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Anyone know what happened to open source ecology?
  • Hi, Michael Altfield here. I was the sysadmin for OSE from 2017-2020.

    Everything OSE does is transparent, so you can just check the OSE websites to see what everyone is currently working-on. OSE contributors log their hours in a worklog called "OSE Dev". There you can quickly see who is working on what.

    The above graphs show 4 contributors in the past ~10 weeks (one is me; we had some issues with the apache config recently). There's no direct link, but you can then check the wiki to see people's work logs (just search for the person's name and Log):

    I also like to look at the MediaWiki "Recent Changes" page to peak at what people are up-to as well:

    I told Marcin about Lemmy back in June 2023. Another OSE contributor even created an OSE community on the instance, but it appears to have been abandoned. I'll email him about this thread to see if he'll bite and publish updates in this community since there's clearly interest :)

    Also, shameless plug: I started an org that's very similar in spirit to OSE called Eco-Libre, with a focus on projects to sustainably enfranchise human rights in smaller communities. We're currently accepting volunteers ;)

  • Lemmy's Image Problem (Updated 02-06-2024)
  • Can you mention this in your article?

  • should i delete my lemmy instance
  • Personally I wouldn't run a lemmy instance because of this (and also many other concerns)

    I recommend [a] letting the lemmy devs know (eg on GitHub) that this issue is preventing you from running a lemmy instance and [b] donating to alternative projects that actually care about data privacy rights.

  • should i delete my lemmy instance
  • The fines usually are a percent of revenue or millions of Euros, whichever is higher.

    So if your revenue is 0 EUR then they can fine you the millions of Euros instead. The point of the “percent of revenue” alternative was for larger corporations that can get fined tens or hundreds of millions of Euros (or, as it happened to Meta, in some cases -- billions of Euros for a single GDPR violation).

  • should i delete my lemmy instance
  • The fines usually are a percent of revenue or millions of Euros, whichever is higher.

    So if your revenue is 0 EUR then they can fine you the millions of Euros instead. The point of the “percent of revenue” alternative was for larger corporations that can get fined tens or hundreds of millions of Euros (or, as it happened to Meta, in some cases -- billions of Euros for a single GDPR violation).

  • should i delete my lemmy instance
  • That would be true if their instance wasn't federating. If the instance is federating, then it's downloading content from other users, even if the user isn't registered on the instance. And that content is publicly available.

    So if someone discovers their content on their instance and sends them a GDPR request (eg Erasure), then they are legally required to process it.

  • should i delete my lemmy instance
  • It's definitely not impossible to contact all instances; it's a finite list. But we should have a tool to make this easier. Something that can take a given username or post, do a search, find out all the instances that it federated-to, get the contact for all of those instances, and then send-out a formal "GDPR Erasure Request" to all of the relevant admins.

  • PSA: you can't delete photos uploaded to #lemmy. So don't (accidentally) upload a nude to lemmy. That would be bad 😱
  • Did you read the article and the feedback that you've received from your other users?

    Any FOSS platform has capacity issues. I run my own FOSS projects with zero grant funds and where I'm the only developer. I understand this issue.

    What we're talking about here is prioritization. My point is that you should not prioritize "new features" when existing features are a legal, moral, and grave financial risk to your community. And this isn't just "my priority" -- it's clearly been shown that this is the desired priority of your community.

    Please prioritize your GDPR issues.

  • PSA: you can't delete photos uploaded to Lemmy. So don't (accidentally) upload a nude. That would be bad 😱
  • Very nice. Unfortunately it doesn't look like Boost is available on F-Droid.

  • PSA: you can't delete photos uploaded to Lemmy. So don't (accidentally) upload a nude. That would be bad 😱

    This article will describe how lemmy instance admins can purge images from pict-rs.

    | [!Nightmare on Lemmy St - A GDPR Horror Story]( | |:--:| | Nightmare on Lemmy Street (A Fediverse GDPR Horror Story) |

    This is (also) a horror story about accidentally uploading very sensitive data to Lemmy, and the (surprisingly) difficult task of deleting it.

    PSA: you can't delete photos uploaded to Lemmy. So don't (accidentally) upload a nude. That would be bad 😱
  • Fortunately, in my case, my image was "orphaned" and never actually attached to a post or comment, so it wouldn't have federated.

    If the image has already federated then that's a whole next level problem :(

  • PSA: you can't delete photos uploaded to #lemmy. So don't (accidentally) upload a nude to lemmy. That would be bad 😱
  • Unfortunately, the Lemmy devs literally said it would take years to fix this issue. If you think this should be a priority for them, please advocate for them to prioritize it on GitHub:

  • PSA: you can't delete photos uploaded to Lemmy. So don't (accidentally) upload a nude. That would be bad 😱
  • Hi, unfortunate author here 😅

    The issue happened in Jerboa. I opened a few tickets in the Jerboa app's GitHub to address this:

    Can you please tell us which Lemmy client apps you use that store the delete token and have a UI to delete uploaded images?

  • Lemmy Support maltfield
    Guide: How to purge an image on Lemmy (GDPR Data Erasure)

    Unfortunately, at the time of writing:

    1. Users cannot delete their images on Lemmy
    2. If a user deletes their account, their images don't get deleted
    3. There is no WUI for admins to delete images on Lemmy
    4. It is very difficult for admins to find & delete images on Lemmy (via the CLI)
    5. The Lemmy team didn't bother documenting how admins can delete images on Lemmy

    Because of this, I'm posting here a guide for instance admins to be able to quickly figure out how to delete an image in response to a GDPR Data Erasure request.

    How to purge images in Lemmy

    pict-rs is a third-party simple image hosting service that runs along-side Lemmy for instances that allow users to upload media.

    At the time of writing, there is no WUI for admins to find and delete images. You have to manually query the pict-rs database and execute an API call from the command-line. Worse: Lemmy has no documentation telling instance admins how to delete images 🤦

    For the purposes of this example, let\'s assume you\'re trying to delete the following image

    There are two API endpoints in pict-rs that can be used to delete an image

    Method One: /image/delete/{delete_token}/{alias}

    This API call is publicly-accessible, but it first requires you to obtain the image\'s \``delete_token\

    The \delete_token`\` is first returned by Lemmy when POSTing to the \/pictrs/image\ endpoint

    { "msg":"ok", "files":[ { "file":"001665df-3b25-415f-8a59-3d836bb68dd1.webp", "delete_token":"d88b7f32-a56f-4679-bd93-4f334764d381" } ] }

    Two pieces of information are returned here:

    1. file (aka the \"alias\") is the server filename of the uploaded image
    2. delete_token is the token needed to delete the image

    Of course, if you didn\'t capture this image\'s \``delete_token\ at upload-time, then you must fetch it from the postgres DB.

    First, open a shell on your running postgres container. If you installed Lemmy with docker compose, use \docker compose ps`\` to get the \"SERVICE\" name of your postgres host, and then enter it with \docker exec\

    docker compose ps --format "table {{.Service}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Name}}" docker compose exec <docker_service_name> /bin/bash

    For example:

    ``` user@host:/home/user/lemmy# docker compose ps --format "table {{.Service}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Name}}" SERVICE IMAGE NAME lemmy dessalines/lemmy:0.19.3 lemmy-lemmy-1 lemmy-ui dessalines/lemmy-ui:0.19.3 lemmy-lemmy-ui-1 pictrs lemmy-pictrs-1 postfix lemmy-postfix-1 postgres lemmy-postgres-1 proxy lemmy-proxy-1 user@host:/home/user/lemmy#

    user@host:/home/user/lemmy# docker compose exec postgres /bin/bash postgres:/# ```

    Connect to the database as the \``lemmy\ user

    psql -U lemmy

    For example

    ``` postgres:/# psql -U lemmy psql (15.5) Type "help" for help.

    lemmy=# ```

    Query for the image by the \"alias\" (the filename)

    select * from image_upload where pictrs_alias = '<image_filename>';

    For example

    ``` lemmy=# select * from image_upload where pictrs_alias = '001665df-3b25-415f-8a59-3d836bb68dd1.webp'; local_user_id | pictrs_alias | pictrs_delete_token | published ---------------+--------------+---------------------+----------- 1149 | 001665df-3b25-415f-8a59-3d836bb68dd1.webp | d88b7f32-a56f-4679-bd93-4f334764d381 | 2024-02-07 11:10:17.158741+00 (1 row)

    lemmy=# ```

    Now, take the \``pictrs_delete_token\ from the above output, and use it to delete the image.

    The following command should be able to be run on any computer connected to the internet.

    curl -i "https://<instance_domain>/pictrs/image/delete/<pictrs_delete_token>/<image_filename>"

    For example:

    ``` user@disp9140:~$ curl -i ""

    HTTP/2 204 No Content server: nginx date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 15:37:48 GMT vary: Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers cache-control: private referrer-policy: same-origin x-content-type-options: nosniff x-frame-options: DENY x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block X-Firefox-Spdy: h2 user@disp9140:~$ ```

    > ⓘ Note: If you get an \``incorrect_login\ error, then try \[a\] logging into the instance in your web browser and then \[b\] pasting the \"https://<instance_domain>/pictrs/image/delete/<pictrs_delete_token>/<image_filename>\" URL into your web browser.

    The image should be deleted.

    Method Two: /internal/purge?alias={alias}

    Alternatively, you could execute the deletion directly inside the pictrs container. This eliminates the need to fetch the \``delete_token\.

    First, open a shell on your running \pictrs`\` container. If you installed Lemmy with docker compose, use \docker compose ps\ to get the \"SERVICE\" name of your postgres host, and then enter it with \``docker exec\

    docker compose ps --format "table {{.Service}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Name}}" docker compose exec <docker_service_name> /bin/sh

    For example:

    ``` user@host:/home/user/lemmy# docker compose ps --format "table {{.Service}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Name}}" SERVICE IMAGE NAME lemmy dessalines/lemmy:0.19.3 lemmy-lemmy-1 lemmy-ui dessalines/lemmy-ui:0.19.3 lemmy-lemmy-ui-1 pictrs lemmy-pictrs-1 postfix lemmy-postfix-1 postgres lemmy-postgres-1 proxy lemmy-proxy-1 user@host:/home/user/lemmy#

    user@host:/home/user/lemmy# docker compose exec pictrs /bin/sh ~ $ ```

    Execute the following command inside the \``pictrs\ container.

    wget --server-response --post-data "" --header "X-Api-Token: ${PICTRS__SERVER__API_KEY}" "<image_filename>"

    For example:

    ``` ~ $ wget --server-response --post-data "" --header "X-Api-Token: ${PICTRS__SERVER__API_KEY}" "" Connecting to ( HTTP/1.1 200 OK content-length: 67 connection: close content-type: application/json date: Wed, 14 Feb 2024 12:56:24 GMT

    saving to 'purge?alias=001665df-3b25-415f-8a59-3d836bb68dd1.webp' purge?alias=001665df 100% |*****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 67 0:00:00 ETA 'purge?alias=001665df-3b25-415f-8a59-3d836bb68dd1.webp' saved

    ~ $ ```

    > ⓘ Note: There\'s an error in the pict-rs reference documentation. It says you can POST to \/internal/delete\, but that just returns 404 Not Found.

    The image should be deleted

    Further Reading

    Unfortunately, it seems that the Lemmy develoeprs are not taking these moral and legal (GDPR) risks seriously (they said it may take years before they address them), and they threatened to ban me for trying to highlight the severity of this risk, get them to tag GDPR-related bugs, and to prioritize them.

    If GDPR-compliance is important to you on the fediverse, then please provide feedback to the Lemmy developers in the GitHub links above.


    This post was copied from the following article: Nightmare on Lemmy Street (A Fediverse GDPR Horror Story)

    | [!Nightmare on Lemmy St - A GDPR Horror Story]( | |:--:| | Nightmare on Lemmy Street (A Fediverse GDPR Horror Story) |

    How to purge an image on Lemmy? (GDPR Data Erasure)
  • This is a big problem. At the time of writing:

    1. Users cannot delete their images on Lemmy
    2. If a user deletes their account, their images don't get deleted
    3. There is no WUI for admins to delete images on Lemmy
    4. It is very difficult for admins to find & delete images on Lemmy (via the CLI)
    5. The Lemmy team didn't bother documenting how admins can delete images on Lemmy

    How to purge images in Lemmy

    pict-rs is a third-party simple image hosting service that runs along-side Lemmy for instances that allow users to upload media.

