. Any tips on becoming more gregarious and less ashamed?
  • A lot of this sounds really, really familiar, although my experience was a bit less severe.

    One mantra I try to give myself, as frequently as possible, is "Anything you put out there is good enough". I would have massively benefited from hearing this in childhood.

    Another thing that I'm trying to live by is "Don't leave worthy things undone or unsaid", because I have way more regrets from what I haven't done than from what I have done.

    Make mistakes and embrace them. Bob Ross did it in painting, the Japanese have a whole philosophy of wabi-sabi, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

    Some substances may regulate the neurotransmitters in ways that makes it all seem way less paralyzing. Use moderation in this though.

  • Cheapest form of balanced electrolytes for daily use?
  • Fruit juice has vitamins and other micronutrients, but it doesn't necessarily have that elemental salt profile.

    Blackstrap is the good stuff, it's got potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron. Because of how it is produced, it has lots of the impurities of the sugar concentrated in it. Sorghum molasses is okay but not as good for this as blackstrap is. Take a look at the nutrition facts, and you'll see a bunch of quantities for stuff that's on the periodic table. I suspect various other concentrates might have similar properties.

    Typically I add maybe 20g molasses per liter of water, with another 10g of iodized salt or baking soda or cream of tartar (potassium hydrogen tartrate).

    I had a health condition for a while that had me carrying salt water on my person for a year, just as a precaution.

  • This Wikipedia article has been in existence since February

    And it was created by a sockpuppet account who was banned for account abuse. Yet the article remains, very close to its original form, because the libs unconditionally respect what is extant.

    There's a nonzero chance that someone finds out what a "sigma male" is via Wikipedia now.

    Hear me out... Evolutionary Sociology

    A subdiscipline that focuses on the diversity and mutability of social formats, in the present and throughout recorded history and in the archeological record and in the biology of social species.

    As a counter to evolutionary psychologists (EvolPsychos) who assert that there are direct Darwinian forces shaping human psychology, we need people to assert that there are palpable Kropotkinian forces shaping human societies. Likewise, we must assert that just like how it is impossible to fully understand an allele without the context of the interactions of the environment and the phenotypes associated with that allele, it is impractical to try to understand human psychology in isolation from human societies/cultures.

    I missed out on this in my high school

    Maybe because all the queer kids and socialists were extremely closeted.

    I'm on a leftist commune rn
    We just had a council and much of the subject matter was

    piss and shit

    Also we have a proliferation of committees that we are poking fun at
