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Locked Hexbear Statement
  • Sure, but having fewer accounts is easier: that's the whole purpose of federation in the first place, isn't it?

    It's fine now, but I haven't been on Lemmy for that long, and I don't want to have to make a new account every few months to see a new instance.

  • Locked Hexbear Statement
  • Sure, I'm aware of idiots on the internet, but if we tried to avoid idiots on the site we wouldn't federate with anyone. is specifically billed as a "generic Lemmy server for everyone to use," I want the gates to be open fairly wide, that's why I'm here. Not for everyone, like I'm glad we defederated with exploding heads, but we still gave them a shot first and there was at least some more community discussion on it before that decision was made. That's what would make me feel a lot better about this.

  • Locked Hexbear Statement
  • I'm not really seeing it to be honest. That first bullet point there seems pretty clearly saying to their users to not be a problem so that they don't get defederated.

    I'm sure you can find someone calling to brigade such and such on there somewhere but they have over 20 thousand users total. That's a lot of people to rule out.

  • Locked Hexbear Statement
  • Well yeah, I already said I know that's the go-to if you don't like one instance. But I'd still like to be able to express my opinions before doing that. It's not that big a deal but I'd still ideally rather not, y'know?

  • Locked Hexbear Statement
  • That first bullet is saying "don't do stuff that's going to get us defederated" to their users, no? It's a bit tongue in cheek but I feel like it's not as aggressive as some people are describing. The whole server came from a subreddit that was very memey/shitpost.

  • Locked Hexbear Statement
  • The thing is that kind of example assumes that it is cancer. Which is something I'm not happy assuming yet, especially without discussion.

    Hexbear has over 20k users. I find it hard to believe they're all Russian trolls, or even that most of them are.

  • Locked Hexbear Statement
  • I'm gonna come out and say, even with the statement, I'm not in favor of preemptive defederation like this.

    I know the admins of an instance are hosting us basically out of the goodness of their own hearts, and I appreciate that. And I understand they can do whatever they want, and we can move to a different instance if we want. I get it.

    But I joined .world because I wanted a neutral instance that would connect with pretty much everyone unless they were particularly problematic. Could hexbear be particularly problematic? Sure, maybe. But I think there's a big difference between defederating in response to a problem and defederating in anticipation of a potential problem, especially since the users aren't given a chance to discuss it. Like, I know we're not technically entitled to give our input if we're not admins, but I think it would be nice, y'know?

    If it was just some small instance of trolls that's one thing, but hexbear is actually quite a big instance, so this is a very impactful decision. I don't like it being made preemptively behind the scenes like this.

  • Balancing my homebrew spell

    I couldn't find a dedicated c/unearthedarcana so I'm posting here. I've been creating a handful of homebrew spells to fit characters I'm playing. For this one I wanted to make a spell for my lighting storm-themed gish character that would also be a nice capstone spell for an Eldritch Knight in general. While there are some similar-ish spells I'm basing it off of, I wanted some feedback if it's balanced based on the damage numbers and amount of benefits for its spell level.

    Personal Lightning 4th-level evocation Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: Self Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

    You channel the energy of a fierce lightning storm within your body. You gain the following benefits until the spell ends:

    • Attacks you make deal an extra 1d6 lightning damage on a hit.
    • Your speed increases by 20 feet.
    • Your movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.
    • Your jump distance is tripled.

    As an action on your turn, you can dismiss this spell and cause a blast of electricity to erupt from you. Each creature within 20 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 lighting damage and 2d6 thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

    At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the thunder damage dealt by the blast increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 5th. Using a spell slot of 6th level or higher also causes you to gain a fly speed of 50 feet until the spell ends.


    Edit based on feedback: I'm getting a variety of responses, so I'm figuring out what exactly needs to be targeted for adjustment here. The blast option seems to be considered a bit strong since it's an additional mode to the other benefits. I can shrink the range and drop the damage a little. I don't want to nerf it too much though because it's still costing an action. Maybe drop it down to 15 foot radius and, what, 3 or 4 damage dice?

    In terms of the main mode of the spell, I want the spell to compare fairly overall with guardian of nature which is the same level. Guardian has two different modes that both give advantage on (pretty much) all of your attacks; with that in mind I'm considering if it's fair to up the damage dice from my spell to 1d8 per hit. Would that be fair, or am I underrating the other benefits of my spell here?

    Deck Sharing: Magus Lucea Kane

    Finally (mostly) finished upgrading my Tyranid precon with [[Magus Lucea Kane]], thought I'd show it off and see what people think!

    There are still a few good cards I'd like to pick up (I'm watching the price of the [[Finale of Devastation]] reprint) but it's performed very well so far. Lucea is a seriously powerful commander, shame [[The Swarmlord]] wasn't better though.

    Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • The slaves don't own capital because they are the capital!

    Nowhere in the definition of capitalism does it require that everyone owns capital; in fact it's much more the opposite.

  • Locked
    Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • Yup. If we're talking regulations then regulations on how much corporations can donate to politicians should be top of the list (and ideally that amount should be zero), but obviously both the politicians and the corporations like that donations are totally allowed, making it difficult to pass such things...

  • Locked
    Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • Regulations are indeed an important part of managing our system as it is, but they're fundamentally a bandaid to the problems of capitalism.

    You gotta catch the corporations doing a bad thing and then tell them not to do it, meanwhile they're buying politicians to fight against you on it. And it still doesn't stop them from committing actions that are horribly unethical and extremely damaging to our society and to the environment, they just tone it down a bit at best, or occasionally they'll have to put a small fraction of their money into a lawsuit without actually changing their behavior.

  • Locked
    Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • But the system also makes it so that when people act purely selfishly for money, that it results in good outcomes for everyone.

    Why do you think this??

    Look at all the constant environmental disasters and harmful products that happen because corporations did the math and determined that paying a few million to lawsuits every once in a while is cheaper than being more careful. "Voting with your wallet" does not work because the big corporations undercut the competition and bombard us with advertising to ensure they will win no matter what.

    Hell, most of us are on here because Reddit started doing scummy things in the name of money, and we're a tiny fraction of their userbase; Reddit is still unfortunately doing pretty much fine. Is that the best outcome for everyone?

    And don't forget that there are a lot of regulations passed in the last hundred years that were necessary because corporations were doing stuff like dumping so many chemicals into our waterways that rivers would constantly catch fire. This is what happens with unfettered capitalism.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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