    At the time of writing, there is no WUI for admins to find and delete images. You have to manually query the pict-rs database and execute an API call from the command-line. Worse: Lemmy has no documentation telling instance admins how to delete images 🤦

    For the purposes of this example, let's assume you're trying to delete the following image

    There are two API endpoints in pict-rs that can be used to delete an image

    Method One: /image/delete/{delete_token}/{alias}

    This API call is publicly-accessible, but it first requires you to obtain the image's `delete_token`

    The `delete_token` is first returned by Lemmy when POSTing to the `/pictrs/image` endpoint


    Two pieces of information are returned here:

    1. file (aka the "alias") is the server filename of the uploaded image
    2. delete_token is the token needed to delete the image

    Of course, if you didn't capture this image's `delete_token` at upload-time, then you must fetch it from the postgres DB.

    First, open a shell on your running postgres container. If you installed Lemmy with docker compose, use `docker compose ps` to get the "SERVICE" name of your postgres host, and then enter it with `docker exec`

    docker compose ps --format "table {{.Service}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Name}}"
    docker compose exec <docker_service_name> /bin/bash

    For example:

    user@host:/home/user/lemmy# docker compose ps --format "table {{.Service}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Name}}"
    SERVICE    IMAGE                            NAME
    lemmy      dessalines/lemmy:0.19.3          lemmy-lemmy-1
    lemmy-ui   dessalines/lemmy-ui:0.19.3       lemmy-lemmy-ui-1
    pictrs    lemmy-pictrs-1
    postfix   lemmy-postfix-1
    postgres     lemmy-postgres-1
    proxy          lemmy-proxy-1
    user@host:/home/user/lemmy# docker compose exec postgres /bin/bash

    Connect to the database as the `lemmy` user

    psql -U lemmy

    For example

    postgres:/# psql -U lemmy
    psql (15.5)
    Type "help" for help.

    Query for the image by the "alias" (the filename)

    select * from image_upload where pictrs_alias = '<image_filename>';

    For example

    lemmy=# select * from image_upload where pictrs_alias = '001665df-3b25-415f-8a59-3d836bb68dd1.webp';
     local_user_id | pictrs_alias | pictrs_delete_token | published 
    1149 | 001665df-3b25-415f-8a59-3d836bb68dd1.webp | d88b7f32-a56f-4679-bd93-4f334764d381 | 2024-02-07 11:10:17.158741+00
    (1 row)

    Now, take the `pictrs_delete_token` from the above output, and use it to delete the image.

    The following command should be able to be run on any computer connected to the internet.

    curl -i "https://<instance_domain>/pictrs/image/delete/<pictrs_delete_token>/<image_filename>"

    For example:

    user@disp9140:~$ curl -i ""
    HTTP/2 204 No Content
    server: nginx
    date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 15:37:48 GMT
    vary: Origin, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers
    cache-control: private
    referrer-policy: same-origin
    x-content-type-options: nosniff
    x-frame-options: DENY
    x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
    X-Firefox-Spdy: h2

    ⓘ Note: If you get an `incorrect_login` error, then try [a] logging into the instance in your web browser and then [b] pasting the "https://<instance_domain>/pictrs/image/delete/<pictrs_delete_token>/<image_filename>" URL into your web browser.

    The image should be deleted.

    Method Two: /internal/purge?alias={alias}

    Alternatively, you could execute the deletion directly inside the pictrs container. This eliminates the need to fetch the `delete_token`.

    First, open a shell on your running `pictrs` container. If you installed Lemmy with docker compose, use `docker compose ps` to get the "SERVICE" name of your postgres host, and then enter it with `docker exec`

    docker compose ps --format "table {{.Service}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Name}}"
    docker compose exec <docker_service_name> /bin/sh

    For example:

    user@host:/home/user/lemmy# docker compose ps --format "table {{.Service}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Name}}"
    SERVICE    IMAGE                            NAME
    lemmy      dessalines/lemmy:0.19.3          lemmy-lemmy-1
    lemmy-ui   dessalines/lemmy-ui:0.19.3       lemmy-lemmy-ui-1
    pictrs    lemmy-pictrs-1
    postfix   lemmy-postfix-1
    postgres     lemmy-postgres-1
    proxy          lemmy-proxy-1
    user@host:/home/user/lemmy# docker compose exec pictrs /bin/sh
    ~ $ 

    Execute the following command inside the `pictrs` container.

    wget --server-response --post-data "" --header "X-Api-Token: ${PICTRS__SERVER__API_KEY}" "<image_filename>"

    For example:

    ~ $ wget --server-response --post-data "" --header "X-Api-Token: ${PICTRS__SERVER__API_KEY}" ""
    Connecting to (
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    content-length: 67
    connection: close
    content-type: application/json
    date: Wed, 14 Feb 2024 12:56:24 GMT
    saving to 'purge?alias=001665df-3b25-415f-8a59-3d836bb68dd1.webp'
    purge?alias=001665df 100% |*****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************| 67 0:00:00 ETA
    'purge?alias=001665df-3b25-415f-8a59-3d836bb68dd1.webp' saved
    ~ $ 

    ⓘ Note: There's an error in the pict-rs reference documentation. It says you can POST to `/internal/delete`, but that just returns 404 Not Found.

    The image should be deleted

    Further Reading

    Unfortunately, it seems that the Lemmy develoeprs are not taking these moral and legal (GDPR) risks seriously (they said it may take years before they address them), and they threatened to ban me for trying to highlight the severity of this risk, get them to tag GDPR-related bugs, and to prioritize them.

    If GDPR-compliance is important to you on the fediverse, then please provide feedback to the Lemmy developers in the GitHub links above.


    This comment was copied from the following article: Nightmare on Lemmy Street (A Fediverse GDPR Horror Story)

    Nightmare on Lemmy St - A GDPR Horror Story
    Nightmare on Lemmy Street (A Fediverse GDPR Horror Story)
  • PSA: you can't delete photos uploaded to Lemmy. So don't (accidentally) upload a nude. That would be bad 😱

    This article will describe how lemmy instance admins can purge images from pict-rs.

    | [!Nightmare on Lemmy St - A GDPR Horror Story]( | |:--:| | Nightmare on Lemmy Street (A Fediverse GDPR Horror Story) |

    This is (also) a horror story about accidentally uploading very sensitive data to Lemmy, and the (surprisingly) difficult task of deleting it.

    PSA: you can't delete photos uploaded to #lemmy. So don't (accidentally) upload a nude to lemmy. That would be bad 😱

    This article will describe how lemmy instance admins can purge images from pict-rs.

    | [!Nightmare on Lemmy St - A GDPR Horror Story]( | |:--:| | Nightmare on Lemmy Street (A Fediverse GDPR Horror Story) |

    This is (also) a horror story about accidentally uploading very sensitive data to Lemmy, and the (surprisingly) difficult task of deleting it.

    How to purge an image on Lemmy? (GDPR Data Erasure)
  • This seems to suggest that you have to get it from lemmy when you first uploaded the image

  • How to purge an image on Lemmy? (GDPR Data Erasure)
  • Thanks, but I'm asking because I didn't find the reference documentation especially helpful.

    It says I need the "delete token" or "alias". How do I get that for a given URL?

    I'm looking for an example that describes how to construct the commands for the API calls knowing only the URL of the image.

  • Lemmy Support maltfield
    How to purge an image on Lemmy? (GDPR Data Erasure) How to purge an image on Lemmy? (GDPR Data Erasure)

    Given a URL to an image on my lemmy instance, how can I (as an admin) permanently delete the image (and all cache/variants of the image)? I operate a lemmy instance server. One of our users just

    How to purge an image on Lemmy? (GDPR Data Erasure)

    Given a URL to an image on my lemmy instance, how can I (as an admin) permanently delete the image (and all cache/variants of the image)?

    I operate a lemmy instance server. One of our users just submitted a GDPR Data Erasure request for an image. The image is orphaned, so it is not tied to any post or comment. We have a URL to the image only.

    Images in lemmy are handled by the pict-rs service, which is itself distinct from lemmy. As stated in the lemmy documentation, there is a way to purge posts and comments, but there appears to be no way to purge a given image in lemmy through the WUI or lemmy API.

    How can I entirely purge the image from my lemmy instance, given only the URL to the image?

    Open-Source Water Purification, Structures, and Sanitation (Off-Grid Communities) 📖💧🏠🚾🌱 2023 Annual Report - Eco-Libre

    In 2023, we added 4 new open-source hardware projects to address community's human rights, including access to safe water, shelter, and sanitation

    2023 Annual Report - Eco-Libre

    Happy 2024! The Eco-Libre project published our 2023 Annual Report for last year.

    [!Eco-Libre 2023 Annual Report](

    Eco-Libre is a volunteer-run project that designs libre hardware for sustainable communities.

    > Eco-Libre's mission is to research, develop, document, teach, build, and distribute open-source hardware and software that sustainably enfranchises communities' human rights. > > - Eco-Libre's mission statement

    We aim to provide clear documentation to build low-cost machines, tools, and infrastructure for people all over the world who wish to live in sustainable communities with others.

    Executive Summary

    • Eco-Libre was founded June 24, 2023
    • Begun searching for land in Ecuador
    • Four projects created on GitHub
    • Currently 2 active contributors
    • 2024 priority is finding land and R&D on Life-Line

    Michael Altfield registered the domain-name on June 24th, 2023, a few weeks after arriving to Ecuador.

    Over the next 6 months, Eco-Libre committed research and designs to our GitHub org for four projects (licensed CC BY-SA) which address some of the essential requirements for a new community's basic human needs: clean water, shelter, electricity, and ecological processing of waste. By releasing these designs under a libre license, it allows for other communities to build their own infrastructure with minimal effort, and it encourages collaboration on standardized design concepts.

    As Eco-Libre's projects mature, we will build experimental prototypes in our own community. To that end, Michael is currently traveling around Ecuador by bicycle in-search of land to found Eco-Libre's first physical site.

    In December, Eco-Libre was joined by Jack Nugent, who has since committed contributions to the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.

    The priority focus for Michael in 2024 is to determine the best region in Ecuador to buy land where Eco-Libre can physically iterate on projects.

    The priority focus for Jack in 2024 is to finish the research, design, and documentation of the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.


    Eco-Libre was founded this year (in 2023). In our first 6 months, we've begun work on four libre hardware projects. All of them are currently in the early research stages.

    Eco-Libre Launch-Nest

    The Eco-Libre Launch-Nest was our first project. The concept is to build a small-footprint, high-occupancy structure for sustainable living of 30-people.

    | [!CAD screenshot of a 6-story masonry structure with a large array of solar panels and three large parabolic solar dishes on the roof]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Launch-Nest 2023.09 |

    The rooftop has sufficient space for 72 solar panels (2 meter x 1 meter) and 3 parabolic solar concentrators (16 square meter).

    The structure is six-stories above-ground, which is the recommended maximum height of a confined masonry structure in an earthquake zone. It also has a basement.

    The building is designed with external, enclosed, firewalled staircases on either end. These are symmetrical and designed such that the building design can be rotated around a center courtyard to have four Eco-Libre Launch-Nest structures that share the same stairwells.

    Currently only basic, incomplete architectural design-work has been done in CAD. Before a structural analysis can be assessed (eg to determine the location of columns), further work needs to be done on finishing the placement of windows, doors, and dividing walls.

    Eco-Libre Life-Line

    The Eco-Libre Life-Line project is a series of components making up an infrastructure to deliver a clean water pipeline to a community. This includes:

    | [!Photo of a small weir funneling watter into a 200L barrel with an expanded metal grate covering its opening]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Life-Line 2023.12 |

    1. Collection of raw surface water (eg from a stream)
    2. Removal of large organic debris & sediments
    3. Removal of small particles
    4. Removal of harmful bacteria & parasites
    5. Clean water storage

    Michael started the Life-Line project after visiting a number of communities who had constant issues with their water systems breaking or failing to provide clean water. The goal is to design a low-cost, self-cleaning pipeline of systems that require minimal human intervention (max routine maintenance twice per year).

    This year we have half-finished the "intake" component in CAD, which consists of building a weir in a stream that funnels turbulent water onto a downward-sloped HDPE barrel with a fine-mesh screen atop it. This design exploits the energy in falling turbulent water to clean the intake screen, and it prevents the intake from being clogged by organic debris during heavy rainfall.

