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What drew you to the high seas?
  • In the early 00s I pirated a lot of music, but now I buy records and pay for streaming because it’s affordable and good.

    I used to pirate software but now I just use FOSS because it’s free and good.

    I used to pirate games but now I just wait for steam sales, which is cheap and good.

    I used to pirate lots of movies and tv shows but then got a Netflix account and it was reasonably priced and good… until it wasn’t. Then I set up a full stack of usenet/ sonarr/ radarr/ overseer/ Jellyfin and boy oh boy is that good.

    But now I have a baby and don’t watch tv anymore so I pirate pretty much nothing.

  • Fonts : what are your source(s)?
  • I remember once I pirated a pack of something like 100 000 fonts and I stupidly installed all of them and then Photoshop couldn't change fonts because it would take like 10 minutes to load them in the drop down menu.

  • welp ...
  • lol this is such a classic Linux trope

    Person A: I can’t seem to get this to work! Arg!

    Person B: I have been running this for years with no issues. It just works!

  • is there a download manager for Linux that just works?
  • You’re not dumb you just haven’t needed that use case before.

    Here’s an example of the last time JDownloader saved me. There was a website where people were posting archives of old skateboard videos. There were hundreds of links across dozens of pages in a forum. All links to sites like mega.

    I was able to view all pages in one document and extracted all of the hundreds of links and put them in JDownloader. Over the course of the next several weeks JDownloader was able to manage those downloads without clogging my bandwidth. If a download failed it would notify me and I could retry it.

    Can you imagine trying to do that in Firefox?

  • Why is Lemmy obsessed with the word "enshittification"?
  • I think a lot of people also misuse the word and use it as a catch-all for companies doing something they don’t like.

    Raising prices is not enshittification, that’s inflation.

    Not paying employees well is not enshittification, that’s under-compensation.

    YouTube putting more ads in their videos including when the video is paused isn’t enshittification that’s… wait no that is enshittification.

    Enshittification refers to offering the same service (often free, or at least with an option to pay more) but making it worse in order to squeeze you onto a paid (or higher paid) tier of service. This sounds good to shareholders but ultimately it alienates their customers and often leads to a company dying.

  • Is it possible to use Google Drive reliably?

    I've been using Google Drive in Windows for about a decade and have a good workflow. I recently transitioned to Linux but cannot seem to reliably connect my drive to the filesystem. My work provides unlimited Drive space and since it's for work I have shared directories with coworkers that I need access to every day. Hence, I'm kind of tied to GDrive.

    Is there a reliable method of doing this? Rclone seems to be what I want but it seems to disconnect regularly, and often doesn't upload the changes I make which defeats the purpose.

    Do Linux users just not use Drive?

    The code for Anna's Archive

    This is the code hosts, the search engine for books, papers, comics, magazines, and more.

    Arkenfox user.js template for Firefox privacy GitHub - arkenfox/user.js: Firefox privacy, security and anti-tracking: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening

    Firefox privacy, security and anti-tracking: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening - GitHub - arkenfox/user.js: Firefox privacy, security and anti-tracking: a comprehensi...

    GitHub - arkenfox/user.js: Firefox privacy, security and anti-tracking: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening

    Firefox privacy, security and anti-tracking: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening.

    I found the extensions section particularly useful:

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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