jonne @ jonne Posts 1Comments 3,894Joined 2 yr. ago
Ah, the old Winamp gambit.
There's a bunch of forks of it that are basically the same. Not sure how it works with fediverse stuff.
The codebase is old, like mostly procedural PHP. It's got a long history of security issues, and is just a pain to work with. And it's run by a megalomaniac who doesn't seem to understand what running an open source project is about.
There's probably stuff they could do, but not the filibuster. I mean, they could use the filibuster on every other thing in the senate, and they definitely should do that. I'm definitely not interested in making excuses for them.
They definitely do have leverage that they're not using.
How? It's in the house now. The senate isn't doing anything. Typically the house comes up with a bill, the senate comes up with a slightly different bill, then in reconciliation they work out a compromise and vote on that.
Man is on a mission to destroy WordPress and I'm here for it.
If needed they'll probably do that, yeah.
Yeah, he thinks of everything in terms of real estate value. Like the way he talked about Gaza, as if the people of Gaza are incapable of building stuff themselves if they hadn't been under a blockade for almost a century.
Sodomy was illegal in most of the allied countries as well, not just Nazi Germany.
Nobody will care about whose fault it is because Republican voters get their news from partisan media. If they're told it's the Democrats' fault, they'll believe it. A simpler message has a better chance of breaking through: "Republicans have a majority everywhere and still shut down the government because they can't govern."
If you get involved at all with their games, you're just starting a back and forth about specific amendments that will just make things so murky even people that follow the news won't even understand by the end.
If you are going to go with amendments, just have simple demands that are universally popular (stuff like: fire Musk, stop the tariffs, ...).
The filibuster conveniently doesn't apply to budget reconciliation and appointments, the only 2 things the Republicans actually care about. They should've always pushed to get rid of it, because the Republican agenda has always been both economic, and stacking the courts in order to enable the executive to ignore Congress.
She was supposed to stop her daughter from marrying a guy she presumably loves? That doesn't sound very DEI.
I thought it was delayed for political reasons by Biden? Is he somehow still in power 2 months into the Trump presidency? I'm starting to think this Musk guy might not always be truthful when he says things.
They could've started with anti cheat on the server side first. Characters were teleporting, money was appearing out of thin air, people were invulnerable, etc. Basic shit that doesn't need any client side changes.
And yeah, being able to run your own servers would be preferable.
They locked me out of GTA online when they added battleeye and didn't make it work on Linux. GTA O was shit anyway, everyone was hacking or griefing.
I'm sure he's vaccinated.
It was free if you already owned the game. Honestly not sure why people are complaining.
Yep, it's been the same pattern for a decade now.
Yeah, they'll add dental, hearing and vision to Medicare, but in turn they'll make sure it only covers like one guy. If this ever gets through (which it won't) it's going to be some real monkey's paw type shit.