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Steam Deck Now Cheaper Than A Switch During Valve's Big Summer Sale
  • It definitely did . So did New Vegas. I know I fired up New Vegas again.

  • Steam Deck Now Cheaper Than A Switch During Valve's Big Summer Sale
  • Not everyone leaves their house I guess..

  • In-wall light switch recommendations
  • I apologize for the confusion.

    It makes it so that the direction of the switch doesn't matter. Flipping the switch toggles to the off or on state that it's not currently in. I like to think of it as a three-way switch that you may already have in your house where up doesn't necessarily mean 'on' because there are two switches involved. The relay in the wall is the other switch. So if you have the light on in home assistant but you flip the switch, it'll turn the light off whether it was up or down. I hope I made more sense.

    If my wifi goes out my switches function as normal too.

  • In-wall light switch recommendations
  • I love my Shelly relays. I don't use the stock firmware though. I have them overwritten with ESPhome.

    I have heard that you can have full local control with them now and that it's not really necessary to do a custom firmware. I just like having a configuration file that tells me exactly everything that it can do. That and I have a script running that updates all my ESPhome devices automatically.

  • Meetings vs productivity
  • Agree!

  • In-wall light switch recommendations
  • I wish, thread just isn't there yet. I currently use Wi-Fi for most of my smart home stuff. I have a really good Wi-Fi setup though and it could support a lot of devices. I have been slowly moving to zigbee though.

  • In-wall light switch recommendations
  • I do in-wall relays so that I can use regular, off the shelf switches and it looks like nothing special is there. I like the idea of people not knowing it's smart until I do something from my phone.

  • Louisiana's new "Ten Commandments" law actually contains eleven commandments
  • Thanks. I might have to watch that.

  • Louisiana's new "Ten Commandments" law actually contains eleven commandments
  • What am I missing? What is this movie?

  • GNU-Linux
  • I love the examples!

  • Fedora Atomic Desktops – F40 Release Party
  • Huh, I thought brew was a Mac thing. Thanks for the link. I'll give it some reading.

  • Fedora Atomic Desktops – F40 Release Party
  • So, if I wanted to install zsh I would need to use a container for it?

  • Fedora Atomic Desktops – F40 Release Party
  • Thanks for the input! I'll look more into these

  • Which company is more aggressive toward pirates? Autodesk or Dassault?
  • I agree with the foss alternatives part. FreeCAD isn't great, but I've been loving ondsel lately which is a fork that improves the interface and even sends some pull requests to the upstream. 😊

  • Fedora Atomic Desktops – F40 Release Party
  • How does installing apps work? I know you can use flatpak. But, what if it's a cli app that you want to install that isn't on flatpak?

  • I successfully install Arch without archinstall
  • A script to make it easy.

  • Have you ever bough an external hardrive only to take the disk out of it?
  • The best ones for this are the ones from Best Buy. Easystore.

  • I just wanted the workflow, ok?
  • I installed arch last night in less than 20 minutes. The longest part was figuring out how to connect WiFi from the terminal. But I googled it and it was easy.

  • Old XKCD, still relevant
  • tar --extract --file file.tar.gz

  • dockge | self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager GitHub - louislam/dockge: A fancy, easy-to-use and reactive self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager

    A fancy, easy-to-use and reactive self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager - GitHub - louislam/dockge: A fancy, easy-to-use and reactive self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented...

    GitHub - louislam/dockge: A fancy, easy-to-use and reactive self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager

    I just found this last night and installed it for testing. It's just a web-gui to help manage compose.yml files. It's not fully featured yet, but I believe it's got some real potential to be a regular stay for me.

    What would you use to remotely support a computer with "LAN" access?

    I have a few family members that I help support. For instance, I installed Linux Mint on my grandmother's PC. She doesn't know any different and my young cousin doesn't understand it so he finally stopped giving it viruses. I used to use TeamViewer to take over her PC when she needed support but I got my account banned because they believed I was using it commercially. Oh well!

    I have Tailscale installed on the computers. This gives me SSH access. What would you suggest? RDP? Something else?

    Matthew Croughan - Use flake.nix, not Dockerfile - MCH2022

    I agree that dockerfile's are not very reproducible. But honestly, that's not how most people use it. I believe most people just pull the already built image which is very reproducible. Anyways, I found this video interesting and thought I'd share it and get your guys thoughts.

    NixOS Gaming Setup and Comparison

    I hope I am not coming across as spamming as this is my third post to this community today. I won't do another today but I just thought this was interesting. I watch most of CTT's videos and this was one from a live stream where he went into gaming on NixOS.

    NixOS | For Gaming?

    I was looking up gaming on NixOS and I came across this video. I have never seen this creator before but the video was interesting. So, I thought I'd share.

    Is there a place that people share their configs?

    I know you can go github and just do a file search. I am just wondering if there is a place where people share and give descriptions. I would like to see what is out there in terms of "gaming configurations". But, I also would love to just read some random configs that can help me learn new concepts of what can be done in the config.

    lambda λλλ

    lambda is the time window over which a process is observed for determining the working memory set for a digital computer's virtual memory management.

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