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A YouTuber let the Cybertruck close on his finger to test the new sensor update. It didn't go well.
  • That's why you get "don't put living animals in the microwave oven" in the instructions.

    If Tesla didn't explicitely wrote "don't put your f***ing finger in the way on purpose after multiple attempts to close it!" he may have a chance.

    He will plead a trauma from the loss of trust in his beloved car brand and the credibility damage on his Youtube channel and ask for M$.

  • Elon Musk hosted an ‘anti-Biden’ dinner party. Here’s who attended
  • Unfortunately, you need to add this about all of us supporting them: "buying the cheapest product over buying the fairest produced", therefore comforting them exploiting labor to reduce the cost is what we collectively want.

  • Sorry commies, capitalists beat you to landlord hate!
  • Make sense. In its inception, capitalism was putting work as the source of value creation. Rental is about asking money while nothing is produced.

    The message is all confusing today because the people talking about the value of hard work are actually the ones who want to get huge returns from investment while paying as little as possible for the work done. Their end goal is to avoid working themeselves. Smith would despise them just the same.

  • Defeated CEOs are now conceding hybrid working is here to stay
  • They're not "defeated". They got exactly what they wanted. People leaving without having to lay them off through attrition.

    Now that they think they have "right-sized" their workforce at no cost, they nicely offer to concede hybrid working to keep the rest of their employees.

  • Microsoft opens a "high priority" bug ticket in ffmpeg, attempting to leech the free labour of the maintainers
  • Alternative answer: "We understand your issue and will fix it as time and priorities allow. Please note that customers paying for support always get higher priority. Given MS contributions to the project, this ticket was ranked 42nd in our priority list.

    Have a pleasant day! FFMPEG support team"

  • Still Unable to Post Bond, Trump Has Most Crazed Meltdown Yet
  • Was he not describing his fundraising as donations so far? You donate money you don't think you need at all. But you should be able to lend money you don't need in the near future. I would bet some of his "loyal" supporters would start to doubt if they were asked to lend too much of what they own.

  • Still Unable to Post Bond, Trump Has Most Crazed Meltdown Yet
  • He should borrow vast amounts of money from his loyal supporters: "Empty your lifetime savings accounts, I promise I'll pay everything back with interests!".

    Then we'll see how much his followers really trust him when they need to put their own future on the line...

  • DoorDash crash rule
  • The flowers were delivered by Doordash The victim arrived in an Uber ambulance.

    The part-time doctor (student) mentioned that the hospital's rooms are now managed by Airbnb.

    250$ of tips were collected along the process, but now it's not clear who pocketed them.

  • I'm working on a distro recommendation flowchart/ list for newcomers and need your input please! (Post is not only this picture btw and is mainly text)
  • I'm sorry if that's harsh, but my feedback would be: drop that chart!

    It's daunting, it's going to freak out many newbies. Too much choice kills the choice.

    You have one "default" at the bottom, Mint, so stick to that. Tell the newbies they can switch anytime to something else once they're a bit more comfortable with the Linux-world. And if I'm not mistaken, you can install and try the main DEs with Mint also. Or you can recommend Ubuntu, or any other newbie friendly distro. Just pick one and don't lose them over what they could see as an important difficult decision before they even get started.

  • NSA finally admits to spying on Americans by purchasing sensitive data
  • What's interesting here is they no longer need to hack and crack devices through loopholes and backdoors schemes.

    All the data they need are already collected by private corporations with the pro-active collaboratron of the users themselves ("Click here to agree to the terms and conditions").

  • I hope someday we'll find a way to pirated a car
  • Assume the communication with the app it through Internet. The car must have a 4G chip (too early to see 5G in cars, I think?). So no matter what you pay, it won't work when 4G is retired. With marketing pushing to get new standards always faster, 4G may not last another 20years.

    Anyway, bear in mind that once you subscribe, they will most likely collect detailed data about how you use the features and sell that as well...

  • In theory, yes, you could make a mess, and any firmware is supposed to be certified to allow the device to be used.

    In practice, this has been a convenient excuse to keep a whole chip with a separate OS in every smartphone, and it is very difficult to isolate from the rest of the system (see Graphene OS efforts).

    I say all firmware should be opensource. Whether you're allowed to change them or not is a separate question... for now.

  • I'm 99% sure it's not real
  • Half of the job is to fix issues with existing suff, the other half is to make working stuff more complicated and problematic (aka "upgrade"), so that we're still paid to do the first half.

  • NASA has some explaining to do
  • I kind of hope it's real. Down that path at some point they'll decide the whole Internet and all modern technologies are satanist and leave Internet for good. They can embrace the Amish lifestyle, it's a win for the rest of us.

  • If we're going to have an effective strategy against FB/Meta, we should clear up some misconceptions around defederation
  • This might be an unpopular post but so'll be it: Mastodon is the existing proof that Meta could kill Mastodon any time.

    Mastodon was using a protocol compatible with GNU Social: OStatus, but some features were quickly added without consideration for other implementations.

    So when per-post privacy were introduced, for example, they were very public on GNU Social, because their devs had no idea this was coming. And GNU Social was blamed for it.

    Instead of having more users, GNU Social is now (almost?) dead. Of course it's not just because of the above. But it wouldn't have been set back so much without Mastodon.

    Now, Mastodon is opensource, has more features and some compatible implementations. I run Pleroma myself. But why would one think Meta could not cripple them both?

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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