    Special thanks to Jack Nugent, who joined Eco-Libre in 2023 and has contributed to research, design, and documentation of the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.

    The goal in 2024 is to finish the "intake" component in CAD and also to design the "settling tank", "pre-filter", and "sand filter" components in CAD.

    Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth

    How do you sustainably begin to build a community on land without electricity and without any structures?

    The Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth is a simple storage shed with >1 kW of PV solar panels on the roof. This is the first structure to be built when jumpstarting a new off-grid community. It provides the power, storage, and outdoor workshop space needed to build-out the community.

    | [!Photo of a small structure with 4 solar panels on its roof]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth 2023.06 |

    This year we've made a simple footprint for the Genesis-Booth in CAD that's 4 meters x 2 meters -- just large enough to fit 4 solar panels (2 meters x 1 meter each). Further work is needed in CAD, but this year we also delved into making a framework for our documentation.

    The Eco-Libre documentation is written in reST, generated by Sphinx, and (currently) hosted by GitHub. This is an exceptionally flexible continuous documentation solution that allows for versioned documentation matching versioned releases, works well with git, can be exported to many different flexible formats, and can be extended with custom directives written in python.

    The highest priority for the Genesis-Booth is to finish this documentation as a template for other projects. Ideally this should be designed in such a way that information about Eco-Libre in general is seamlessly added to all project's documentations in a reusable way.

    Eco-LIbre Treasure Tower

    The Eco-Libre Treasure-Tower project is a 7 meter x 6 meter structure for storing and processing a community's waste, most importantly their food & fecal compost.

    | [!Photo of a tall 6-story structure with a wrap-around ramp and several doors on each floor]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Treasure-Tower 2023.07 |

    This structure is 6-stories high and barrier-free, with a wrap-around ramp. All but the top-floor have three doors:

    1. Access door for maintenance
    2. Deposit Closet
    3. Deposit Closet

    Each deposit closet contains facilities for the collection of human urine and feces and is slightly staggered in elevation so the user's deposits fall by gravity into their designated collection areas for processing.

    Separately from compost, this structure also serves as a storage area for recyclable waste materials, such as metal.

    This year a first-draft design of the structure has been designed in CAD, but it's very premature.

    Next, a second design prototype (where the two deposit closet entrances are on the same side) should be drafted in CAD and compared to the existing design.

    Contribute to Eco-Libre

    If you'd like to help Eco-Libre reach our mission to enfranchise sustainable communities' human rights with libre hardware, please contact us to get involved :)

    Join Us

    Cheers, The Eco-Libre Team

    Architecture maltfield
    Open-Source Water Purification, Structures, and Sanitation (Off-Grid Communities) 📖💧🏠🚾🌱 2023 Annual Report - Eco-Libre

    In 2023, we added 4 new open-source hardware projects to address community's human rights, including access to safe water, shelter, and sanitation

    2023 Annual Report - Eco-Libre

    Happy 2024! The Eco-Libre project published our 2023 Annual Report for last year.

    [!Eco-Libre 2023 Annual Report](

    Eco-Libre is a volunteer-run project that designs libre hardware for sustainable communities.

    > Eco-Libre's mission is to research, develop, document, teach, build, and distribute open-source hardware and software that sustainably enfranchises communities' human rights. > > - Eco-Libre's mission statement

    We aim to provide clear documentation to build low-cost machines, tools, and infrastructure for people all over the world who wish to live in sustainable communities with others.

    Executive Summary

    • Eco-Libre was founded June 24, 2023
    • Begun searching for land in Ecuador
    • Four projects created on GitHub
    • Currently 2 active contributors
    • 2024 priority is finding land and R&D on Life-Line

    Michael Altfield registered the domain-name on June 24th, 2023, a few weeks after arriving to Ecuador.

    Over the next 6 months, Eco-Libre committed research and designs to our GitHub org for four projects (licensed CC BY-SA) which address some of the essential requirements for a new community's basic human needs: clean water, shelter, electricity, and ecological processing of waste. By releasing these designs under a libre license, it allows for other communities to build their own infrastructure with minimal effort, and it encourages collaboration on standardized design concepts.

    As Eco-Libre's projects mature, we will build experimental prototypes in our own community. To that end, Michael is currently traveling around Ecuador by bicycle in-search of land to found Eco-Libre's first physical site.

    In December, Eco-Libre was joined by Jack Nugent, who has since committed contributions to the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.

    The priority focus for Michael in 2024 is to determine the best region in Ecuador to buy land where Eco-Libre can physically iterate on projects.

    The priority focus for Jack in 2024 is to finish the research, design, and documentation of the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.


    Eco-Libre was founded this year (in 2023). In our first 6 months, we've begun work on four libre hardware projects. All of them are currently in the early research stages.

    Eco-Libre Launch-Nest

    The Eco-Libre Launch-Nest was our first project. The concept is to build a small-footprint, high-occupancy structure for sustainable living of 30-people.

    | [!CAD screenshot of a 6-story masonry structure with a large array of solar panels and three large parabolic solar dishes on the roof]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Launch-Nest 2023.09 |

    The rooftop has sufficient space for 72 solar panels (2 meter x 1 meter) and 3 parabolic solar concentrators (16 square meter).

    The structure is six-stories above-ground, which is the recommended maximum height of a confined masonry structure in an earthquake zone. It also has a basement.

    The building is designed with external, enclosed, firewalled staircases on either end. These are symmetrical and designed such that the building design can be rotated around a center courtyard to have four Eco-Libre Launch-Nest structures that share the same stairwells.

    Currently only basic, incomplete architectural design-work has been done in CAD. Before a structural analysis can be assessed (eg to determine the location of columns), further work needs to be done on finishing the placement of windows, doors, and dividing walls.

    Eco-Libre Life-Line

    The Eco-Libre Life-Line project is a series of components making up an infrastructure to deliver a clean water pipeline to a community. This includes:

    | [!Photo of a small weir funneling watter into a 200L barrel with an expanded metal grate covering its opening]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Life-Line 2023.12 |

    1. Collection of raw surface water (eg from a stream)
    2. Removal of large organic debris & sediments
    3. Removal of small particles
    4. Removal of harmful bacteria & parasites
    5. Clean water storage

    Michael started the Life-Line project after visiting a number of communities who had constant issues with their water systems breaking or failing to provide clean water. The goal is to design a low-cost, self-cleaning pipeline of systems that require minimal human intervention (max routine maintenance twice per year).

    This year we have half-finished the "intake" component in CAD, which consists of building a weir in a stream that funnels turbulent water onto a downward-sloped HDPE barrel with a fine-mesh screen atop it. This design exploits the energy in falling turbulent water to clean the intake screen, and it prevents the intake from being clogged by organic debris during heavy rainfall.

    Special thanks to Jack Nugent, who joined Eco-Libre in 2023 and has contributed to research, design, and documentation of the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.

    The goal in 2024 is to finish the "intake" component in CAD and also to design the "settling tank", "pre-filter", and "sand filter" components in CAD.

    Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth

    How do you sustainably begin to build a community on land without electricity and without any structures?

    The Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth is a simple storage shed with >1 kW of PV solar panels on the roof. This is the first structure to be built when jumpstarting a new off-grid community. It provides the power, storage, and outdoor workshop space needed to build-out the community.

    | [!Photo of a small structure with 4 solar panels on its roof]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth 2023.06 |

    This year we've made a simple footprint for the Genesis-Booth in CAD that's 4 meters x 2 meters -- just large enough to fit 4 solar panels (2 meters x 1 meter each). Further work is needed in CAD, but this year we also delved into making a framework for our documentation.

    The Eco-Libre documentation is written in reST, generated by Sphinx, and (currently) hosted by GitHub. This is an exceptionally flexible continuous documentation solution that allows for versioned documentation matching versioned releases, works well with git, can be exported to many different flexible formats, and can be extended with custom directives written in python.

    The highest priority for the Genesis-Booth is to finish this documentation as a template for other projects. Ideally this should be designed in such a way that information about Eco-Libre in general is seamlessly added to all project's documentations in a reusable way.

    Eco-LIbre Treasure Tower

    The Eco-Libre Treasure-Tower project is a 7 meter x 6 meter structure for storing and processing a community's waste, most importantly their food & fecal compost.

    | [!Photo of a tall 6-story structure with a wrap-around ramp and several doors on each floor]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Treasure-Tower 2023.07 |

    This structure is 6-stories high and barrier-free, with a wrap-around ramp. All but the top-floor have three doors:

    1. Access door for maintenance
    2. Deposit Closet
    3. Deposit Closet

    Each deposit closet contains facilities for the collection of human urine and feces and is slightly staggered in elevation so the user's deposits fall by gravity into their designated collection areas for processing.

    Separately from compost, this structure also serves as a storage area for recyclable waste materials, such as metal.

    This year a first-draft design of the structure has been designed in CAD, but it's very premature.

    Next, a second design prototype (where the two deposit closet entrances are on the same side) should be drafted in CAD and compared to the existing design.

    Contribute to Eco-Libre

    If you'd like to help Eco-Libre reach our mission to enfranchise sustainable communities' human rights with libre hardware, please contact us to get involved :)

    Join Us

    Cheers, The Eco-Libre Team

    FOSS Water Purification, Structures, and Sanitation (Off-Grid Communities) 📖💧🏠🚾🌱 2023 Annual Report - Eco-Libre

    In 2023, we added 4 new open-source hardware projects to address community's human rights, including access to safe water, shelter, and sanitation

    2023 Annual Report - Eco-Libre

    Happy 2024! The Eco-Libre project published our 2023 Annual Report for last year.

    [!Eco-Libre 2023 Annual Report](

    Eco-Libre is a volunteer-run project that designs libre hardware for sustainable communities.

    > Eco-Libre's mission is to research, develop, document, teach, build, and distribute open-source hardware and software that sustainably enfranchises communities' human rights. > > - Eco-Libre's mission statement

    We aim to provide clear documentation to build low-cost machines, tools, and infrastructure for people all over the world who wish to live in sustainable communities with others.

    Executive Summary

    • Eco-Libre was founded June 24, 2023
    • Begun searching for land in Ecuador
    • Four projects created on GitHub
    • Currently 2 active contributors
    • 2024 priority is finding land and R&D on Life-Line

    Michael Altfield registered the domain-name on June 24th, 2023, a few weeks after arriving to Ecuador.

    Over the next 6 months, Eco-Libre committed research and designs to our GitHub org for four projects (licensed CC BY-SA) which address some of the essential requirements for a new community's basic human needs: clean water, shelter, electricity, and ecological processing of waste. By releasing these designs under a libre license, it allows for other communities to build their own infrastructure with minimal effort, and it encourages collaboration on standardized design concepts.

    As Eco-Libre's projects mature, we will build experimental prototypes in our own community. To that end, Michael is currently traveling around Ecuador by bicycle in-search of land to found Eco-Libre's first physical site.

    In December, Eco-Libre was joined by Jack Nugent, who has since committed contributions to the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.

    The priority focus for Michael in 2024 is to determine the best region in Ecuador to buy land where Eco-Libre can physically iterate on projects.

    The priority focus for Jack in 2024 is to finish the research, design, and documentation of the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.


    Eco-Libre was founded this year (in 2023). In our first 6 months, we've begun work on four libre hardware projects. All of them are currently in the early research stages.

    Eco-Libre Launch-Nest

    The Eco-Libre Launch-Nest was our first project. The concept is to build a small-footprint, high-occupancy structure for sustainable living of 30-people.

    | [!CAD screenshot of a 6-story masonry structure with a large array of solar panels and three large parabolic solar dishes on the roof]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Launch-Nest 2023.09 |

    The rooftop has sufficient space for 72 solar panels (2 meter x 1 meter) and 3 parabolic solar concentrators (16 square meter).

    The structure is six-stories above-ground, which is the recommended maximum height of a confined masonry structure in an earthquake zone. It also has a basement.

    The building is designed with external, enclosed, firewalled staircases on either end. These are symmetrical and designed such that the building design can be rotated around a center courtyard to have four Eco-Libre Launch-Nest structures that share the same stairwells.

    Currently only basic, incomplete architectural design-work has been done in CAD. Before a structural analysis can be assessed (eg to determine the location of columns), further work needs to be done on finishing the placement of windows, doors, and dividing walls.

