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The Alps, hand-drawn in Tolkien's style
  • It would be so cool to be able to generate these with AI models from OSM data. I did some experiments with Stable Diffusion and they turned out okay, but you have to decide between accuracy and style.

  • Alternative to Minio ?
  • Yes, in the sense that you are responsible to update the Docker container and often this can lead to vulnerable containers. No, in the sense that it is much easier to scan for dependencies inside a Docker container and identify vulnerabilities. Also most containers are based on Linux distribution, so those distribute the security fixes for specific libraries. All you have to is update the base image.

  • Alternative to Minio ?
  • Dependency-free doesnt mean they dont have dependencies. Its just that they bundle them all in the executable. When there is a security vulnerability in a library on your Linux system the vendor of your distribution (Canonical, Redhat, SUSE) takes care that it is fixed. All dependent software and libraries are then fixed as well. All I say? Not the ones which have been bundled in the executable. First they need to find out that you are affected and then the maintainer has to update the dependency manually. Often they can only do this after there has been a coordinated release of the fix by the major distributors, which can leave you vulnerable no matter how fast the maintainer is. This is the way it is in Windows. (This was a short summary)

  • What is your favorite Open Source Game on Steam Deck?
  • Definitely Widelands! It captures the heart of settlers 2 while also extending it in ways that were really needed to make it even more enjoyable. Also with the right controller layout it plays very ergonomically. (Use a trigger to switch to map scrolling via the touchpads)

  • What's a good budget home server?
  • Are you just starting out? I got started with home labbing with a Raspberry Pi 2B (1GB RAM!) and an external HDD I had lying around. I host Yarr, Navidrome, backups and a dashboard app Ive written on there and I am quite satisfied. I would really recommend starting small with hardware you already have and then buy new hardware as you go along. I am also using Tailscale. With this you can get your initial setup up and running in a day and save money if it turns out home labbing isnt for you or you dont really need the hardware.

  • Tesla to bring electric semi truck production to Gigafactory Berlin
  • Freight volume especially for a heavier electric truck is very important, because it is already limited by freight mass. There are already electric trucks for example by MAN on the EU market and the response seems pretty good. Not so much hype as everything Tesla does, though.

  • Pizza Rule
  • I once taught private lessons in math on calculating the area of a circle and I wanted to show the students how much cheaper per area a larger pizza is. So we of course got the diameters of pizzas from their favorite restaurant and started calculating. Then we found out that the normal sized pizza was actually the cheapest per area. It wasn‘t quite what we expected, but a very good math lesson for the attendees nonetheless: The owner lost money, because they were bad at maths.

  • I thought this was a masterfully written work of satire until I noticed it was from The Spectator.
  • Generally I don‘t like when people say „I am a fan of this person“ which for me always implies the whole person and everything they stand for and also say in the future. Why not be more specific? I like Jordan Peterson‘s shirt is totally reasonable if he wears a nice shirt. Same might go for some of his arguments at some point in time (I don‘t know much of the guy). But why give unconditional approval?

  • Amazon’s Climate Pledge Was a Lie
  • Growth has always been the biggest stopper for reducing environmental impact. Unfortunately there are a lot of countries which still want/need to grow their economy in order to have similar living standards as in Europe or North America. What Amazon demonstrated here is that it is possible to do this growth (9%) without increasing the carbon footprint (-0.4%). This unfortunately is not what everyone wants to read (including myself), but it is bitter truth of our global economy. (I know that this is a oversimplification and our planet does not care)

    What's debatable is that they don't count the environmental impact of other companies products and their clients. I would argue it is more sensible to criticize these companies directly and may be let Amazon force them to publish the environmental impact on the product page. Of course if Amazon would care more about the environment than their bottom line they would act differently, but I don’t believe that…

    Whats the worst is that they are destroying perfectly fine products. This is unacceptable and should be forbidden by law. Additionally they should get sued by the government for doing this thinking it was okay.

  • Anyone knows a good lightweight self-hosted alternative to GitHub?
  • Well thats what backups are for, but may be start with a mirror or with unimportant stuff for at least a year ;) Also proprietary service can delete your data, too. This happens especially when you are using the generous free tier and they decide to make more money. See Evernote, Gitlab, Heroku…

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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