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Good Boy comics 2: RIP dear Kabosu :(

Found a couple more, and thanks to those that contributed. RIP to Kabosu; she was indeed a good girl.

A link to the previous one if you missed it or just want another look.

























Good Boy comics

I like to collect what I call "Good Boy" comics. Anybody know of any that aren't already in here? The comics should include the phrase "good boy" or at least allude to the idea.

Thanks in advance if you find something to contribute, but if not, I hope you enjoy this little collection! :)




















420 Shitpost

Have a safe 4/20, y’all. <3

Queen Nothing
  • Ooh! I really like how you played with the negative space in this one! The haziness of the background and the way it frames the subject in a hazy aura gives it a real ethereal quality. Our eyes are naturally drawn to faces, so the lack of facial features only accentuates the dream-like quality of the drawing. I like the creepy hands, too! :)

  • Postin a post it
  • Thanks! The idea of a kelp forest seems so mysterious and pleasing to me.

    Something about the combination of the way light refracts through the (relatively) shallow water, the dramatically reduced range of view due to the density of water, plus all the life that these forests can potentially harbor have really appealed to me lately. :)

  • Postin a post it
  • Thanks! I’ve always been really partial to Tombow Fudenosuke felt tip pens, either the soft or hard tip. I don’t mind using other pens, but I always seem to circle back to those. I really like the resistance/feedback you get from the felt tip, and the fact that it’s water resistant makes it nice to use with watercolors or markers.

    It also seems like it’s gotten pretty popular lately, so it’s nice to know that it’s probably not getting discontinued anytime soon. :)

  • Something my daughter made for me a couple years ago
  • I don't wanna speak for anyone else, but in my experience, viewing something that was made for you by someone you care deeply about makes it a special kind of special.

    Rather than just seeing it as "a drawing" or "an image", you start appreciating the various bits and parts of it, like the thought processes that went into certain creative decisions, or the way something was smudged that speaks to how they might've struggled and persevered through that portion of the thing that they made for you.

  • Skins

    Practicing skin colors. Added some tiger.

    A sticker for a friend

    A sticker I made for a Stitch-obsessed friend that works at a pharmacy to accompany her birthday gift package. Candies to keep it PG for the workplace. :)


    Haven’t done figure drawing in a long time so it feels real nice feeling out the musculature and inventing poses. ☺️

    Lockscreen WP

    Cleaned & resized an old sketch to use as my lockscreen wallpaper.

    Time to fuck up a new year!

    Thanks for giving me new art to look at and appreciate. Happy New Year, y'all! :)


    Practicing hard surface stuff.


    I don’t see myself working on this idea any further - at least in this incarnation. I did a rudimentary value pass for fun though.

    Groovy Disco and RnB Mix at a New York Basement Party

    Sometimes I like to put on music as I draw, and lately I’ve been enjoying these sets from Book Club Radio on YouTube! I started this intending for it to just be a short warmup, but I was having fun so I ended up sticking through the entire hour-long set.

    The people in the background are a composite of various party guests that either danced or walked by.

    The Set by DJ Tinzo

    Frogs like rain

    Someone suggested posting this here, so I thought I’d give it a shot! :)

    Cruelty-Free Bug Collecting

    A background prop from a personal project. A random assortment of miscellaneous insects off Google, but I had a lot of fun doing it. :)


    Comments &amp; constructive criticism welcome :)

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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