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Twitch will now let streamers simultaneously stream on any service they want
  • I know Critical Role didn't have that rule in their contract, especially since they bring so much to the platform.

  • Deleted
    What are some good/useful software that you use that aren't well known/talked about?
  • Highly recommend Revo. It does such a fantastic job and it's great because it helps you clean out the left over files, so if you're not as tech-savvy (or you are, you just don't know how to or where to remove files/folders) it does a great job!

  • Don't ask
  • Yo my condolences about that! That's never okay! I hope you drink water and take breaks ✌🏻 your mental health is important too!

  • Don't ask
  • Ugh, yeah, not excited. Especially since I have to be in the city for something a week beforehand. So those cookers are going to be out and loud.

  • They never admit they were just wrong
  • My ex-stepdad was (supposedly from his mouth but I went no contact with him once he left) a huge conspiracy theory person. Vaccines cause Autism, Alex Jones was a huge presence in my house, anti-anything left of centre. Funny thing is, he's Canadian. But when he spoke to my mum about something she had contacted him about, he mentioned to her how the last lockdown at the time was what did it for him. And now he's "supposedly" not a massive conspiracy theorist nut job. So what I'm trying to say is, yes, I agree, we need mental health professionals working with these people. Because if I can go off my ex-stepdad and his problems, then I'm sure there's a large majority of these dickheads who are probably of similar or worse mental health.

  • Don't ask
  • The Australians: About First Nations.

  • They never admit they were just wrong
  • Tell me about it... They shit me up the walls.

    Now they have their "say no to the voice" rally with actual literal Nazi's. I mean conspiracy theory territory can get alt-right very quickly but to have actual Nazi's at your rally... You fucked up.

  • there is Indeed a problem
  • While I do rant about jobseeking, I do appreciate the job provider I'm with (since I'm still in the probation period of this job). Like a previous one I was in honestly made me suicidal because of the things I had to do. And while my current provider still sucks (I am disabled and find walking tough, but they expected people to come back into the office, I couldn't even do like one week phone call, one week go in like I was doing), but they make me less suicidal. That and they do offer things to me, like vouchers for ubers to work and they're covering 3 driving lessons (haven't had a lesson since way before the pandemic).

    So yeah, being on Jobseeker is such a poverty trap. It's made to feel like hell on Earth.

  • there is Indeed a problem
  • One of the additional things that sucks is here in Australia if you're unemployed and/or disabled you can sign up for Centrelink and do Job searching there. But it is just terrible, because not only do you have to look for a certain number of jobs (I think abled-bodied people can do 20 jobs per month, whereas I got to apply for 12 due to disability), but every 2 weeks you have to go in and spend maybe 10minutes or more traveling to the jobseeker place and tell them "no I haven't heard back from anyone, yes I've applied for jobs, etc".

    On top of that, if you're disabled you'll get fucked over because you can't work, you know you can't work, but Centrelink refuses to put you on the National Disability Scheme because you're not disabled enough (people who have missing limbs have been told that their missing limb will grow back, or you'll grow out of it. Some disabilities aren't even on it, like ADHD isn't considered a disability and only "high functioning autism" is allowed). But you can be a part of the Disability Employment Scheme (DES) where you still have to apply for jobs, but not as much, but you get some benefits over being a regular Jobseeker.

    Generally, the whole thing fucking stinks and I'm so thankful that I'm finally out of it. That and the fact that those receiving Jobseeker payments are being paid below the poverty line because the government refuses to put it up.

    I just, ugh. Job seeking sucks, especially when businesses ask for 50million years of experience but it's entry level. Or the fact to get experience you need to work in this field but to get in this field you need experience. Ugh.

  • Whats your favorite free open source software that everyone should try?
  • Yeah I've been a uTorrent person for years, but I think two years ago or so I just went "fuck it!" Because the constant ads (and also horny af ads) were doing my head in. So highly recommend Qbittorrent.

  • How children of CEOs or parents who went to university perform better at school
  • Yep. Similar, not exactly the same but dad went to a technical school and entered into a trade of sorts, and mum dropped out due to moving a lot and education being different (like she'd learn things she already knew but then didn't learn stuff that the other kids knew). And education was really important to them, especially because I struggled a lot. I got diagnosed with auditory processing disorder at like 10 but lived with undiagnosed ADHD until like two years ago or so.

    But I went to public school for all of my years. Ended up having to go to Tafe for a few years until I was a mature student (didn't get the atar I needed) and got into uni with the degree I wanted. And now I'm the first person in my family to have a uni degree. And while it's great that I could still go and not worry about paying everything up front, it's still going to worry me for when or if I have to eventually pay off that debt.

    Especially since I want to get a master's in my field of learning (and eventual PhD but that's because hardly anywhere recognises Mx as a title). But yeah it's tough.

  • It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore
  • It's great that they have that. But man it got abused so easily, and it felt kind of silly that you could actually block it. I remember getting it after saying the most middest of takes.

  • It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore
  • I mean like you take a photo with your rear camera and once that's taken it'll load up your front camera to take a photo but you can move it so it doesn't take a photo of you. Kind of like a countdown timer.

  • Already cracked
  • Yeah I have Game Pass so I was pretty keen to play the early access but when I found out it was $170, just to play 5 days earlier? No fucking thank you.

    I'm spending that money on an SSD because my partner bought the deluxe version and running it on my computer is arse. My computer isn't even that bad!

  • Already cracked
  • Yep big fan is Mass Effect here and I will FOREVER be mad at the Day one DLC for Javik. I finally got him in Legendary Edition and oh my God, he is so essential to so many stories, especially Thesia mission. Like holy shit!

    I think the start of Mass Effects 3 they change it based off of if you played the DLC of Arrival. Because from my understanding, Shepard is in jail because they work with Cerberus, whereas if you have the DLC it's because of the Batarians.

  • It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore
  • God yeah Tumblr is so frustrating now. Like I get that a site needs to make money and I'm not even opposed to the gimmicks they have. But changing the look of it (which has been changed before but at least it made sense a lot of the time) to what is essentially a clone of Twitter. It's frustrating to see a site I love so much, decide to kill itself and for what?

    That and also the fact that they allow racism, transphobia, homophobia to fester. You'd think that a site that is pretty popular with the LGBTQIA+ crowd, they sure like to keep people around who would harm us.

  • It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore
  • Yeah look I don't get slurs thrown at me or people abusing the "send help" button. So that's a bonus.

  • It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore
  • You don't actually have to take a photo of yourself. If you're quick enough you can just move the front facing camera to take a photo of the ceiling.

    That's what I do on days I don't want to take a photo of myself.

  • Google is now moderating user's bookmarks and removing them.
  • I went from chrome to Firefox and while there is a slight learning curve (like private browsing is ctrl + shift + P instead of Chrome's ctrl + shift + n?) But I've been having a great time with it.

  • What's your pet peeve in your favorite video game?
  • Yeah I've never understood how people can see it as the best game of the series. It just always felt like I was building up to what 3 was going to be.

    To be fair, I think the upgraded mechanics and the character storylines are neat as (and the fact that I can romance Garrus 😍😍😍), but yeah I've never really understood why it was seen as the best in the series.

    Could be that that's the first game a lot of people played? ME1 was my first game and it'll always have a special place in my heart. I think people just muddy it up because of the Mako.

  • landsharkkidd landsharkkidd

    I'm just a boy, standing in front of a statue of Steve Rogers, asking it to love them.

    they/them, ask me for comic recs. Uh... yeah. Have a great day.

    You can find me elsewhere here:

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