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88-2: Only Markey, Sanders Oppose 'Expensive, Risky' Nuclear Power Expansion
  • I'd love to see more nuclear power generation. Nuclear power is the densest form of power on earth, it's safer than even renewables and doesn't have the huge e-waste or energy storage problems that come with it. It's very, very safe even compared to windmills depending on where you draw the box. I have never met anybody who actually understands nuclear power safety or waste disposal who is against it. At best, they say "renewables are currently cheaper so let's focus there" but they're not like "Nuclear is bad".

  • 88-2: Only Markey, Sanders Oppose 'Expensive, Risky' Nuclear Power Expansion
  • In the ground, very deep, forever, for not nearly as much money as you might think. It takes up very, very little space. It's not green liquid that can spill, it's pieces of glass.

  • OneNote alternative to make a knowledge base
  • There are many open source wiki softwares: zim, dokuwiki, etc.

  • Build Your Community on Nostr
  • Nostr is an open protocol. Plenty of questionable people have contributed to Linux, I still use the OS. Tor was made by an alleged rapist. I still use Tor. Open protocols are sometimes used or made by nasty people. Lemmy and email are "censorship proof", they are both good protocols. Lemmy used to be 100% annoying tankies, but as it grew so did the diversity of the userbase. Nostr is going through the same thing.

    You choose who you follow, so you choose who ends up in your feed. For the "public square" areas (trending tweets etc), relays set their own moderation policies just like lemmy, that feature is identical. Find a relay that suits your moderation preferences. Most nostr apps can automatically filter out anything related to crypto/nsfw/politics/other less popular topics and prompt you to do so. If something slips through you can easily click ban and move on.

    Tips are a cool functionality. On one social network, content creators don't have an opportunity to get paid for the content they post. On the other they do. Which one do you think will attract the most content creators? My bet is on the second. I like being able to send tips to people who write good posts. But it's an optional feature, you don't have to use it.

  • Build Your Community on Nostr
  • It's done off-chain because on-chain would be expensive and slow. On-chain takes 10 min and $1.50-$15 in fees depending on the day. Lightning takes < 1 second for < 1 penny in fees.

    Lightning transactions are secured by the base chain, so you're not at risk of losing any funds. The transaction data is "off-chain" because there's no reason for it to be "on-chain".

  • Build Your Community on Nostr
  • As somebody who:

    • Uses nostr (and prefers it)
    • Uses AP via Lemmy & Mastodon (and likes it)
    • Knows what AP and Nostr are and how they work and the pros/cons of the two network designs are

    I also found this site confusing AF. It sounds cool and interesting, probably? I can't tell lol. Is it a network bridge operating at the level of a relay? Is it an app you can use to connect and post/read to/from both networks at once? What the hell is it?

  • Removed
    A tool for uploading/downloading files anonymously with client-side encryption
  • Is there a system that can get information to someone, maintaining anonymity for the sender the whole way through? Like having an open drop box where you’d be able to put whatever documents you want into it.

    Yes many journalistic organizations have secure drop-boxes for this purpose. You have to either trust that their drop-box doesn't record your IP address/other info OR use an anonymity system like Tor or I2P to make sure whatever they record doesn't reveal your identity.

  • Pornhub to leave five more states over age-verification laws
  • Banning porn nationwide is part of Project 2025's plan.

  • I don't have such weakness
  • They want to ban porn in the entire country, it's all a part of #project2025. They also want to ban abortions. And being gay in public. And completely break the separation of church and state. Don't sit this election out.

  • [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone
  • *Veracrypt, Truecrypt is no longer maintained

  • what are 5 Lemmy communities I probably haven't heard of but should join?
  • Many of the BOINC projects these days don't have screensavers unfortunately. But World Community Grid and Rosetta@home have decent ones.

  • Leak: EU interior ministers want to exempt themselves from chat control bulk scanning of private messages - EU Reporter Leak: EU interior ministers want to exempt themselves from chat control bulk scanning of private messages - EU Reporter

    According to the latest draft text of the controversial EU Child Sexual Abuse Regulation proposal leaked by the French news organisation Contexte, EU interior ministers want to exempt professional accounts of staff of intelligence agencies, police and military from the envisaged scanning of chats an...

