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  • Ooof imagine getting bodied by a Willy Wonka cosplayer yikes

  • What game would you consider as good as disco elysium
  • IMO, Disco Elysium is an example of a trend I wish more games would follow. The majority of games are focused on creating VAST worlds that are shallow as hell rather than something like DE that has a narrow scope, but has so much depth and reactivity to the player that it feels real and lived in.

    I think DE is alone in its specific micro-genre of RPG, the blend it offers hasn't been replicated before or since. There are many games that do parts of DE as well as or better (except for writing), but nothing that has the full package.

    As for COMMUNIST, none. Plenty of games have leftist themes if you analyze them (Mother, Red Faction Guerilla, hell Dark Souls/Bloodborne), but I can't think of another one that has such a firm grasp on theory and translates it into the game.

  • Cope
  • I'm sure that executive is still wealthy beyond most Mexicans' comprehension and they're still that much of a child about not getting their way. I know what will fix them though gulag

  • Americans have depleted their excess savings and are now depleting their credit lines as well. The percentage with delinquent credit card debt is approaching the peak at the end of the dotcom bubble.
  • I haven't gotten a raise in two years (despite getting a promotion) and my rent has gone up 70% in the past 4 years. I've been effectively priced out of ever owning a home where I live. All this to say my partner's chud dad is old and my partner has to manage some of his finances occasionally. Just one of his accounts made $500K so far this year. Our only chance at owning a home is to bank on a generational wealth transfer that could take a decade or more. It's a fucking joke.

  • Americans have depleted their excess savings and are now depleting their credit lines as well. The percentage with delinquent credit card debt is approaching the peak at the end of the dotcom bubble.
  • Which is wild because 75% of the top 50 of the highest grossing films of all time came out in the last decade. It's almost like the current ultra budget movie production cycle is unsustainable.

  • SHUT THE FUCK UP, and just fuck off already, holy shit
  • She should run again so I can watch her eat shit a third time. popcorn-time

  • The US gave up sending Ukraine Excalibur guided artillery shells costing $100,000 because they rarely hit their target, report says
  • I'm convinced like half of these arms contractor weapon systems that cost billions of dollars just wouldn't work in a near peer conflict.

  • "Keep getting your 3% every four years": Trump negs booing Libertarians at national party convention
  • I thought he was talking about annual corporate pity raises.

  • too real
  • My 30s are better than my 20s. The latter I spent in the wake of the 2008 crash moving from one underemployment situation to another.

  • Russia is producing artillery shells around three times faster than Ukraine's Western allies and for about a quarter of the cost
  • Couldn't be the result of the US backing a right-wing coup because they didn't like the outcome of an election. That would NEVER guaido-despair HAPPEN gulaged


  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • waow-based

  • Recommend me some 3DS games

    I finally managed to get my hands on a N3DSXL. I haven't played anything on the 3DS or DS so I'm looking for recommendations. I'm open to pretty much anything genre-wise.

    What are your faves !freeze-gamer

    invo_rt invo_rt [he/him]
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