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The curious theory about cars with loofahs on the roof
  • because I tend to visit the same stores, I usually just park in the same spot in the back of the lot.

  • Here is the first look at the working Gemini AI in Google Messages
  • I read that you start a new chat and select 'gemini' from the contacts list

    seems it's being rolled out gradually

  • Satanic Temple prepares to enter Florida schools as state moves to pass bill allowing chaplains to volunteer
  • they have a TST Sober Faction that is a great resource for those dealing with addiction.

  • Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning!
  • that sounds very interesting! I'll look into that. thank you

  • Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning!
  • wow, great resource! thanks! it seems like I'm generally on the right track, which is a good feeling. I'll continue working on my foundational skills and get my sec+ this year. I'm lacking when it comes to networking with others. being a noob, I don't really have anything to contribute to the community. I'll use your guide to address that. thanks again!

  • Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning!
  • no. I'm a carpenter. I worked from home briefly in IT support but found better wages in the trades.

  • Mentorship Monday - Discussions for career and learning!
  • I've been interested in getting into cybersecurity. so far I've completed an IT support and Data analytics professional certificate programs along with about 10 other classes on Coursera. I'm currently about halfway through the cybersecurity certificate program. I plan to complete an intermediate program that focuses on networking as well. a goal I have this year is to get my Security+ cert. additionally, I think I can get a couple certifications from Microsoft Learn as they are less expensive. I've been dabbling with the lessons on Hack the Box and Try Hack Me too. I'm interested in getting experience with AWS, Azure, and GCP. I'm not sure if that would be too much though. I'm very limited financially and live in a rural area, so my options are limited.

    my question is: what could I do different to aquire the skills & experience needed for employment?

  • Hey! It's the last day of the year! What did you screw up this year?
  • this year was a hellride. I spent too much time indoors and am no longer in good shape. I'm glad it's over. next year I'll continue focusing on education (starting my journey in cybersecurity). I hope to move further from surviving into thriving. I'm tired of being poor and alone.

  • What companies have made your blacklist?
  • Netflix Paramount Chick-fil-A Hobby Lobby

    .... and whoever else seems to be run by bigots or ad pushers

  • NSFW
    How accurate are cannabis strains “effects” as listed on sites like Leafly?
  • I made a fun little chatGPT bot to help with questions like that.

  • How would you rate my stick?
  • tha fuq is this shit, reddit?

  • What's your weird physical habit?
  • I pace my steps in such a way that I open a door with my foot. (obviously not with doors that are latched)

  • How to stop mass shootings in a nutshell by one political party
  • not falling, 'literally'. figuratively, yes.

  • Donald Trump fined $5,000 for violating gag order in New York fraud trial and warned twice about imprisonment
  • I'm pessimistic enough to think this is an example of what his punishment will be for just about all his crimes.

  • Did the take Star Trek the next generation off of paramount+?
  • that's what I experienced as well. although it's minor, I think it's a PITA.

  • Did the take Star Trek the next generation off of paramount+?
  • I recently cancelled my paramount account due to the ads. found a great alternative that's 100% cheaper. put on the episode, "the measure of a man" and drifted off to sleep.

  • on the fence about 1st playthrough

    I'm really leaning to a custom character first playthrough. I'm also REALLY curious about the dark urge character as well. I know it may not be "recommended" for a virgin playthrough though. fortunately, I know the ruleset pretty well and have tons of hours in EA. since I feel undecided about 1 of 2 choices for first run, I thought I'd ask this group for insight on the dilemma. can we roll a d20 here? 😝

    What's the best Xmas gift you've ever got?

    Actually, let's be inclusive here. What are some of the best gifts in general you've received?

    Party Time

    In the interest of carnage and grind, I'd like to propose an LFG thread. There's a setting in-game to enable others to join your party. i find it a welcome surprise for someone to jump in on whatever I might be doing (usually). that being said, if you're like minded and are ok with running content with Randos, drop your battlenet handle here. there's lots of great folks to slaughter with!

    mine is WretchedOne#11837

    level 88 rogue (but I have other classes low level too)

    party time!

    celestial flora


    this was generated by a prompt using AIPRM on chatGPT v4

    app request

    I've been looking for a cannabis app. one that categorizes different strains according to their terpene profile. something that users/patients can filter by symptoms as well. (anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia, etc) anything like that out there? I'd make it myself, but I'm not skilled enough. thoughts?

    thumbnail for a chatGPT shortcut

    I found an interesting download for the tasker app that enabled me to communicate with voice to chatGPT. I wanted a unique icon for my home screen and so asked the chatbot to describe an appearance for itself. it's reply was; "neutral, enlightened, futuristic". so after a few variations, I got this. [midjourney]

    livedeified Proteus
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