    Eco-Libre Life-Line

    The Eco-Libre Life-Line project is a series of components making up an infrastructure to deliver a clean water pipeline to a community. This includes:

    | [!Photo of a small weir funneling watter into a 200L barrel with an expanded metal grate covering its opening]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Life-Line 2023.12 |

    1. Collection of raw surface water (eg from a stream)
    2. Removal of large organic debris & sediments
    3. Removal of small particles
    4. Removal of harmful bacteria & parasites
    5. Clean water storage

    Michael started the Life-Line project after visiting a number of communities who had constant issues with their water systems breaking or failing to provide clean water. The goal is to design a low-cost, self-cleaning pipeline of systems that require minimal human intervention (max routine maintenance twice per year).

    This year we have half-finished the "intake" component in CAD, which consists of building a weir in a stream that funnels turbulent water onto a downward-sloped HDPE barrel with a fine-mesh screen atop it. This design exploits the energy in falling turbulent water to clean the intake screen, and it prevents the intake from being clogged by organic debris during heavy rainfall.

    Special thanks to Jack Nugent, who joined Eco-Libre in 2023 and has contributed to research, design, and documentation of the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.

    The goal in 2024 is to finish the "intake" component in CAD and also to design the "settling tank", "pre-filter", and "sand filter" components in CAD.

    Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth

    How do you sustainably begin to build a community on land without electricity and without any structures?

    The Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth is a simple storage shed with >1 kW of PV solar panels on the roof. This is the first structure to be built when jumpstarting a new off-grid community. It provides the power, storage, and outdoor workshop space needed to build-out the community.

    | [!Photo of a small structure with 4 solar panels on its roof]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth 2023.06 |

    This year we've made a simple footprint for the Genesis-Booth in CAD that's 4 meters x 2 meters -- just large enough to fit 4 solar panels (2 meters x 1 meter each). Further work is needed in CAD, but this year we also delved into making a framework for our documentation.

    The Eco-Libre documentation is written in reST, generated by Sphinx, and (currently) hosted by GitHub. This is an exceptionally flexible continuous documentation solution that allows for versioned documentation matching versioned releases, works well with git, can be exported to many different flexible formats, and can be extended with custom directives written in python.

    The highest priority for the Genesis-Booth is to finish this documentation as a template for other projects. Ideally this should be designed in such a way that information about Eco-Libre in general is seamlessly added to all project's documentations in a reusable way.

    Eco-LIbre Treasure Tower

    The Eco-Libre Treasure-Tower project is a 7 meter x 6 meter structure for storing and processing a community's waste, most importantly their food & fecal compost.

    | [!Photo of a tall 6-story structure with a wrap-around ramp and several doors on each floor]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Treasure-Tower 2023.07 |

    This structure is 6-stories high and barrier-free, with a wrap-around ramp. All but the top-floor have three doors:

    1. Access door for maintenance
    2. Deposit Closet
    3. Deposit Closet

    Each deposit closet contains facilities for the collection of human urine and feces and is slightly staggered in elevation so the user's deposits fall by gravity into their designated collection areas for processing.

    Separately from compost, this structure also serves as a storage area for recyclable waste materials, such as metal.

    This year a first-draft design of the structure has been designed in CAD, but it's very premature.

    Next, a second design prototype (where the two deposit closet entrances are on the same side) should be drafted in CAD and compared to the existing design.

    Contribute to Eco-Libre

    If you'd like to help Eco-Libre reach our mission to enfranchise sustainable communities' human rights with libre hardware, please contact us to get involved :)

    Join Us

    Cheers, The Eco-Libre Team

    Open-Source Water Purification, Structures, and Sanitation (Off-Grid Communities) 📖💧🏠🚾🌱 2023 Annual Report - Eco-Libre

    In 2023, we added 4 new open-source hardware projects to address community's human rights, including access to safe water, shelter, and sanitation

    2023 Annual Report - Eco-Libre

    ~Happy 2024! The Eco-Libre project published our 2023 Annual Report for last year.

    [!Eco-Libre 2023 Annual Report](

    Eco-Libre is a volunteer-run project that designs libre hardware for sustainable communities.

    > Eco-Libre's mission is to research, develop, document, teach, build, and distribute open-source hardware and software that sustainably enfranchises communities' human rights. > > - Eco-Libre's mission statement

    We aim to provide clear documentation to build low-cost machines, tools, and infrastructure for people all over the world who wish to live in sustainable communities with others.

    Executive Summary

    • Eco-Libre was founded June 24, 2023
    • Begun searching for land in Ecuador
    • Four projects created on GitHub
    • Currently 2 active contributors
    • 2024 priority is finding land and R&D on Life-Line

    Michael Altfield registered the domain-name on June 24th, 2023, a few weeks after arriving to Ecuador.

    Over the next 6 months, Eco-Libre committed research and designs to our GitHub org for four projects (licensed CC BY-SA) which address some of the essential requirements for a new community's basic human needs: clean water, shelter, electricity, and ecological processing of waste. By releasing these designs under a libre license, it allows for other communities to build their own infrastructure with minimal effort, and it encourages collaboration on standardized design concepts.

    As Eco-Libre's projects mature, we will build experimental prototypes in our own community. To that end, Michael is currently traveling around Ecuador by bicycle in-search of land to found Eco-Libre's first physical site.

    In December, Eco-Libre was joined by Jack Nugent, who has since committed contributions to the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.

    The priority focus for Michael in 2024 is to determine the best region in Ecuador to buy land where Eco-Libre can physically iterate on projects.

    The priority focus for Jack in 2024 is to finish the research, design, and documentation of the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.


    Eco-Libre was founded this year (in 2023). In our first 6 months, we've begun work on four libre hardware projects. All of them are currently in the early research stages.

    Eco-Libre Launch-Nest

    The Eco-Libre Launch-Nest was our first project. The concept is to build a small-footprint, high-occupancy structure for sustainable living of 30-people.

    | [!CAD screenshot of a 6-story masonry structure with a large array of solar panels and three large parabolic solar dishes on the roof]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Launch-Nest 2023.09 |

    The rooftop has sufficient space for 72 solar panels (2 meter x 1 meter) and 3 parabolic solar concentrators (16 square meter).

    The structure is six-stories above-ground, which is the recommended maximum height of a confined masonry structure in an earthquake zone. It also has a basement.

    The building is designed with external, enclosed, firewalled staircases on either end. These are symmetrical and designed such that the building design can be rotated around a center courtyard to have four Eco-Libre Launch-Nest structures that share the same stairwells.

    Currently only basic, incomplete architectural design-work has been done in CAD. Before a structural analysis can be assessed (eg to determine the location of columns), further work needs to be done on finishing the placement of windows, doors, and dividing walls.

    Eco-Libre Life-Line

    The Eco-Libre Life-Line project is a series of components making up an infrastructure to deliver a clean water pipeline to a community. This includes:

    | [!Photo of a small weir funneling watter into a 200L barrel with an expanded metal grate covering its opening]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Life-Line 2023.12 |

    1. Collection of raw surface water (eg from a stream)
    2. Removal of large organic debris & sediments
    3. Removal of small particles
    4. Removal of harmful bacteria & parasites
    5. Clean water storage

    Michael started the Life-Line project after visiting a number of communities who had constant issues with their water systems breaking or failing to provide clean water. The goal is to design a low-cost, self-cleaning pipeline of systems that require minimal human intervention (max routine maintenance twice per year).

    This year we have half-finished the "intake" component in CAD, which consists of building a weir in a stream that funnels turbulent water onto a downward-sloped HDPE barrel with a fine-mesh screen atop it. This design exploits the energy in falling turbulent water to clean the intake screen, and it prevents the intake from being clogged by organic debris during heavy rainfall.

    Special thanks to Jack Nugent, who joined Eco-Libre in 2023 and has contributed to research, design, and documentation of the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.

    The goal in 2024 is to finish the "intake" component in CAD and also to design the "settling tank", "pre-filter", and "sand filter" components in CAD.

    Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth

    How do you sustainably begin to build a community on land without electricity and without any structures?

    The Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth is a simple storage shed with >1 kW of PV solar panels on the roof. This is the first structure to be built when jumpstarting a new off-grid community. It provides the power, storage, and outdoor workshop space needed to build-out the community.

    | [!Photo of a small structure with 4 solar panels on its roof]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth 2023.06 |

    This year we've made a simple footprint for the Genesis-Booth in CAD that's 4 meters x 2 meters -- just large enough to fit 4 solar panels (2 meters x 1 meter each). Further work is needed in CAD, but this year we also delved into making a framework for our documentation.

    The Eco-Libre documentation is written in reST, generated by Sphinx, and (currently) hosted by GitHub. This is an exceptionally flexible continuous documentation solution that allows for versioned documentation matching versioned releases, works well with git, can be exported to many different flexible formats, and can be extended with custom directives written in python.

    The highest priority for the Genesis-Booth is to finish this documentation as a template for other projects. Ideally this should be designed in such a way that information about Eco-Libre in general is seamlessly added to all project's documentations in a reusable way.

    Eco-LIbre Treasure Tower

    The Eco-Libre Treasure-Tower project is a 7 meter x 6 meter structure for storing and processing a community's waste, most importantly their food & fecal compost.

    | [!Photo of a tall 6-story structure with a wrap-around ramp and several doors on each floor]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Treasure-Tower 2023.07 |

    This structure is 6-stories high and barrier-free, with a wrap-around ramp. All but the top-floor have three doors:

    1. Access door for maintenance
    2. Deposit Closet
    3. Deposit Closet

    Each deposit closet contains facilities for the collection of human urine and feces and is slightly staggered in elevation so the user's deposits fall by gravity into their designated collection areas for processing.

    Separately from compost, this structure also serves as a storage area for recyclable waste materials, such as metal.

    This year a first-draft design of the structure has been designed in CAD, but it's very premature.

    Next, a second design prototype (where the two deposit closet entrances are on the same side) should be drafted in CAD and compared to the existing design.

    Contribute to Eco-Libre

    If you'd like to help Eco-Libre reach our mission to enfranchise sustainable communities' human rights with libre hardware, please contact us to get involved :)

    Join Us

    Cheers, The Eco-Libre Team ~

    FOSS Water Purification, Structures, and Sanitation (Off-Grid Communities) 📖💧🏠🚾🌱 2023 Annual Report - Eco-Libre

    In 2023, we added 4 new open-source hardware projects to address community's human rights, including access to safe water, shelter, and sanitation

    2023 Annual Report - Eco-Libre

    Happy 2024! The Eco-Libre project published our 2023 Annual Report for last year.

    [!Eco-Libre 2023 Annual Report](

    Eco-Libre is a volunteer-run project that designs libre hardware for sustainable communities.

    > Eco-Libre's mission is to research, develop, document, teach, build, and distribute open-source hardware and software that sustainably enfranchises communities' human rights. > > - Eco-Libre's mission statement

    We aim to provide clear documentation to build low-cost machines, tools, and infrastructure for people all over the world who wish to live in sustainable communities with others.

    Executive Summary

    • Eco-Libre was founded June 24, 2023
    • Begun searching for land in Ecuador
    • Four projects created on GitHub
    • Currently 2 active contributors
    • 2024 priority is finding land and R&D on Life-Line

    Michael Altfield registered the domain-name on June 24th, 2023, a few weeks after arriving to Ecuador.

    Over the next 6 months, Eco-Libre committed research and designs to our GitHub org for four projects (licensed CC BY-SA) which address some of the essential requirements for a new community's basic human needs: clean water, shelter, electricity, and ecological processing of waste. By releasing these designs under a libre license, it allows for other communities to build their own infrastructure with minimal effort, and it encourages collaboration on standardized design concepts.

    As Eco-Libre's projects mature, we will build experimental prototypes in our own community. To that end, Michael is currently traveling around Ecuador by bicycle in-search of land to found Eco-Libre's first physical site.

    In December, Eco-Libre was joined by Jack Nugent, who has since committed contributions to the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.

    The priority focus for Michael in 2024 is to determine the best region in Ecuador to buy land where Eco-Libre can physically iterate on projects.

    The priority focus for Jack in 2024 is to finish the research, design, and documentation of the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.


    Eco-Libre was founded this year (in 2023). In our first 6 months, we've begun work on four libre hardware projects. All of them are currently in the early research stages.

