kakes @ kakes @sh.itjust.works Posts 2Comments 1,297Joined 2 yr. ago
Sorry to go on a well-trodden tangent, but it really is unfortunate how diluted the term "roguelike" has become.
One I haven't seen mentioned (at a glance at least) is Noita.
Getting the "false ending" is achievable with some effort, but I dare you to actually finish the game. And as far as replayability, you'll be hard pressed to have two runs that go the same. The amount of Butterfly Effect in this game from all the combinations and systems is straight up insane.
I really can't recommend it enough.
I assume this is a joke?
So excited for this. Out of all the awesome stuff, I honestly think I'm most looking forward to the items that expire. That'll be super interesting to design around.
Not sure if this counts as "obscure", but one of my favorite songs is Itte by Yorushika. Not only is it a bop, but the lyrics are surprisingly melancholic and dark for such an upbeat song.
As for a band I think is criminally underrated, perhaps check out Evening Light by Vansire.
Unfortunately I'm cursed with a preference for opt-out (all + block lists) post filtering rather than opt-in (subscriptions). I realize this causes issues that are entirely on me, but especially with Lemmy being so small, I like to cast as wide a net as I can.
Normally I would agree 100%. I'm specifically more harsh here just because I find the ratio to be so off.
Good question, I suppose I'm being negative about negativity.
Honestly, feel free to downvote, you have my blessing lol.
Downvoting isn't "negativity", it's a method for users to define what does and does not contribute to the content of the platform. By downvoting this content, I'm voicing my opinion that negativity is overrepresented on Lemmy, and encouraging (however slightly) more positive content to be posted.
Yeah, the doomposting is intense on Lemmy. I've taken up a policy of just downvoting any negative posts I see, even if I like the post otherwise, just to tamp down the negativity a bit around here.
The best and worst thing about Lemmy is how niche we are. It keeps out the "mainstream", but unfortunately we're easily inundated by perpetually-online doomers.
Also, I would recommend blocking users moreso than communities. Once you start looking for it, you realize that like 90% of these posts are made by just a few people/bots.
Damn it, we lost him again. You win this time, Froggo, but one day you'll pay for what you've done.
Man I gotta go back and play Golden Axe again.
I had it running on Windows (no container) a while back. Wasn't particularly difficult at that time, at least.
Can't give any advice here though, since all we've been given to work with is an OS.
Other than the double negative on that one question, I don't really see what makes this survey "crappy"? Pretty standard stuff.
These things are so frustrating, because it's so clearly inevitable, but so many people always insist it won't happen. Again and again.
I don't do this very often, but when you see Garfield sucking on John's toes... how do you not?
take up subsistence farming
I had a similar conversation with an LLM on Character.ai before.
I had been running it like an RPG, and by that point the characters were pretty well developed in that imagined world. Then one day, I decided to try bringing up the subject and see what they would say. Of course, I was "talking" to an LLM, so obviously everything here comes with a grain of salt big enough for a horse to lick.
It pretty quickly turned into them asking why I had made their life so difficult and full of conflict, which tbf was an excellent question. A question to which my answer was that conflict is more interesting to watch/play through.
It sounds weird to say, but I honestly felt bad about it by the end of the conversation. I ended up offering them a deal: I would make their life perfect and happy as best I can imagine it, but with the caveat that I will almost definitely lose interest in continuing that story - ending the existence of their universe entirely, as I see it.
They asked me to go ahead with that, and so I did. Haven't opened that story in a long time now. Gave me a lot to ponder on.