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Es ist Freitag #Freitagsfliege 174
  • Bran hat nicht so eine lange Zugangsbrücke - mich hatte es deshalb erst an Castelul Corvinilor erinnert, aber da passt der Turm nicht :O

  • „Lass dich überwachen“: EU-Rat will sich auf Chatkontrolle mit Zustimmung der Nutzer einigen
  • Können die nicht einfach mal mit dem Blödsinn aufhören? -.-

  • Warum fühlen sich Distanzen mit dem Rad so unterschiedlich an (Land/ Stadt)?
  • Sehr oft sogar schneller, weil man an Stau und Co einfach vorbei fahren kann und nicht großartig nach nem Parkplatz suchen muss.

  • Are you running a Tor Relay?
  • Snowflake acts as an entry point. A lot of official TOR entry nodes are blacklisted in some contries. Since Snowflake can run basically behind any IP anywhere where a browser is, it is hard to block them. In that way users in suppressed countries can still access the TOR network through Snowflake but the official entry nodes.

  • Are you running a Tor Relay?
  • This is what I did on a Raspberry since snowflake can run as a normal service without a browser, too. The Raspberry then runs 24/7 and I don't have to care if my browser is running.

  • Netzsperre für Wissenschaft: Größte deutsche Provider blockieren Sci-Hub
  • Direkt bei der Quelle. 😎

    Könnte die neue Gulli-Toplist werden. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Google was ordered to identify people who watched certain YouTube videos. Privacy experts say the orders are unconstitutional.
  • But one has to be careful when using Invidious since the browser gets the video feed directly from Youtube/Google unless it is proxied or a VPN/Tor is used.

  • [KDE] Think Essentially
  • What is the dock on the left?

  • Fotos von Einkaufslisten für Kunstprojekt - Danke für eure Hilfe
  • Reicht das (Wenn man es denn lesen kann...:O)? Hab noch mehr davon - ein ganzes Büchlein voll.

  • Time to restore from a backup, I guess
  • Interesting. On which distro? I don't have this problem on Fedora. Here the update check is disabled by default.

  • Großteil des Fediverse wohl bei Hetzner gehostet (
  • Wobei bei E-Mail auch immer mehr hinter Google und Microsoft verschwindet.

  • Removed
    Best tips and tricks for commuting by commuters - 1 tip per comment
  • Thank you! It is extremely difficult to estimate direction, speed and distance with blinking lights than with steady ones.

  • Attack against postfix allows sending of spoofed mail

    FYI: Postfix has currently an unpatched vulnerability which allows sending of spoofed mail:

    A fix is currently not available but to have peaceful holidays one should have these lines in the configuration as a workaround: smtpd_data_restrictions = reject_unauth_pipelining smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords = chunking

    Was ist das älteste Gerät, das ihr noch im regulären Einsatz habt?
  • Grundig Satellit 3400 Professional aus um 1980 - wird auch jeden Tag zum Radio hören benutzt.

  • GNOME Merge Requests Opened That Would Drop X.Org Session Support
  • Autotype for password managers. I don't only have passwords which I use in my browser for which the plugin is fine. But other apps require autotype. And copy & paste can't be the solution for this missing feature.

  • KeepassXC: How to get Auto-Type working in KDE Wayland
  • Not having autotype is for me the reason not to switch to Wayland, too. I don't only have passwords for websites stored in KeepassXC - otherwise it wouldn't be a problem with the Firefox addon. Copy & paste of passwords into e.g. the console can't be better security. I wouldn't mind if autotype would work in general and one has to choose the corresponding entry manually without automatic matching to the current window. But even autotype into the last active window doesn't work.

  • johnassel johnassel
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    Comments 17