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Is there some way to make Telepathy work with XMPP
  • is there any reason you don't want to use kaidan for XMPP instead?

  • How's your week been?
  • mortido really bad. i can't continue being unmedicated.

  • Hi everypony
  • i... may have misinterpreted something in the second half as doomguy having a black eye :/

  • Hi everypony
  • b.j. blazkowicz would never

  • Does this run Unix
  • where are the SOCKS

  • What's the story of your name?
  • i literally deleted the last 5 letters off my birth name. hoping to come up with something better soon, or maybe i'll stop worrying about the implications of calling myself samael...

  • How's your week been?
  • internet was only up maybe for 5% of the time since thursday. google sent in like the fourth tech this morning to replace the fiber coil a second time, it's almost 12 hours later so far so good.

    but it was a real fuckin' frustrating time being apart from my friends.

  • Locked Removed
    How's your week been?
  • apparently this happened last week too, who knows

  • How's your week been?
  • i don't remember the week, but my weekend started out fine with some unscheduled friend gaming hangouts but last night i had a huge anxiety attack and had to cancel a game (scheduled, that i host) and i just remembered i should've been playing pokémon rumble this entire time (it's rumble weekend, would've been my first but i can't stream it)

  • How's your week been?
  • i would certainly never turn up my nose at an oatmeal raisin cookie, so i will just say "correct".

  • How's your week been?
  • mainly i meant the "on paper" bit towards anyone with a particularly overblown hatred of men, which feels like a lot of people i know. i rebuke it.

    anyway i ate some raisin toast. i always forget about nausea from hunger.

  • How's your week been?
  • i only glanced at the threads on this situation but i'm glad to see the escape has worked/is working out. good tidings to the future.

  • How's your week been?
  • a concept of radical feminism, feminist separatism, believes in reshaping society to separate women from men. it may sound good on paper but so much falls in the margins beyond man and woman that i don't understand how the separation is supposed to be enforced. would i be accepted but misgendered, or would my identity be respected but i have to be ousted?

    i'm just so tired of being perceived as dangerous based on (part of) my gender.

  • How's your week been?
  • woke up to sepfem rhetoric being perpetuated by a prominent trans woman online and felt sick to my stomach so i guess i'm not eating today ✌️

  • NSFW
    Did your sexuality change after you came out? If so, how?
  • i was always bi/pan but with a preference for women, but i feel like coming into transmasc(-ish) genderqueerness made me somehow "gayer" for men than before.

  • Ended up in Gentoo Pipeline I guess?
  • may i ask where you got those sweet pentagram garters?

  • What thoughts/memories did you have before coming out, in hindsight, are big signs you were trans?
  • i had this whole argument with my mom when i was like, 5, because i didn't understand why i wasn't a boy. i preferred boy things, i should be a boy. she was very insistent i was a girl.

    my parents ended up divorcing not long after this but that was mainly prompted by mom fucking off for approximately six months.

  • Where to buy this pill case??
  • go back in time and try to obtain some very specific birth control pills...?

  • Do you plan to medically transition (or have you already)? Why or why not
  • i have actually looked into this before, and my state does not offer expanded medicaid, but thank you anyway

  • jahtnamas jahtnamas

    sam, 34, ♈🌞♑🌛♐⤴️, sie/hir||they/them, chaotic genderqueer demon and future bigenital androgyne, pansexual, polyam-curious, adhd+autistic, (invisibly) disabled, anarcho-socialist, former apple evangelist turned linux novice and android noob, romantic satanist and daemonolator

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    Comments 28