    Eco-Libre Launch-Nest

    The Eco-Libre Launch-Nest was our first project. The concept is to build a small-footprint, high-occupancy structure for sustainable living of 30-people.

    | [!CAD screenshot of a 6-story masonry structure with a large array of solar panels and three large parabolic solar dishes on the roof]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Launch-Nest 2023.09 |

    The rooftop has sufficient space for 72 solar panels (2 meter x 1 meter) and 3 parabolic solar concentrators (16 square meter).

    The structure is six-stories above-ground, which is the recommended maximum height of a confined masonry structure in an earthquake zone. It also has a basement.

    The building is designed with external, enclosed, firewalled staircases on either end. These are symmetrical and designed such that the building design can be rotated around a center courtyard to have four Eco-Libre Launch-Nest structures that share the same stairwells.

    Currently only basic, incomplete architectural design-work has been done in CAD. Before a structural analysis can be assessed (eg to determine the location of columns), further work needs to be done on finishing the placement of windows, doors, and dividing walls.

    Eco-Libre Life-Line

    The Eco-Libre Life-Line project is a series of components making up an infrastructure to deliver a clean water pipeline to a community. This includes:

    | [!Photo of a small weir funneling watter into a 200L barrel with an expanded metal grate covering its opening]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Life-Line 2023.12 |

    1. Collection of raw surface water (eg from a stream)
    2. Removal of large organic debris & sediments
    3. Removal of small particles
    4. Removal of harmful bacteria & parasites
    5. Clean water storage

    Michael started the Life-Line project after visiting a number of communities who had constant issues with their water systems breaking or failing to provide clean water. The goal is to design a low-cost, self-cleaning pipeline of systems that require minimal human intervention (max routine maintenance twice per year).

    This year we have half-finished the "intake" component in CAD, which consists of building a weir in a stream that funnels turbulent water onto a downward-sloped HDPE barrel with a fine-mesh screen atop it. This design exploits the energy in falling turbulent water to clean the intake screen, and it prevents the intake from being clogged by organic debris during heavy rainfall.

    Special thanks to Jack Nugent, who joined Eco-Libre in 2023 and has contributed to research, design, and documentation of the Eco-Libre Life-Line project.

    The goal in 2024 is to finish the "intake" component in CAD and also to design the "settling tank", "pre-filter", and "sand filter" components in CAD.

    Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth

    How do you sustainably begin to build a community on land without electricity and without any structures?

    The Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth is a simple storage shed with >1 kW of PV solar panels on the roof. This is the first structure to be built when jumpstarting a new off-grid community. It provides the power, storage, and outdoor workshop space needed to build-out the community.

    | [!Photo of a small structure with 4 solar panels on its roof]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Genesis-Booth 2023.06 |

    This year we've made a simple footprint for the Genesis-Booth in CAD that's 4 meters x 2 meters -- just large enough to fit 4 solar panels (2 meters x 1 meter each). Further work is needed in CAD, but this year we also delved into making a framework for our documentation.

    The Eco-Libre documentation is written in reST, generated by Sphinx, and (currently) hosted by GitHub. This is an exceptionally flexible continuous documentation solution that allows for versioned documentation matching versioned releases, works well with git, can be exported to many different flexible formats, and can be extended with custom directives written in python.

    The highest priority for the Genesis-Booth is to finish this documentation as a template for other projects. Ideally this should be designed in such a way that information about Eco-Libre in general is seamlessly added to all project's documentations in a reusable way.

    Eco-LIbre Treasure Tower

    The Eco-Libre Treasure-Tower project is a 7 meter x 6 meter structure for storing and processing a community's waste, most importantly their food & fecal compost.

    | [!Photo of a tall 6-story structure with a wrap-around ramp and several doors on each floor]( | |:--:| | Eco-Libre Treasure-Tower 2023.07 |

    This structure is 6-stories high and barrier-free, with a wrap-around ramp. All but the top-floor have three doors:

    1. Access door for maintenance
    2. Deposit Closet
    3. Deposit Closet

    Each deposit closet contains facilities for the collection of human urine and feces and is slightly staggered in elevation so the user's deposits fall by gravity into their designated collection areas for processing.

    Separately from compost, this structure also serves as a storage area for recyclable waste materials, such as metal.

    This year a first-draft design of the structure has been designed in CAD, but it's very premature.

    Next, a second design prototype (where the two deposit closet entrances are on the same side) should be drafted in CAD and compared to the existing design.

    Contribute to Eco-Libre

    If you'd like to help Eco-Libre reach our mission to enfranchise sustainable communities' human rights with libre hardware, please contact us to get involved :)

    Join Us

    Cheers, The Eco-Libre Team

    BusKill Warrant Canary #7 Published
  • You definitely can do that, but if you're afraid that you might stand-up and forget you're using it, then you probably shouldn't.

    It's probably enough to just use the default trigger that locks your screen. Or, once you get comfortable with it, set it to shut down your computer. Most people don't need to shred their FDE keys, unless they're facing torture.

    In fact, we make it difficult to use "destructive" triggers (like the LUKS Header Shredder that wipes the FDE header) and intentionally do not include the ability to switch to it in the app. To use it, you have to do a lot of extra work. So most users don't have this issue.

  • BusKill Warrant Canary #7 Published
  • Why? It defaults to just locking your screen. So you stand-up, the magnetic breakaway cable separates, and then you just have to type your password...

    If you're the type of person that would forget to lock your computer before standing up and walking away, then it's exactly what you'd want.

  • BusKill Warrant Canary #007 🕵️ BusKill Canary #7 - BusKill

    This post contains the cryptographically-signed BusKill warrant canary #007 for January 2023 to January 2024.

    BusKill Canary #7 - BusKill

    This post contains a canary message that's cryptographically signed by the official BusKill PGP release key

    | [!BusKill Canary #007]( | |:--:| | The BusKill project just published their Warrant Canary #007 |

    For more information about BusKill canaries, see:

    • <>

    ``` -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512

    Status: All good Release: 2024-01-10 Period: 2024-01-01 to 2024-06-01 Expiry: 2024-06-30

    Statements ==========

    The BusKill Team who have digitally signed this file [1] state the following:

    1. The date of issue of this canary is January 10, 2024.

    2. The current BusKill Signing Key (2020.07) is

      E0AF FF57 DC00 FBE0 5635 8761 4AE2 1E19 36CE 786A

    3. We positively confirm, to the best of our knowledge, that the integrity of our systems are sound: all our infrastructure is in our control, we have not been compromised or suffered a data breach, we have not disclosed any private keys, we have not introduced any backdoors, and we have not been forced to modify our system to allow access or information leakage to a third party in any way.

    4. We plan to publish the next of these canary statements before the Expiry date listed above. Special note should be taken if no new canary is published by that time or if the list of statements changes without plausible explanation.

    Special announcements =====================


    Disclaimers and notes =====================

    This canary scheme is not infallible. Although signing the declaration makes it very difficult for a third party to produce arbitrary declarations, it does not prevent them from using force or other means, like blackmail or compromising the signers' laptops, to coerce us to produce false declarations.

    The news feeds quoted below (Proof of freshness) serves to demonstrate that this canary could not have been created prior to the date stated. It shows that a series of canaries was not created in advance.

    This declaration is merely a best effort and is provided without any guarantee or warranty. It is not legally binding in any way to anybody. None of the signers should be ever held legally responsible for any of the statements made here.

    Proof of freshness ==================

    09 Jan 24 17:35:23 UTC

    Source: DER SPIEGEL - International ( Germany's Role in the Middle East: Foreign Minister Baerbock Sees an Opening for Mediation Assaults, Harassment and Beatings: Does the EU Share Blame for Police Violence in Tunisia?

    Source: NYT > World News ( Israel-Hamas War: Blinken Calls on Israel to Build Ties With Arab Nations Gabriel Attal Is France’s Youngest and First Openly Gay Prime Minister

    Source: BBC News - World ( 2023 confirmed as world's hottest year on record Gabriel Attal: Macron's pick for PM is France's youngest at 34

    Source: Bitcoin Blockchain ( 00000000000000000001bfe1a00ed3f660b89016088487d6f180d01805d173a3


    iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEEeY3BEB897EKK3hJNaLi8sMUCOQUFAmWfOwAACgkQaLi8sMUC OQXHAQ/9Fqja31ypWheMkiDHNJ6orkt/1SiVCWX3dcMR8Ht2gFUBOlyAhu3Pubzl 5rEhy31KCCYKycn09ZpzsYO5HHQ2MzdVIS8lXFDpYqLbWL2z/Qa2/lU0onJVy7bj xgsJ+CheHD44/PnBmCBB1Y7mIob+gw84csaLLoUHLguM66LjFCeeukTSc7NA5r3v WVhQZ9LGz+TfQZEmwio8+KNOyXLWRyT9BMPx9tXR+G1/xOfUh6a2WJ2pC4lcscGD 2j9iWx5VfNMKOGfZvVXq70kCLcke2tkELE67u5EfypAkH0R875V7B2LNr/POQ+B+ 4cW9yNY41ARdf+wwWZscel8PI50sKQ9zMF+sZQTHVIU4e+hZtAhlhUS+Tl9WTuc6 uBTJZ7SY/hRYDT9kHJLgwuhZCbAySk/ojidZetki/N1Gyrb5sMWHUV8Xtv/c6Dge JMowbug9/brT4AkiKOIgClOJVYfDLbDnQ3sUPhhtrf8OA+7AxB285wbXVNQylZKy i0Uax+cUol691MIWv7xt+jz/NjEakVHrlpyfifv8B5APyv1wf1gRpXXNjVb7CYzT d+l2SNCH8MRF/Ijo6ub6WzzNAVROn7JSpBOztcMKw6G/vt10gHjrP45IcSZG8mdm tbroqVAorWlG6wabcTjkpmcWQlykEr7QzGMcLW3AGdUwRdOcgdg= =XpGW -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ```

    To view all past canaries, see:

    • <>

    What is BusKill?

    BusKill is a laptop kill-cord. It's a USB cable with a magnetic breakaway that you attach to your body and connect to your computer.

    | [!What is BusKill? (Explainer Video)]( | |:--:| | Watch the BusKill Explainer Video for more info |

    If the connection between you to your computer is severed, then your device will lock, shutdown, or shred its encryption keys -- thus keeping your encrypted data safe from thieves that steal your device.

    BusKill Warrant Canary #007 🕵️ BusKill Canary #7 - BusKill

    This post contains the cryptographically-signed BusKill warrant canary #007 for January 2023 to January 2024.

    BusKill Canary #7 - BusKill

    This post contains a canary message that's cryptographically signed by the official BusKill PGP release key

    | [!BusKill Canary #007]( | |:--:| | The BusKill project just published their Warrant Canary #007 |

    For more information about BusKill canaries, see:

    • <>

    ``` -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512

    Status: All good Release: 2024-01-10 Period: 2024-01-01 to 2024-06-01 Expiry: 2024-06-30

    Statements ==========

    The BusKill Team who have digitally signed this file [1] state the following:

    1. The date of issue of this canary is January 10, 2024.

    2. The current BusKill Signing Key (2020.07) is

      E0AF FF57 DC00 FBE0 5635 8761 4AE2 1E19 36CE 786A

    3. We positively confirm, to the best of our knowledge, that the integrity of our systems are sound: all our infrastructure is in our control, we have not been compromised or suffered a data breach, we have not disclosed any private keys, we have not introduced any backdoors, and we have not been forced to modify our system to allow access or information leakage to a third party in any way.

    4. We plan to publish the next of these canary statements before the Expiry date listed above. Special note should be taken if no new canary is published by that time or if the list of statements changes without plausible explanation.

    Special announcements =====================


    Disclaimers and notes =====================

    This canary scheme is not infallible. Although signing the declaration makes it very difficult for a third party to produce arbitrary declarations, it does not prevent them from using force or other means, like blackmail or compromising the signers' laptops, to coerce us to produce false declarations.

    The news feeds quoted below (Proof of freshness) serves to demonstrate that this canary could not have been created prior to the date stated. It shows that a series of canaries was not created in advance.

    This declaration is merely a best effort and is provided without any guarantee or warranty. It is not legally binding in any way to anybody. None of the signers should be ever held legally responsible for any of the statements made here.

    Proof of freshness ==================

    09 Jan 24 17:35:23 UTC

    Source: DER SPIEGEL - International ( Germany's Role in the Middle East: Foreign Minister Baerbock Sees an Opening for Mediation Assaults, Harassment and Beatings: Does the EU Share Blame for Police Violence in Tunisia?