    Leak: EU interior ministers want to exempt themselves from chat control bulk scanning of private messages - EU Reporter
    Leak: EU interior ministers want to exempt themselves from chat control bulk scanning of private messages - EU Reporter Leak: EU interior ministers want to exempt themselves from chat control bulk scanning of private messages - EU Reporter

    According to the latest draft text of the controversial EU Child Sexual Abuse Regulation proposal leaked by the French news organisation Contexte, EU interior ministers want to exempt professional accounts of staff of intelligence agencies, police and military from the envisaged scanning of chats an...

    Leak: EU interior ministers want to exempt themselves from chat control bulk scanning of private messages - EU Reporter
    Leak: EU interior ministers want to exempt themselves from chat control bulk scanning of private messages - EU Reporter Leak: EU interior ministers want to exempt themselves from chat control bulk scanning of private messages - EU Reporter

    According to the latest draft text of the controversial EU Child Sexual Abuse Regulation proposal leaked by the French news organisation Contexte, EU interior ministers want to exempt professional accounts of staff of intelligence agencies, police and military from the envisaged scanning of chats an...

    Leak: EU interior ministers want to exempt themselves from chat control bulk scanning of private messages - EU Reporter
    Build Your Community on Nostr
  • Actually, tipping on social media posts are an excellent use for Bitcoin. I regularly tip on nostr, it works well, I wish lemmy had it too. Good luck enabling transactions that complete in under a second, globally, for less than a penny in fees, with any other system. And without requiring you to hire an absolute team of lawyers to setup accounts and manage liquidity and make deals with foreign banks to backstop that liquidity. Oh and don't forget about counterparty risks, chargebacks, currency conversion, and long settlement times! Bitcoin solves that all magically for basically free.

  • what are 5 Lemmy communities I probably haven't heard of but should join?
  • ! join a movement of people donating their spare CPU time to medical research

  • The EU are voting on Chat Control this Wednesday 19th June
  • And it also shows that states can pay for things without the need to collect taxes for this, for example we saw this during COVID, when sizeable amounts of money were created to give an impulse to the economy and to the people who temporarily lost their income sources

    And surely printing money doesn't cause inflation right. Value isn't free. If you have the same demand for a currency and increase it's supply by 10%, it's going to cost 10% more of that currency to buy any given item.

  • The EU are voting on Chat Control this Wednesday 19th June Against #chatcontrol

    Something terrible is happening in the EU and we need help to stop it

    Against #chatcontrol

    What you can do:

    Contact your MEP:

    Edit: Article linked is from 2002 (overview of why this legislation is bad), but it is coming up for a vote on the 19th see

    My open source "proof of useful work" captcha alternative (python)

    Situation: You run a website and want users to have to do some amount of work in order to activate a function in your code. The "function" can be anything: creating an account, receiving some kind of in-game token/reward, dispensing coins from a faucet, whatever. Captchas are becoming increasingly both increasingly complex and increasingly useless against spam attacks. Various "proof of personhood" options are available (SMS verification etc) but come with downsides as well.

    An obvious alternative to captchas is some kind of "proof work" scheme where the user has to run a certain number of hash calculations. This is cheap for individual users but expensive for spammers to spam, and could even net you a little crypto if you wanted it to. This, for example, is the approach used by Tor's anonymity network help prevent DDoS attacks. This is fine, but it serves no other purpose and uses lots of of energy. Though in Tor's implementation, it is only occasionally used as opposed to being used for every request.

    My script is a "proof of useful work" captcha alternative. The user must download and process a chosen amount of workunits from a chosen BOINC project(s). This work is "useful" because it contributes to scientific research. BOINC is a software for distributed/volunteer computing and its used by scientists all over the world including the Large Hadron Collider (CERN) to offload expensive computation to the machines of volunteers. My script downloads stats from the BOINC projects and verifies the user has completed the work. If the user is a pre-existing BOINC user, they will already have sufficient credit to instantly activate the function on the site.

