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R.I.P. Sean Bean
  • This is not funny......

  • Where does Lemmy fit in the life cycle of a meme?
  • I would say right after reddit. So many reposts on Lemmy from reddit.

  • NSFW
    Pale ass and a panda phone
  • Name?

  • Would you consider the anonymous sale of nudes cheating?
  • Not cheating, but without her knowledge or permission it just kind of makes you a piece of shit

  • Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says empathy isn't a soft skill — it's actually 'the hardest skill we learn'
  • 2023, took away annual inflation raise for the entire company during one of the worst years for inflation. Went to the board of directors and got himself a huge increase in his salary.

  • The Google Pixel 8 is official with 7 years of updates
  • The Pixel 5 was perfect imo. Small size and reasonable battery.

    I recently replaced the battery and also flashed LineageOS. Just like new 😁

  • The boiling frog of digital freedom
  • I smell a lot of .onions in my future

  • Invasion Season 2 general discussion question

    Is it just me or does season 2 seem like a completely different show? I just binge-watched the first season and found it to be serious, grey, deep and very character driven.

    Just started season 2 and it feels like something that got disneyfied and dumbed down.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • She was one of the OG example precursors to people rising the power like Marjorie Taylor green

  • What band, artist, or song do you enjoy listening to that is widely disliked?
  • What!? Mmm Mmm Mmm is a great song! Who says it's not!? Give me their name, number and address.

  • What's the consensus on AdGuard?
  • I have been a long term user of AG Home. My only complaint is some streaming services. We have YouTube TV and the audio gets out of sync sometimes....can confirm it was in fact AG but I guess it could be the older Pi I was running it on.

  • Which news apps do you use?

    I use Flipboard for most everything but getting sick of the ads

    What happened to the main Piracy community
  • My instance is waiting for you

  • What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • Too true but keep in mind lemmy isn't supposed to be a replacement. Reddit hoppers want it to be.

  • The Catcher in the Rye - J. D. Salinger Goodreads

    Discover and share books you love on Goodreads.


    I've always been drawn to 'The Catcher in the Rye' because it resonates with the raw, unfiltered emotions of adolescence. Holden Caulfield's rebellious spirit and disdain for phoniness capture the essence of youthful defiance. The novel's straightforward prose and genuine portrayal of teenage disillusionment make it a timeless read that speaks to me every time.

    "I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. "

    [ArtOfTheStory](/c/ Uniting literature lovers and art enthusiasts through book-inspired visuals.

    ArtOfTheStory, the crossroads where literature meets visual art. This space is dedicated to the appreciation and exploration of book-related artworks, be they captivating cover designs, immersive illustrations, detailed maps, or heartfelt fan art. If it’s an artist’s rendition of the arid landscapes of Frank Herbert’s Dune, a finely crafted map from Tolkien’s Middle Earth, or a striking cover from a lesser-known novel, we welcome all artistic expressions that breathe life into the stories we love.

    When you notice Lemmy is quieter than usual, then have a look at the status
  • Getting attached to any account is not recommended. Hopefully most are pretty set but I know personally if I was too run into financial trouble I would shut it down. Bigger instances do get some amount of patrons who donate to them.

  • When you notice Lemmy is quieter than usual, then have a look at the status
  • Right, and thats the issue. I host an instance but we only have a few users. Our instance does run very very well though because we don't get a ton of user traffic.

  • When you notice Lemmy is quieter than usual, then have a look at the status
  • Currently no, there isn't a way to see that granular of detail. On my instance I have details about any defederated (blocked) instances. Currently there are none.

    But there are pros and cons of joining smaller server. Since mine is small we don't see a large list of communities, I make a point to go through and subscribe to a bunch everyday so my users can get the best experience. But without others doing some of the leg work it can be challenging. Bigger instances like have "seeded" with communities all over because of their large user base. Not only does have a ton of communities but their users have subscribed to communities outside the instance making it discoverable to others.

  • When you notice Lemmy is quieter than usual, then have a look at the status
  • This is why we need users to spread to more servers and create communities in them. If goes down that shouldn't result in half of lemmyhub disappearing.

  • July 22, 1933: Wiley Post becomes the first person to fly solo around the world, completing the journey in 7 days, 18 hours, and 49 minutes. July 22, 1933: Wiley Post Flies Around the World Alone

    1933: Pilot Wiley Post returns to Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn, New York, 7 days, 18 hours, 49 minutes after leaving. Aided by new technology, his flight is the first solo circumnavigation by air, and it’s also the fastest-ever around-the-world-trip. Born in Texas, Post wanted to be a pilot after...

    July 22, 1933: Wiley Post Flies Around the World Alone
    Hotel Del Salto is a former luxurious hotel, located on cliffs which face the Tequendama Falls on the Bogotá River, in San Antonio del Tequendama, Colombia. Hotel Del Salto | | Alluring World

    Hotel Del Salto is a former luxurious hotel, located on cliffs which face the Tequendama Falls on the Bogotá River, in San Antonio del Tequendama, Colombia. At the beginning, in 1923, the building was constructed as a mansion by the architect called Carlos Arturo Tapias, not just as a symbol of the ...