    Source: NYT > World News ( Israel-Hamas War: Blinken Calls on Israel to Build Ties With Arab Nations Gabriel Attal Is France’s Youngest and First Openly Gay Prime Minister

    Source: BBC News - World ( 2023 confirmed as world's hottest year on record Gabriel Attal: Macron's pick for PM is France's youngest at 34

    Source: Bitcoin Blockchain ( 00000000000000000001bfe1a00ed3f660b89016088487d6f180d01805d173a3


    iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEEeY3BEB897EKK3hJNaLi8sMUCOQUFAmWfOwAACgkQaLi8sMUC OQXHAQ/9Fqja31ypWheMkiDHNJ6orkt/1SiVCWX3dcMR8Ht2gFUBOlyAhu3Pubzl 5rEhy31KCCYKycn09ZpzsYO5HHQ2MzdVIS8lXFDpYqLbWL2z/Qa2/lU0onJVy7bj xgsJ+CheHD44/PnBmCBB1Y7mIob+gw84csaLLoUHLguM66LjFCeeukTSc7NA5r3v WVhQZ9LGz+TfQZEmwio8+KNOyXLWRyT9BMPx9tXR+G1/xOfUh6a2WJ2pC4lcscGD 2j9iWx5VfNMKOGfZvVXq70kCLcke2tkELE67u5EfypAkH0R875V7B2LNr/POQ+B+ 4cW9yNY41ARdf+wwWZscel8PI50sKQ9zMF+sZQTHVIU4e+hZtAhlhUS+Tl9WTuc6 uBTJZ7SY/hRYDT9kHJLgwuhZCbAySk/ojidZetki/N1Gyrb5sMWHUV8Xtv/c6Dge JMowbug9/brT4AkiKOIgClOJVYfDLbDnQ3sUPhhtrf8OA+7AxB285wbXVNQylZKy i0Uax+cUol691MIWv7xt+jz/NjEakVHrlpyfifv8B5APyv1wf1gRpXXNjVb7CYzT d+l2SNCH8MRF/Ijo6ub6WzzNAVROn7JSpBOztcMKw6G/vt10gHjrP45IcSZG8mdm tbroqVAorWlG6wabcTjkpmcWQlykEr7QzGMcLW3AGdUwRdOcgdg= =XpGW -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ```

    To view all past canaries, see:

    • <>

    What is BusKill?

    BusKill is a laptop kill-cord. It's a USB cable with a magnetic breakaway that you attach to your body and connect to your computer.

    | [!What is BusKill? (Explainer Video)]( | |:--:| | Watch the BusKill Explainer Video for more info |

    If the connection between you to your computer is severed, then your device will lock, shutdown, or shred its encryption keys -- thus keeping your encrypted data safe from thieves that steal your device.

    BusKill Warrant Canary #7 Published BusKill Canary #7 - BusKill

    This post contains the cryptographically-signed BusKill warrant canary #007 for January 2023 to January 2024.

    BusKill Canary #7 - BusKill

    This post contains a canary message that's cryptographically signed by the official BusKill PGP release key

    | [!BusKill Canary #007]( | |:--:| | The BusKill project just published their Warrant Canary #007 |

    For more information about BusKill canaries, see:

    • <>

    ``` -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512

    Status: All good Release: 2024-01-10 Period: 2024-01-01 to 2024-06-01 Expiry: 2024-06-30

    Statements ==========

    The BusKill Team who have digitally signed this file [1] state the following:

    1. The date of issue of this canary is January 10, 2024.

    2. The current BusKill Signing Key (2020.07) is

      E0AF FF57 DC00 FBE0 5635 8761 4AE2 1E19 36CE 786A

    3. We positively confirm, to the best of our knowledge, that the integrity of our systems are sound: all our infrastructure is in our control, we have not been compromised or suffered a data breach, we have not disclosed any private keys, we have not introduced any backdoors, and we have not been forced to modify our system to allow access or information leakage to a third party in any way.

    4. We plan to publish the next of these canary statements before the Expiry date listed above. Special note should be taken if no new canary is published by that time or if the list of statements changes without plausible explanation.

    Special announcements =====================


    Disclaimers and notes =====================

    This canary scheme is not infallible. Although signing the declaration makes it very difficult for a third party to produce arbitrary declarations, it does not prevent them from using force or other means, like blackmail or compromising the signers' laptops, to coerce us to produce false declarations.

    The news feeds quoted below (Proof of freshness) serves to demonstrate that this canary could not have been created prior to the date stated. It shows that a series of canaries was not created in advance.

    This declaration is merely a best effort and is provided without any guarantee or warranty. It is not legally binding in any way to anybody. None of the signers should be ever held legally responsible for any of the statements made here.

    Proof of freshness ==================

    09 Jan 24 17:35:23 UTC

    Source: DER SPIEGEL - International ( Germany's Role in the Middle East: Foreign Minister Baerbock Sees an Opening for Mediation Assaults, Harassment and Beatings: Does the EU Share Blame for Police Violence in Tunisia?

    Source: NYT > World News ( Israel-Hamas War: Blinken Calls on Israel to Build Ties With Arab Nations Gabriel Attal Is France’s Youngest and First Openly Gay Prime Minister

    Source: BBC News - World ( 2023 confirmed as world's hottest year on record Gabriel Attal: Macron's pick for PM is France's youngest at 34

    Source: Bitcoin Blockchain ( 00000000000000000001bfe1a00ed3f660b89016088487d6f180d01805d173a3


    iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEEeY3BEB897EKK3hJNaLi8sMUCOQUFAmWfOwAACgkQaLi8sMUC OQXHAQ/9Fqja31ypWheMkiDHNJ6orkt/1SiVCWX3dcMR8Ht2gFUBOlyAhu3Pubzl 5rEhy31KCCYKycn09ZpzsYO5HHQ2MzdVIS8lXFDpYqLbWL2z/Qa2/lU0onJVy7bj xgsJ+CheHD44/PnBmCBB1Y7mIob+gw84csaLLoUHLguM66LjFCeeukTSc7NA5r3v WVhQZ9LGz+TfQZEmwio8+KNOyXLWRyT9BMPx9tXR+G1/xOfUh6a2WJ2pC4lcscGD 2j9iWx5VfNMKOGfZvVXq70kCLcke2tkELE67u5EfypAkH0R875V7B2LNr/POQ+B+ 4cW9yNY41ARdf+wwWZscel8PI50sKQ9zMF+sZQTHVIU4e+hZtAhlhUS+Tl9WTuc6 uBTJZ7SY/hRYDT9kHJLgwuhZCbAySk/ojidZetki/N1Gyrb5sMWHUV8Xtv/c6Dge JMowbug9/brT4AkiKOIgClOJVYfDLbDnQ3sUPhhtrf8OA+7AxB285wbXVNQylZKy i0Uax+cUol691MIWv7xt+jz/NjEakVHrlpyfifv8B5APyv1wf1gRpXXNjVb7CYzT d+l2SNCH8MRF/Ijo6ub6WzzNAVROn7JSpBOztcMKw6G/vt10gHjrP45IcSZG8mdm tbroqVAorWlG6wabcTjkpmcWQlykEr7QzGMcLW3AGdUwRdOcgdg= =XpGW -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ```

    To view all past canaries, see:

    • <>

    What is BusKill?

    BusKill is a laptop kill-cord. It's a USB cable with a magnetic breakaway that you attach to your body and connect to your computer.

    | [!What is BusKill? (Explainer Video)]( | |:--:| | Watch the BusKill Explainer Video for more info |

    If the connection between you to your computer is severed, then your device will lock, shutdown, or shred its encryption keys -- thus keeping your encrypted data safe from thieves that steal your device.

    Secure-only Matrix client (blocks all unencrypted messages)

    Question: Are there any cross-platform matrix clients which prevents any messages from being sent/received that are not end-to-end encrypted?

    I really like the idea of Matrix, but--as a general rule--I don't use communication platforms that allow for unencrypted messages to be sent. The risk for accidental user-error is too great, especially if rolled-out to non-technical users. IMHO, it's just better to have users install apps that cannot, under any circumstances, transmit messages that are not end-to-end encrypted.

    So, I'm wondering if there is an app for Matrix available that simply doesn't allow users to send or receive messages that are not end-to-end encrypted. Note: I'm not looking for a user-configurable option to enable/disable this. I want it to entirely block the possibility for messages to be sent or received if they are not going to be end-to-end encrypted.

    Do any such apps exist? Ideally ones for all of Linux, Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone?

    Monero Debit Card (without a phone)

    Where can I signup for a monero debit card without a phone?

    There are a number of "cryptocurrency debit card" providers -- services that issue you a traditional visa/mastercard/etc debit card that allows you to pay for purchases in fiat, but where the balance of the card is automatically converted from your cryptocurrency balance stored on their custodial wallet.

    > Note that a "cryptocurrency debit card" is distinct from gift cards in that the balance lives in an account below the debit card, not on the card itself. This is important because otherwise you may end-up with tons of different cards with low balances. It's important for my business that I can pay invoices with a single card, and if that card expires then the balance can simply be spent on the card's replacement.

    Unfortunately, I've been unable to find any providers that do not require a phone to be linked to the account.

    For security reasons, I do not mix insecure devices like my phone with high-risk accounts like financial services. Therefore, it's important that I find financial services that don't require a phone number to be linked to the account (shudder at the thought of implementing 2FA over SMS) or an app.

    Coinsbank requires a phone number. Wirex requires a phone number. Cryptopay requires an app (which grants access to the account to a phone). Unbanked (Ternio) is dead.

    Where can I get a "monero debit card" without a phone?

    Bitcoin Debit Card (without a phone)

    Where can I signup for a bitcoin debit card without a phone?

    There are a number of "bitcoin debit card" providers -- services that issue you a traditional visa/mastercard/etc debit card that allows you to pay for purchases in fiat, but where the balance of the card is automatically converted from your cryptocurrency balance stored on their custodial wallet.

    > Note that a "bitcoin debit card" is distinct from gift cards in that the balance lives in an account below the debit card, not on the card itself. This is important because otherwise you may end-up with tons of different cards with low balances. It's important for my business that I can pay invoices with a single card, and if that card expires then the balance can simply be spent on the card's replacement.

    Unfortunately, I've been unable to find any providers that do not require a phone to be linked to the account.

    For security reasons, I do not mix insecure devices like my phone with high-risk accounts like financial services. Therefore, it's important that I find financial services that don't require a phone number to be linked to the account (shudder at the thought of implementing 2FA over SMS) or an app.

    Coinsbank requires a phone number. Wirex requires a phone number. Cryptopay requires an app (which grants access to the account to a phone). Unbanked (Ternio) is dead.

    Where can I get a "bitcoin debit card" without a phone?

    Bitcoin Debit Card (without a phone)

    Where can I signup for a bitcoin debit card without a phone?

    There are a number of "bitcoin debit card" providers -- services that issue you a traditional visa/mastercard/etc debit card that allows you to pay for purchases in fiat, but where the balance of the card is automatically converted from your cryptocurrency balance stored on their custodial wallet.

    > Note that a "bitcoin debit card" is distinct from gift cards in that the balance lives in an account below the debit card, not on the card itself. This is important because otherwise you may end-up with tons of different cards with low balances. It's important for my business that I can pay invoices with a single card, and if that card expires then the balance can simply be spent on the card's replacement.

    Unfortunately, I've been unable to find any providers that do not require a phone to be linked to the account.

    For security reasons, I do not mix insecure devices like my phone with high-risk accounts like financial services. Therefore, it's important that I find financial services that don't require a phone number to be linked to the account (shudder at the thought of implementing 2FA over SMS) or an app.

    Coinsbank requires a phone number. Wirex requires a phone number. Cryptopay requires an app (which grants access to the account to a phone). Unbanked (Ternio) is dead.

    Where can I get a "bitcoin debit card" without a phone?

    Monero Debit Card (without a phone)
  • Thank you for your input, but I think it's worth mentioning that that's absolutely not true.

    To be clear: I'm not asking for a no-KYC solution. I'm happy to auth with my company's official government-issued registration records, with my personal government-issued ID, etc.

    I'm not aware of any regulations that require a phone number. There are regulations (eg UK's PSD2) that effectively require 2FA -- and many banks chose to implement this requirement via phone numbers.

