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math is hard
  • This just comes down to the fact that "dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by the inverse of the fraction" is an easy rule to follow but not particularly intuitive. In natural language, when most people hear "divide by half" they're actually picturing "divide by two" in their head.

  • xkcd #2932: Driving PSA
  • Not every side street is worthy of building out a whole intersection for, or slowing down traffic for. Maybe if there actually is that much traffic turning left, but I suspect if that were the case it's likely at very specific times of day. And what, are you going to restrict cars off the side street to turning right and then making a u-turn? That's not better, especially if it's a long way to the next intersection.

    This is just a common as dirt configuration, especially in rural areas. I don't find it remarkable at all.

  • xkcd #2932: Driving PSA
  • Ugh, I hate this. I don't care about waiting. As a cyclist, all I want is for it to be really clear what people are doing. Anything that messes with the right of way is sketchy.

  • Jack Dorsey claims Bluesky is 'repeating all the mistakes' he made at Twitter Jack Dorsey claims Bluesky is 'repeating all the mistakes' he made at Twitter

    Just in case there was any doubt about how Jack Dorsey really feels about Bluesky, the former Twitter CEO has offered new details on why he left the board and deleted his account.

    Jack Dorsey claims Bluesky is 'repeating all the mistakes' he made at Twitter

    Does not make me sad he's gone, tbh.

    Nintendo Support: Discontinuation of X (formerly Twitter) Integration and Social Media Integration for the Friend Suggestions Feature on Nintendo Switch
  • On the one hand I'm sure this is just because they're not paying for api access, and it's not Nintendo's fault that Twitter started charging for it. On the other hand, the user experience for sharing screenshots is terrible. I've never been able to get the QR thing working on my phone. Your entire screenshot gallery should be available to you on the web, period. And I will note that Sony's experience is only just barely better than nintendo's, and only very recently too.

  • Any fast way to block a user's whole instance?

    Been noticing a spammer who set up their own instance and can't see a fast way to just block the whole instance, either from the user menu, or from navigating to the instance. I may just be missing it.

    Is there any way to not show posts from NSFW communities?

    I'm wondering if I'm just missing how to do this. I don't want to see posts from porn communities when I'm browsing sync in public. I'm OK with blurred NSFW posts from communities which are not marked NSFW. I would really prefer not to have to filter out every single one manually.

    key chain?

    Any recs on a BIFL key chain? Those rings always get bent over time, looking for something sturdy. Might just be a flaw in the design because if you can bend it enough to get a key on, you can probably bend it out of shape over time.

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