    Hotel Del Salto | | Alluring World
    July 20th, 1969: Humans walk on the moon for the first time as part of NASA's Apollo 11 mission. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first and second person to walk on the moon. 20 July 1969

    Summer 2003, Vol. 35, No. 2 By Bruce I. Bustard Enlarge Buzz Aldrin on the Moon, July 20, 1969. View in National Archives Catalog "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for all mankind." — Astronaut Neil Armstrong's words as he made his first step onto the surface of the Moon July 20, 1969...

    [ArtOfTheStory](/c/ Uniting literature lovers and art enthusiasts through book-inspired visuals.

    ArtOfTheStory, the crossroads where literature meets visual art. This space is dedicated to the appreciation and exploration of book-related artworks, be they captivating cover designs, immersive illustrations, detailed maps, or heartfelt fan art. If it’s an artist’s rendition of the arid landscapes of Frank Herbert’s Dune, a finely crafted map from Tolkien’s Middle Earth, or a striking cover from a lesser-known novel, we welcome all artistic expressions that breathe life into the stories we love.

    City Methodist Church is located in the heart of Gary, Indiana Abandoned City Methodist Church Gary Indiana | FREAKTOGRAPHY

    The abandoned City Methodist Church is located in the heart of Gary, Indiana. This was once the largest Methodist church in the Midwest.

    Abandoned City Methodist Church Gary Indiana | FREAKTOGRAPHY
    Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card Goodreads

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    Set in a future where humanity is at war with an alien species, the story follows a young boy named Ender Wiggin as he trains in a battle school to become a military genius. It delves into themes of war, leadership, and morality.

    This book is a light read but if you enjoy it there is an expanded series. Its perfectly fine as a standalone novel itself.

    Chateau Miranda - Belgium Chateau Miranda is Here to Break Your Heart

    Her turrets sprouted mushrooms, and vines ate up her halls once filled with aristocrats, candelabras, and plushy velvet lounges. It was one of Belgium's grandest castles, but the Chateau Miranda had run out of time —at least according to its guardian, the Count de Liedekerke-Beaufort. In Octobe...

    Chateau Miranda is Here to Break Your Heart

    After becoming too expensive to maintain, Miranda Castle was abandoned in 1991. A fire in 1995 destroyed part of the roof, and dry rot has set into the wood. The building is still owned by Liedekerke-Beaufort family, who, following the fire, stripped the castle of its more valuable components.

    [!]( - Explore the haunting beauty and untold stories of deserted structures and ghost towns across the world in AbandonedPlaces

    ! a community dedicated to the documentation, discussion, and exploration of the world’s forgotten corners. From urban explorers to history buffs, photographers to curious wanderers, this is your platform to share and discover photographs, articles, and stories of abandoned structures, towns, cities, parks, and any spaces left behind by time. Let’s peel back the layers of history together and explore the beauty in abandonment.

    Fort Ord - California

    Fort Ord was a U.S. Army post on Monterey Bay in California. It was established in 1917 as a maneuver area and field artillery target range and was closed in 1994. Most of the fort's land now makes up the Fort Ord National Monument, managed by the United States Bureau of Land Management.

    However, a portion of the fort is still abandoned and off-limits to the public due to the presence of unexploded ordnance and asbestos within the buildings. This restricted area includes dilapidated barracks, crumbling mess halls, and the old military hospital, which stands as a relic of the past.

    Urban legends and stories from locals and former soldiers have painted a picture of Fort Ord as a haunting ground. People claim to have heard strange noises, voices whispering their names, and footsteps in the empty buildings.

    Houtouwan - China The Abandoned Fishing Village of Houtouwan

    On Shengshan Island, east of Shanghai, China, only a handful of people still live in a village that was once home to more than 2,000 fishermen.

    The Abandoned Fishing Village of Houtouwan

    Houtouwan—a former fishing village located about 87 miles southeast of Shanghai on Shengshan Island—has been uninhabited for several decades, but this is not your average ghost town. Instead of being covered in dust and rubble, these buildings are almost entirely occupied by creeping ivy and lush vegetation, creating a green landscape that is more spectacular than devastating. While most of the village’s original residents moved inland in the early 1990s, a few people do still live on the island, selling water to curious tourists and photographers.

    Hashima Island

    Hashima Island was once a bustling coal mining facility owned by Mitsubishi. From the late 19th century to the mid 20th century, the island was populated with thousands of workers and was equipped with apartment buildings, a school, and other necessary facilities to accommodate them. At its peak in 1959, the island was one of the most densely populated places on earth with over 5,000 inhabitants.

    The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch Goodreads

    Discover and share books you love on Goodreads.


    An orphan’s life is harsh—and often short—in the mysterious island city of Camorr. But young Locke Lamora dodges death and slavery, becoming a thief under the tutelage of a gifted con artist. As leader of the band of light-fingered brothers known as the Gentleman Bastards, Locke is soon infamous, fooling even the underworld’s most feared ruler. But in the shadows lurks someone still more ambitious and deadly. Faced with a bloody coup that threatens to destroy everyone and everything that holds meaning in his mercenary life, Locke vows to beat the enemy at his own brutal game—or die trying.

    ReadAtLeastOnce books that we believe everyone should get their hands on at least once (/c/


    Welcome to ReadAtLeastOnce, a passionate community of book lovers! This is the place where we discuss and recommend those life-changing, thought-provoking, and unputdownable books that we believe everyone should get their hands on at least once. From timeless classics to undiscovered gems, let’s explore the world of literature together!

    laughingm0n LaughingM0n
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