I was once checking out Garuda, because the name popped up a handful of times. Outside of the absolutely repulsive front page, the moment i saw unmarked and unexplained “fun scripts” in the installer, i unplugged the installer
I installed arch last night in less than 20 minutes. The longest part was figuring out how to connect WiFi from the terminal. But I googled it and it was easy.
I'm installing Debian next time. Arch is OK but it breaks too often and keeping everything working in an Arch installation is a full time job. Void Linux is like Arch but more stable. Voids weakness is that some of the underlying libraries are different (something about multilib and glibc I think) and there are certain Linux programs that can never run in void and you can't get them. Monodevelop and virtual box for example. I might have to switch to something else soon just because I need this stuff. (yes I know about qemu and bochs, yes I know about compiling basic c# programs via the command line, and all of that is unsuitable for my use case). Void seems to be a great choice as long as you don't need to use Monodevelop or virtualbox though. It's great at gaming once you switch to x11.
There's a good chance Debian will have a harder time playing steam games due to older mesa drivers or something but it might be a necessary tradeoff.
Edit: also, WTF is the font situation in Void Linux? Half my webpages are have some shitty font front the 90s instead of whatever the normal font is and most of my pdfs look weird and can't be printed because of it. I have just about every single thing in Void repository with the word "font" installed yet I still have to get out my Ubuntu laptop every time I want to print a pdf.
We all have different definitions of "working system". I call a first time boot into alpine linux (after installing docs and ditching busybox) or openbsd a fully working system.