    The default setup for this software is as a "crypto faucet", but you can plug-in any function you want: anti-spam, user registration, whatever. It calculates a cost for the "work" and makes sure it dispenses less than the cost, making sure no user has incentive to use the faucet more than a few times since it would cheaper for the user to just do the work on their own without the faucet acting as a middleman.

    Downside of this tool is that the user may take some time to accumulate the credit (unless they are an existing BOINC user with credit) and the BOINC projects only report updated credit once every 24 hours (though if you ran your own BOINC project for this purpose, you could get this time down much lower). So while this can be good for longer-term tasks (such as giving an in-game reward to users who contribute to science), it is not quick. They also have to download and run BOINC (and change their username at a BOINC project), which is a big step compared to a captcha. In an ideal world, the BOINC work could be completed in the browser instead of by downloading BOINC, I believe folding at home had a client that could do this at one point.

    Anyways, I think it's an interesting idea. Maybe you do too and can use it to your advantage somehow.

    Nostr continues to raise the bar on private, uncensorable online discourse
    • Note: "relay" is the nostr term while "instance" is the AP/Mastodon/Lemmy term. They are functionally very similar and offer the same abilities to ban annoying users from "public square" type spaces. Moderation works identically.
    • In AP/mastodon/lemmy you are connected to one "main instance" and then connect to other instances "through" that instance. In nostr, you are typically connected to multiple relays and access content more directly.
    • Nostr is an underlying protocol like AP is for Mastodon/Lemmy. The main use of nostr currently is as a twitter/mastodon clone, but it has other interfaces as well (calendaring, video sharing, etc) that I am less familiar with.
    • Both networks are decentralized in nature


    • Instance admins on your instance and the instance of the user you are DMing can read your DMs, block them, or modify them without your knowledge or the knowledge of the receiving user
    • If your instance goes down, so does your access to the wider network. It will take your DMs with it, and your identity.


    • Relays cannot read the content of your DMs as they are encrypted. They can only see that user A is DMing user B and approximate DM size. (This upgrade reduces that visibility further)
    • Relays cannot manipulate DMs as they are encrypted and will fail a signature check
    • No relay can prevent you from DMing another user as your client will automatically route the DM through another relay (unless that user has blocked you, which they can do).
    • You can receive DMs from anybody as long as one relay lets your DM through (and you are usually connected to several)
    • Your DMs and other content is replicated across multiple relays. Downed relay? No problem. You don't lose your content or your identity as your identity is a private/public keypair not "user @ instance dot com"


    Idk anybody care to fill this section in?

    Image source: nostr post

    LLM ASICs on USB sticks?

    Source: nostr


    We shouldn't have to work 40 hours a week to afford a basic life. We do because our currency is constantly losing value. This is by design.

    There's a lot of talk about inflation and its causes. Is it corporate greed? Supply chain issues? One clear base cause of inflation less talked about is having an inflationary currency supply. Any other inflation caused by supply chain issues, corporate greed, lack of market competition, etc is just added on top of that. Fiat inflationary currency is a rather new invention in terms of the human timeline. In the US, Nixon is the start of it. Central banks aim for 2-3% inflation in "good years". The money supply expands, the portion of that supply a single dollar represents, and therefore its value, decreases. This isn't a conspiracy, it's government policy, and both parties gleefully support it because it benefits their rich donors.

    Think of it: in the last 50 years, everything has gotten cheaper to produce thanks to increasing mechanization, outsourcing to cheap labor/low regulation countries, and extremely efficient supply chains. Yet so many things "cost more" than they did 50 years ago. Even basics like bread. What used to be 5c in the US in the 50s now costs $5.00. How is that the case? Shouldn't it cost less? Where is that "extra efficiency" going if not to lower prices? The answer: bread is the same value it's always been, the money has gotten less valuable. This is how they keep working class people running on a treadmill, never able to achieve economic mobility.

    Inflationary currency devalues the currency you worked hard to earn by increasing the supply. It hits the middle class the worst because they have more of their net wealth in cash, often in the form of emergency funds, savings, and putting together enough money for a down payment on a home. Rich people have their money in assets which aren't harmed by currency inflation. Actually, even worse, it inflates the value of those assets! If the dollar loses value (all other things being equal), it takes more dollar to buy a share in Amazon, just like it takes more dollars to buy a loaf of bread. Poor people live hand to mouth, so their net wealth is not impacted much, but inflationary currency prevents them from saving and "moving up". If you want to identify the causes of increasing wealth disparity, the inability of people to save money and theft of value from the middle class via money supply expansion is a major one.