    Hopefully one day the regulations will explicitly prohibit 2FA OTPs from being transmitted at all (ie so banks are forced to use secure 2FA methods like TOTP or U2F instead of insecure methods like SMS, email, etc). But currently I'm not aware of any KYC regulations that require a phone number from the customer.

  • Monero Debit Card (without a phone)

    Where can I signup for a monero debit card without a phone?

    There are a number of "cryptocurrency debit card" providers -- services that issue you a traditional visa/mastercard/etc debit card that allows you to pay for purchases in fiat, but where the balance of the card is automatically converted from your cryptocurrency balance stored on their custodial wallet.

    > Note that a "cryptocurrency debit card" is distinct from gift cards in that the balance lives in an account below the debit card, not on the card itself. This is important because otherwise you may end-up with tons of different cards with low balances. It's important for my business that I can pay invoices with a single card, and if that card expires then the balance can simply be spent on the card's replacement.

    Unfortunately, I've been unable to find any providers that do not require a phone to be linked to the account.

    For security reasons, I do not mix insecure devices like my phone with high-risk accounts like financial services. Therefore, it's important that I find financial services that don't require a phone number to be linked to the account (shudder at the thought of implementing 2FA over SMS) or an app.

    Coinsbank requires a phone number. Wirex requires a phone number. Cryptopay requires an app (which grants access to the account to a phone). Unbanked (Ternio) is dead.

    Where can I get a "monero debit card" without a phone?

    BusKill (Open-Source Hardware Dead Man Switch) Announces Bitcoin Black Friday Deal
  • You associate everything that can be bought with cryptocurrency as a scam? It sounds like you haven't even read the post. I spent a lot of time making it easily accessible here on Lemmy. You don't even have to click the link. Just scroll-up and read :)

  • BusKill (Open-Source Hardware Dead Man Switch) Announces Bitcoin Black Friday Deal Bitcoin Black Friday (10% discount on BusKill) - BusKill

    Bitcoin Black Friday Sale: 10% off all BusKill Hardware Dead Man Switches paid with cryptocurrencies. Expires Dec 03!

    Bitcoin Black Friday (10% discount on BusKill) - BusKill

    In celebration of Bitcoin Black Friday 2023, we're offering a 10% discount on all BusKill cables sold between Nov 18 to Dec 03.

    | [!BusKill Bitcoin Black Friday Sale - Our Dead Man Switch Magnetic USB Breakaway cables are 10% off all orders paid with cryptocurrency]( | |:--:| | BusKill Bitcoin Black Friday Sale - Our Dead Man Switch Magnetic USB Breakaway cables are 10% off all orders paid with cryptocurrency |

    What is BusKill?

    BusKill is a laptop kill-cord. It's a USB cable with a magnetic breakaway that you attach to your body and connect to your computer.

    | [!What is BusKill? (Explainer Video)]( | |:--:| | Watch the BusKill Explainer Video for more info |

    If the connection between you to your computer is severed, then your device will lock, shutdown, or shred its encryption keys -- thus keeping your encrypted data safe from thieves that steal your device.

    What is Bitcoin Black Friday?

    Black Friday is ~1 month before Christmas, and it's the busiest shopping day in the US. The first "Bitcoin Friday" (launched by Jon Holmquist) was Nov 9th, 2012 (at the time, one bitcoin was ~$11). The following year, the two ideas merged to become Bitcoin Black Friday.

    This year, we're joining Bitcoin Black Friday by offering our products at a 10% discount if you pay with cryptocurrency.

    Why should I use cryptocurrencies?

    We've always accepted cryptocurrencies because:

    1. They're more secure than pre-cryptocurrency payment methods
    2. They're a more egalitarian system than pre-cryptocurrency finance
    3. They're more environmentally friendly than pre-cryptocurrency financial systems
    4. The fees are less than pre-cryptocurrency transactions
    5. They allow for anonymous purchases online
    6. Their transactions are censorship-resistant


    Before cryptocurrencies, making an online transaction was horrendously insecure and backwards.

    | [!Diagram shows all the third parties that can steal your funds in a pull-based system: Merchant, Acquierer, Payment Processor, Switch, Issuer]( | |:--:| | "Conceptually, pull-based transactions are really not that different than giving three parties the password to your online banking service and trusting them to log in and take what they need. You have to trust the merchant, their IT supplier; the acquiring bank, their third-party processor; the card network; and your own card issuer---and everybody who works for them and has access to their systems. If a bad guy gets hold of your card details at any point in this process, they could drain your account. | | The picture shows the scope of all the entities with access to your critical card information" source |

    Asymmetric cryptography has been available since the 1970s, but CNP (Card Not Present) transactions to this day still don't use public keys to sign transactions. Rather, you give your private keys (that is, your credit card number, expiry, etc) directly to the merchant and you authorize them to pull money out of your account (trusting that they take the right amount and not to loose those precious credentials).

    Bitcoin flipped this around to actually make transactions secure. With bitcoin, you don't give others the keys to take money out of your account. Instead, transactions are push-based. You sign a transaction with your private keys, and those keys are shared with no-one.

    Even today, pre-cryptocurrency transactions are abhorrently insecure. In the US or Europe, if someone knows your account number and bank, they can direct debit money out of your account. For the same reason, losses due to credit card theft is enormous. To quote Satoshi Nakamoto's criticism of pre-cryptocurrency transactions, "A certain percentage of fraud is accepted as unavoidable"

    In fact, fraudulent transactions in the banking industry are so common that your bank will generally reimburse your account for any malicious transactions that you tell them about within 60-90 days. But if someone drains your account of all your money and you don't notice for 12 months? Too bad. All your money is gone.

    | [!Graphic shows a push-based model where a consumer pushes value directly to a merchant]( | |:--:| | In Bitcoin, transactions are push-based. source |

    Tokenization and 3DS are merely bandages on a fundamentally backwards, pull-based transaction model. But because bitcoin is push-based, it's magnitudes more secure.


    If you have a bank account, then you probably take a lot of things for granted. Like buying things online (with a credit card). Or getting cash when traveling abroad (from an ATM machine). Or taking out a loan so you can start a business.

    Before crypto-currencies, it was very difficult to do these things unless you had a bank account. And in 2008 (the year with the first-ever bitcoin transaction), McKinsey &amp; Company published a report concluding that half of the world's adult population is unbanked.

    But with crypto-currencies, anyone with access to the internet and a computer or smart phone can use bitcoin to send and receive money online -- without needing to first obtain a bank account.


    The energy required to facilitate transactions in decentralized, blockchain-based cryptocurrencies like bitcoin is minuscule by comparison. And, most importantly, the amount of energy used to solve the proof-of-work problem does not grow as the number of transactions-per-second grows.

    Traditional financial institutions require an enormous amount of overhead to facilitate transactions in their centralized networks. Unlike bitcoin, which was designed specifically to eliminate the unnecessary overhead created by a trusted third party, pre-cryptocurrency transactions required humans to verify transactions. These humans require office buildings. These office buildings require energy to build and maintain. And, most importantly, as the number of transactions-per-second grows on their network, the number of humans and office space also grows.

    | [!Bar Graph shows the comparison of energy usage of Bitcoin and various industries]( | |:--:| | Bitcoin versus other industries --- yearly energy use, in TWh source |

    This fact is often misunderstood because there's a lot of misinformation on the Internet that makes a few disingenuous modifications to the facts:

    1. They calculate the energy usage of the computers processing transactions only, maliciously omitting calculating the energy usage of the entire industry's infrastructure (eg energy used by office buildings)
    2. They calculate the energy usage per transaction, maliciously omitting the fact that the amount of energy expended by bitcoin miners is automatically adjusted by the proof-of-work algorithm (so energy usage does not increase as the network scales-up)
    3. They offer statistics about "energy usage" without mentioning the energy sources. It matters if the energy source is coal/nuclear/natural-gas or solar/wind/hydroelectric

    > | "...estimates for what percentage of Bitcoin mining uses renewable energy vary widely. In December 2019, one report suggested that 73% of Bitcoin's energy consumption was carbon neutral, largely due to the abundance of hydro power in major mining hubs such as Southwest China and Scandinavia. On the other hand, the CCAF estimated in September 2020 that the figure is closer to 39%. But even if the lower number is correct, that's still almost twice as much [renewable energy sources] as the U.S. grid" | [!Nic Carter Headshot]( | > |:--:|:--:| > | source: Harvard Business Review | Nic Carter |

    The facts are that the energy usage of bitcoin is magnitudes less than the energy used by pre-cryptocurrency financial intuitions, that energy usage does not increase as the number of transactions processed by the network increases, and that mining bitcoin is often done with renewable energy.

    The facts are that the energy usage of bitcoin is magnitudes less than the energy used by pre-cryptocurrency financial intuitions, that energy usage does not increase as the number of transactions processed by the network increases, and that mining bitcoin is often done with renewable energy.

    Low Fees

    The introduction to the Bitcoin White Paper (2008) clearly states that Bitcoin was created to reduce costs by using a distributed ledger (the blockchain) to eliminate the need for a trusted third party.

    > | "Commerce on the Internet has come to rely almost exclusively on financial institutions serving as trusted third parties to process electronic payments. While the system works well enough for most transactions, it still suffers from the inherent weaknesses of the trust based model. | | > |:---|:---| > | Completely non-reversible transactions are not really possible, since financial institutions cannot avoid mediating disputes. The cost of mediation increases transaction costs... | | > | These costs and payment uncertainties can be avoided in person by using physical currency, but no mechanism exists to make payments over a communications channel without a trusted party. | | > | What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party. Transactions that are computationally impractical to reverse would protect sellers from fraud, and routine escrow mechanisms could easily be implemented to protect buyers. In this paper, we propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer distributed timestamp server to generate computational proof of the chronological order of transactions." | [!A hooded figure wearing a guy faux ask sits in lotus pose. Behind them is an illuminated personification of Bitcoin]( | > | source: Bitcoin Whitepaper | Satoshi Nakamoto |

    At the time of writing, the average transaction fee for a bitcoin transaction is $0.06. And unlike pre-cryptocurrency transactions, you can increase or decrease the fee that you pay to increase or decrease the time it takes for the transaction to complete (at $0.06, it will get added to the blockchain in ~1 hour).

    By comparison, the way to send funds internationally through the Internet via pre-cryptocurrency banks is via an international wire transfer. Fees very per bank, but they typically charge $15-$85 per transaction. And unlike bitcoin, wire transfers won't make move on nights and weekends, so they can take 1-7 days to complete.

    Also, with bitcoin, that $0.06 transaction fee only applies when you're sending money. Many banks will also charge a fee for an incoming wire transfer. In bitcoin, there is no transaction fee to receive money.


    Though early cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin don't ensure anonymity like newer privacy coins, ZCash and Monero were designed specifically to provide private transactions.

    This allows our customers to purchase from us anonymously, which can be extremely important for activists and journalists whose lives are threatened by their adversaries.

    | [!Tweet from WikiLeaks that reads "WikiLeaks now accepts anonymous Bitcoin donations on 1HB5XMLmzFVj8ALj6mfBsbifRoD4miY36v"]( | |:--:| | WikiLeaks started accepting donations in Bitcoin 7 months after PayPal froze their account |

    We accept both ZCash and Monero. If you'd like us to accept another privacy coin, please contact us :)


    Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are peer-to-peer and permissionless. Transactions exchanging bitcoins occur directly between two parties. There is no middle-man that has the power to block, freeze, or reverse transactions. Before blockchains were used to maintain a public ledger and enable peer-to-peer transactions, we were dependent on big financial institutions to move money on our behalf through the internet. That antiquated system allowed them to censor transactions, such as donations made to media outlets reporting war crimes and donations to protest movements.

    > | "For me, that is one of the coolest things about bitcoin... | | > |:---|:---| > | People can potentially use it donate more anonymously to dissident groups and causes in a world where mass government surveillance threatens freedom of expression and certainly harms activists' ability to fundraise for their work, when people are afraid they could be targeted by a government for donating to a worthy cause." | [!Evan Grer portrait]( | > | source | Evan Greer |

    After PayPal froze WikiLeaks's donation account in 2010, WikiLeaks started accepting bicoin in 2011. From Occupy Wall Street to Ukraine, defenders of democracy have utilized permissionless cryptocurrencies to accept international donations without the risk of transactions made through financial institutions.