    Personal Finance makeasnek
    We shouldn't have to work 40 hours a week to afford a basic life. We do because our currency is constantly losing value. This is by design.

    There's a lot of talk about inflation and its causes. Is it corporate greed? Supply chain issues? One clear base cause of inflation less talked about is having an inflationary currency supply. Any other inflation caused by supply chain issues, corporate greed, lack of market competition, etc is just added on top of that. Fiat inflationary currency is a rather new invention in terms of the human timeline. In the US, Nixon is the start of it. Central banks aim for 2-3% inflation in "good years". The money supply expands, the portion of that supply a single dollar represents, and therefore its value, decreases. This isn't a conspiracy, it's government policy, and both parties gleefully support it because it benefits their rich donors.

    Think of it: in the last 50 years, everything has gotten cheaper to produce thanks to increasing mechanization, outsourcing to cheap labor/low regulation countries, and extremely efficient supply chains. Yet so many things "cost more" than they did 50 years ago. Even basics like bread. What used to be 5c in the US in the 50s now costs $5.00. How is that the case? Shouldn't it cost less? Where is that "extra efficiency" going if not to lower prices? The answer: bread is the same value it's always been, the money has gotten less valuable. This is how they keep working class people running on a treadmill, never able to achieve economic mobility.

    Inflationary currency devalues the currency you worked hard to earn by increasing the supply. It hits the middle class the worst because they have more of their net wealth in cash, often in the form of emergency funds, savings, and putting together enough money for a down payment on a home. Rich people have their money in assets which aren't harmed by currency inflation. Actually, even worse, it inflates the value of those assets! If the dollar loses value (all other things being equal), it takes more dollar to buy a share in Amazon, just like it takes more dollars to buy a loaf of bread. Poor people live hand to mouth, so their net wealth is not impacted much, but inflationary currency prevents them from saving and "moving up". If you want to identify the causes of increasing wealth disparity, the inability of people to save money and theft of value from the middle class via money supply expansion is a major one.

    To date people have donated over $30 million directly to Ukraine with Bitcoin. Donations continue to come in regularly


    Most of these transactions took a few minutes and around $1 in fees. Bitcoin lightning is pennies in fees, but the account shown is on main chain. There are over 19,000 individual donations.

    • If you know somebody who wants to contribute to Ukraine but doesn't want to deal with the hassle, cost, or availability of international bank wires, this is a great way.
    • It will go directly to the Govt of Ukraine instead of being filtered through a NGO or other party.
    • Unlike aid from governments/NGOs this money comes with no restrictions on how Ukraine can spend it.
    • Most major cities have several Bitcoin ATMs and in many countries you can buy Bitcoin online easily. This means you can have a bake sale or other fundraiser, turn that money into Bitcoin, and send it to Ukraine directly.

    Transaction list:

    Proof this address (357a3So9CbsNfBBgFYACGvxxS6tMaDoa1P) is really owned by the Ukraine govt:

    BOINC 8.0.2 major release is available for Android, Linux, MacOS and Windows

    BOINC is a platform for volunteer computing. Scientists at universities around the world use it to process computationally intensive datasets (sky surveys, protein folding, etc) for FREE using the computers of volunteers. Volunteers get to contribute to cutting-edge research and put their hardware to good use. This is a major upgrade and improves packaging for Linux users. Relevant lemmy community !