    Buy BusKill with crypto

    Don't risk loosing your crypto to a thief that steals your laptop. Get your own BusKill Cable at a 10% discount today!

    Buy a BusKill Cable

    You can also buy a BusKill cable with bitcoin, monero, and other altcoins from our BusKill Store's .onion site.

    [!Bitcoin Accepted Here](

    [!Monero Accepted Here]( Stay safe, The BusKill Team http://www.buskillvampfih2iucxhit3qp36i2zzql3u6pmkeafvlxs3tlmot5yad.onion

    BusKill (Open-Source Hardware Dead Man Switch) Announces Bitcoin Black Friday Deal Bitcoin Black Friday (10% discount on BusKill) - BusKill

    Bitcoin Black Friday Sale: 10% off all BusKill Hardware Dead Man Switches paid with cryptocurrencies. Expires Dec 03!

    Bitcoin Black Friday (10% discount on BusKill) - BusKill

    In celebration of Bitcoin Black Friday 2023, we're offering a 10% discount on all BusKill cables sold between Nov 18 to Dec 03.

    | [!BusKill Bitcoin Black Friday Sale - Our Dead Man Switch Magnetic USB Breakaway cables are 10% off all orders paid with cryptocurrency]( | |:--:| | BusKill Bitcoin Black Friday Sale - Our Dead Man Switch Magnetic USB Breakaway cables are 10% off all orders paid with cryptocurrency |

    What is BusKill?

    BusKill is a laptop kill-cord. It's a USB cable with a magnetic breakaway that you attach to your body and connect to your computer.

    | [!What is BusKill? (Explainer Video)]( | |:--:| | Watch the BusKill Explainer Video for more info |

    If the connection between you to your computer is severed, then your device will lock, shutdown, or shred its encryption keys -- thus keeping your encrypted data safe from thieves that steal your device.

    What is Bitcoin Black Friday?

    Black Friday is ~1 month before Christmas, and it's the busiest shopping day in the US. The first "Bitcoin Friday" (launched by Jon Holmquist) was Nov 9th, 2012 (at the time, one bitcoin was ~$11). The following year, the two ideas merged to become Bitcoin Black Friday.

    This year, we're joining Bitcoin Black Friday by offering our products at a 10% discount if you pay with cryptocurrency.

    Why should I use cryptocurrencies?

    We've always accepted cryptocurrencies because:

    1. They're more secure than pre-cryptocurrency payment methods
    2. They're a more egalitarian system than pre-cryptocurrency finance
    3. They're more environmentally friendly than pre-cryptocurrency financial systems
    4. The fees are less than pre-cryptocurrency transactions
    5. They allow for anonymous purchases online
    6. Their transactions are censorship-resistant


    Before cryptocurrencies, making an online transaction was horrendously insecure and backwards.

    | [!Diagram shows all the third parties that can steal your funds in a pull-based system: Merchant, Acquierer, Payment Processor, Switch, Issuer]( | |:--:| | "Conceptually, pull-based transactions are really not that different than giving three parties the password to your online banking service and trusting them to log in and take what they need. You have to trust the merchant, their IT supplier; the acquiring bank, their third-party processor; the card network; and your own card issuer---and everybody who works for them and has access to their systems. If a bad guy gets hold of your card details at any point in this process, they could drain your account. | | The picture shows the scope of all the entities with access to your critical card information" source |

    Asymmetric cryptography has been available since the 1970s, but CNP (Card Not Present) transactions to this day still don't use public keys to sign transactions. Rather, you give your private keys (that is, your credit card number, expiry, etc) directly to the merchant and you authorize them to pull money out of your account (trusting that they take the right amount and not to loose those precious credentials).

    Bitcoin flipped this around to actually make transactions secure. With bitcoin, you don't give others the keys to take money out of your account. Instead, transactions are push-based. You sign a transaction with your private keys, and those keys are shared with no-one.

    Even today, pre-cryptocurrency transactions are abhorrently insecure. In the US or Europe, if someone knows your account number and bank, they can direct debit money out of your account. For the same reason, losses due to credit card theft is enormous. To quote Satoshi Nakamoto's criticism of pre-cryptocurrency transactions, "A certain percentage of fraud is accepted as unavoidable"

    In fact, fraudulent transactions in the banking industry are so common that your bank will generally reimburse your account for any malicious transactions that you tell them about within 60-90 days. But if someone drains your account of all your money and you don't notice for 12 months? Too bad. All your money is gone.

    | [!Graphic shows a push-based model where a consumer pushes value directly to a merchant]( | |:--:| | In Bitcoin, transactions are push-based. source |

    Tokenization and 3DS are merely bandages on a fundamentally backwards, pull-based transaction model. But because bitcoin is push-based, it's magnitudes more secure.


    If you have a bank account, then you probably take a lot of things for granted. Like buying things online (with a credit card). Or getting cash when traveling abroad (from an ATM machine). Or taking out a loan so you can start a business.

    Before crypto-currencies, it was very difficult to do these things unless you had a bank account. And in 2008 (the year with the first-ever bitcoin transaction), McKinsey &amp; Company published a report concluding that half of the world's adult population is unbanked.

    But with crypto-currencies, anyone with access to the internet and a computer or smart phone can use bitcoin to send and receive money online -- without needing to first obtain a bank account.


    The energy required to facilitate transactions in decentralized, blockchain-based cryptocurrencies like bitcoin is minuscule by comparison. And, most importantly, the amount of energy used to solve the proof-of-work problem does not grow as the number of transactions-per-second grows.

    Traditional financial institutions require an enormous amount of overhead to facilitate transactions in their centralized networks. Unlike bitcoin, which was designed specifically to eliminate the unnecessary overhead created by a trusted third party, pre-cryptocurrency transactions required humans to verify transactions. These humans require office buildings. These office buildings require energy to build and maintain. And, most importantly, as the number of transactions-per-second grows on their network, the number of humans and office space also grows.

    | [!Bar Graph shows the comparison of energy usage of Bitcoin and various industries]( | |:--:| | Bitcoin versus other industries --- yearly energy use, in TWh source |

    This fact is often misunderstood because there's a lot of misinformation on the Internet that makes a few disingenuous modifications to the facts:

    1. They calculate the energy usage of the computers processing transactions only, maliciously omitting calculating the energy usage of the entire industry's infrastructure (eg energy used by office buildings)
    2. They calculate the energy usage per transaction, maliciously omitting the fact that the amount of energy expended by bitcoin miners is automatically adjusted by the proof-of-work algorithm (so energy usage does not increase as the network scales-up)
    3. They offer statistics about "energy usage" without mentioning the energy sources. It matters if the energy source is coal/nuclear/natural-gas or solar/wind/hydroelectric

    > | "...estimates for what percentage of Bitcoin mining uses renewable energy vary widely. In December 2019, one report suggested that 73% of Bitcoin's energy consumption was carbon neutral, largely due to the abundance of hydro power in major mining hubs such as Southwest China and Scandinavia. On the other hand, the CCAF estimated in September 2020 that the figure is closer to 39%. But even if the lower number is correct, that's still almost twice as much [renewable energy sources] as the U.S. grid" | [!Nic Carter Headshot]( | > |:--:|:--:| > | source: Harvard Business Review | Nic Carter |

    The facts are that the energy usage of bitcoin is magnitudes less than the energy used by pre-cryptocurrency financial intuitions, that energy usage does not increase as the number of transactions processed by the network increases, and that mining bitcoin is often done with renewable energy.

    The facts are that the energy usage of bitcoin is magnitudes less than the energy used by pre-cryptocurrency financial intuitions, that energy usage does not increase as the number of transactions processed by the network increases, and that mining bitcoin is often done with renewable energy.

    Low Fees

    The introduction to the Bitcoin White Paper (2008) clearly states that Bitcoin was created to reduce costs by using a distributed ledger (the blockchain) to eliminate the need for a trusted third party.

    > | "Commerce on the Internet has come to rely almost exclusively on financial institutions serving as trusted third parties to process electronic payments. While the system works well enough for most transactions, it still suffers from the inherent weaknesses of the trust based model. | | > |:---|:---| > | Completely non-reversible transactions are not really possible, since financial institutions cannot avoid mediating disputes. The cost of mediation increases transaction costs... | | > | These costs and payment uncertainties can be avoided in person by using physical currency, but no mechanism exists to make payments over a communications channel without a trusted party. | | > | What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party. Transactions that are computationally impractical to reverse would protect sellers from fraud, and routine escrow mechanisms could easily be implemented to protect buyers. In this paper, we propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer distributed timestamp server to generate computational proof of the chronological order of transactions." | [!A hooded figure wearing a guy faux ask sits in lotus pose. Behind them is an illuminated personification of Bitcoin]( | > | source: Bitcoin Whitepaper | Satoshi Nakamoto |

    At the time of writing, the average transaction fee for a bitcoin transaction is $0.06. And unlike pre-cryptocurrency transactions, you can increase or decrease the fee that you pay to increase or decrease the time it takes for the transaction to complete (at $0.06, it will get added to the blockchain in ~1 hour).

    By comparison, the way to send funds internationally through the Internet via pre-cryptocurrency banks is via an international wire transfer. Fees very per bank, but they typically charge $15-$85 per transaction. And unlike bitcoin, wire transfers won't make move on nights and weekends, so they can take 1-7 days to complete.

    Also, with bitcoin, that $0.06 transaction fee only applies when you're sending money. Many banks will also charge a fee for an incoming wire transfer. In bitcoin, there is no transaction fee to receive money.


    Though early cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin don't ensure anonymity like newer privacy coins, ZCash and Monero were designed specifically to provide private transactions.

    This allows our customers to purchase from us anonymously, which can be extremely important for activists and journalists whose lives are threatened by their adversaries.

    | [!Tweet from WikiLeaks that reads "WikiLeaks now accepts anonymous Bitcoin donations on 1HB5XMLmzFVj8ALj6mfBsbifRoD4miY36v"]( | |:--:| | WikiLeaks started accepting donations in Bitcoin 7 months after PayPal froze their account |

    We accept both ZCash and Monero. If you'd like us to accept another privacy coin, please contact us :)


    Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are peer-to-peer and permissionless. Transactions exchanging bitcoins occur directly between two parties. There is no middle-man that has the power to block, freeze, or reverse transactions. Before blockchains were used to maintain a public ledger and enable peer-to-peer transactions, we were dependent on big financial institutions to move money on our behalf through the internet. That antiquated system allowed them to censor transactions, such as donations made to media outlets reporting war crimes and donations to protest movements.

    > | "For me, that is one of the coolest things about bitcoin... | | > |:---|:---| > | People can potentially use it donate more anonymously to dissident groups and causes in a world where mass government surveillance threatens freedom of expression and certainly harms activists' ability to fundraise for their work, when people are afraid they could be targeted by a government for donating to a worthy cause." | [!Evan Grer portrait]( | > | source | Evan Greer |

    After PayPal froze WikiLeaks's donation account in 2010, WikiLeaks started accepting bicoin in 2011. From Occupy Wall Street to Ukraine, defenders of democracy have utilized permissionless cryptocurrencies to accept international donations without the risk of transactions made through financial institutions.

    Buy BusKill with crypto

    Don't risk loosing your crypto to a thief that steals your laptop. Get your own BusKill Cable at a 10% discount today!

    Buy a BusKill Cable

    You can also buy a BusKill cable with bitcoin, monero, and other altcoins from our BusKill Store's .onion site.

    [!Bitcoin Accepted Here](

    [!Monero Accepted Here]( Stay safe, The BusKill Team http://www.buskillvampfih2iucxhit3qp36i2zzql3u6pmkeafvlxs3tlmot5yad.onion

    BusKill (Open-Source Hardware Dead Man Switch) Announces Bitcoin Black Friday Deal
  • Yes, it's clearly disclosed in my profile that I am the founder of the BusKill project.

    This is a PSA that our sale has started. I've had inquiries from members of our community asking about Black Friday sales.

    10% off is barely any discount anyway.

    Sorry, we're a very small open-source shop. I’ve paid myself nothing so-far. The price just barely breaks-even for the business.

    All of this is explained in-detail in “The Finances” section here.

    Prices would drop dramatically if we could do production runs (and actually sell) >10,000 units at a time. Currently we only sell a few cables per month. If you want to help, please tell all your security-conscious friends about BusKill :)

  • maltfield maltfield

    I make and sell BusKill laptop kill cords. Monero is accepted.

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