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > Release Notes: > > > > Download page: > > > > Report issues: > > > > This is a major release that introduced a new type of applications called 'Sporadic applications'. > > > > Details are described here: > > > > For Android users this release should be also available soon on F-Droid: > > > > For Linux users on Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora and openSUSE, currently this release is in 'alpha' channel. Soon will be available in 'stable' channel as well. > > > > Installation instructions:

    Bitcoin is about more than money, adding BitVM and other smart contract features to Bitcoin will change society.

    cross-posted from:

    > Globally, people are losing faith in our institutions. Our financial institutions, our governments, our media, our medical systems, even democracy as a concept in many cases. And for sound reasons. Proposed upgrades to Bitcoin's protocol would enable use of the chain (and L2s) for things aside from just money. On the world's most secure document: the bitcoin ledger. It will change everything and here's why. > > The root problem is that we are building systems which rely on trust and time and time again, that trust has been broken. We have to trust that the people elected or appointed to those positions will do their jobs faithfully. But, of course, like us, they are humans and fallible. Subject to stupidity, greed, misdirection, and error whether through malice or accident. Take money, for example. Money has to be trust-able, so it is entrusted, for all its faults, to the most stable and neutral institutions humanity has ever created: the state. And yet, the state often abuses that authority to print money they shouldn't leading to inflation and hyperinflation, particularly for unpopular wars of conquest. Every failed state ends in hyperinflation, because it's a tool in the state's toolbox and they will use it when they have no other options. They'll turn on that money printer if they need to. And time after time, they have. There are ways to create trustless systems, where we do not have to trust individual actors to administer them faithfully, only for them to be mostly rational actors subject to the same laws of math and physics as the rest of us. Instead, the system administers itself according to some form of protocol. Bitcoin did this for money 15 years ago, it was created by Satoshi in the wake of the nearly total collapse of the global financial system (2008 financial crisis) to create a system which could not suffer the same fate. We all had to bail the banks out because they were "too big to fail", which was true, Bernanke won a nobel prize in economics for his analysis of this and the bailouts likely prevented the worst economic period since the great depression had the entire banking system be allowed to fail. You may not know who Bernenke is, but if you were alive during this time period, you know his face, he was the guy who had to sell the bailouts to the world as an idea. The reality is, fractional reserve banking is a ponzi scheme, and had the banks failed and people realized it, it would have stopped functioning. Our debt-based world order would have collapsed. No credit could be issued to build roads or fund schools or do anything because there would be no money in the banks to use as collateral and nobody would trust it. Just like in the US great depression. You can argue it's a sneakily beautiful ponzi scheme which drives the engine of human progress if you are a die-hard capitalist, but you can't argue it's not a ponzi scheme. > > The crazy thing is, Bitcoin worked. It has kept every promise it made. For 15 years, it has faithfully administered a financial system with a known, transparent, limited supply of 21 million coins which can be transferred across the globe in seconds for pennies in fees. And it has continued to grow no matter which metric you measure it by. Through pandemics, wars, international conflict, attempted bans by major world powers, tick tock, next block, the blockchain continued to function. Not a single hour of downtime, not a single bank holiday, not a single hack or breach of security or protocol. Now, it has a market cap of over 1 trillion USD, which is bigger than the GDP of Israel, the Netherlands, Turkey, or Switzerland, countries with tens of millions of people. It's been consistently over 800 billion for a while now. It moves hundreds of millions of dollars of value on the regular. I can send a transaction to anybody on the planet with a cell phone and halfway reliable internet for under a cent in under a second. > > Nobody can make Bitcoin print money it's not supposed to print. Nobody can transfer money without the private key of that coin. Nobody can force the network to do anything outside of its protocol, even if they bought every Bitcoin in existence. Even if they had a trillion dollars and 1,000 people with AKs ready to die for it. It's mathematically, computationally, financially, and logistically infeasible. I think the question is, long-term, how can be we build political and social systems which are equally trustless where we don't have to put people in positions of power. Just like democracy did to monarchy in spreading power around and reducing the damage one corrupted individual could do, we can now do that again in an order of magnitude greater in the same direction towards greater democratization. Whether you're a capitalist, a communist, or a member of the federation of planets, this tech has serious promise for making your ideal global vision come true. It's a matter of setting up the system correctly and getting adoption of it. It can be used for voting systems, for the collection of taxes, for the administration of public funds, goods, and markets. It can be used for a lot more than just money. With smart contract functionality, Bitcoin will be the ledger upon which all this is built. > > I'm excited to be here with all of you. We are early. Most people I know don't own any crypto. The future is coming. Thank you Satoshi for your gift to the world.

    makeasnek makeasnek

    on nostr here

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