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Every New Young Billionaire Is Nepo Baby
  • When I founded this company I only had two things:

    • A dream; and 3 million dollars
  • Which songs from the last decade (2014-2024) will become classics?
  • I'm Latin American, I grew up in this, it's part of my culture, that's why I know where all this is going (about musical genres). I'm not an "outsider".

    Your comment sounds a bit racist ngl

    You have no idea what you're talking about, right?

  • The Best Password Managers in 2024
  • Pass (Password Store)

  • Which songs from the last decade (2014-2024) will become classics?
  • Any music of any genre other than reggaeton and trap. Their "hit songs" rarely manage to survive more than 5 years in the collective thought of the masses, then they become "background noise" in nightclubs, supermarkets, squares and other meeting places, overshadowed by the disposable "hit of the moment".

  • Twitch is now blocking firefox
  • The same thing happens with webkit.

  • CrabLang CrabLang

    A community fork of a language named after a plant fungus.


    A community fork of a language named after a plant fungus. All of the memory-safe features you love, now with 100% less bureaucracy!

    Medley Interlisp Project, by Larry Masinter et al. Medley Interlisp Project, by Larry Masinter et al.

    BALISP, the Bay Area Lisp & Scheme Users Group Sat 18 Mar 2023 Hacker Dojo Mountain View, CA Abstract Interlisp is a software development environment originating from Xerox PARC in the 1970s and 1980s, supporting software research in AI, computational linguistics, graphica...

    Bonus: An interesting (and polemic) thread about the Common Lisp' fundamental design flaws (introduced deliberately): See.

    The Rise & Fall of LISP - Too Good For The Rest Of the World The Rise & Fall of LISP - Too Good For The Rest Of the World

    To try everything Brilliant has to offer—free—for a full 30 days, visit The first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant’s annual premium subscription. This video is a look back at the history of the LISP programming language as well as the reason I believe it lo...

    Is this the future of Java? Is this the future of Java?

    Tuples, templating, type-safe data access, units and measurements, extension methods, and countless other features exist, seemingly in perpetuity, in every language but Java! But no longer, thanks to the Manifold project. Is this the future of Java? #javaprogramming #java #Jvm #Kotlin #Scala #Groovy...

    > Tuples, templating, type-safe data access, units and measurements, extension methods, and countless other features exist, seemingly in perpetuity, in every language but Java! But no longer, thanks to the Manifold project.

    There is an interesting reddit thread discussing whether Manifold is actually a JVM language and not just a "Java compiler plugin".

    Lemmy instances dinomug
    Jeremmy: Lemmy Instance

    The community of communities. Jeremmy is a general purpose (without political related/explicit communities).

    Spotify, but with songs of North Korea
  • OMG, finally!

  • adryd325/oneko.js: cat follow mouse (real) GitHub - adryd325/oneko.js: cat follow mouse (real). Browser port of the classic xneko/oneko program. Issues temporarily disabled due to mental health issues related to maintaining open source projects.

    cat follow mouse (real). Browser port of the classic xneko/oneko program. Issues temporarily disabled due to mental health issues related to maintaining open source projects. - GitHub - adryd325/on...

    GitHub - adryd325/oneko.js: cat follow mouse (real). Browser port of the classic xneko/oneko program. Issues temporarily disabled due to mental health issues related to maintaining open source projects.
    Yandex and have been removed as optional search providers in the drop-down search menu in Firefox.
  • And there are still many folks who believe that Mozilla is still a foundation. Yet another corporation.

  • A Proposal For Type Syntax in JavaScript - TypeScript A Proposal For Type Syntax in JavaScript - TypeScript

    Today we’re excited to announce our support and collaboration on a new Stage 0 proposal to bring optional and erasable type syntax to JavaScript. Because this new syntax wouldn’t change how surrounding code runs, it would effectively act as comments. We think this has the potential to make TypeScrip...

    A new year, a new MDN - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog A new year, a new MDN – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

    If you’ve accessed the MDN website today, you probably noticed that it looks quite different.

    A new year, a new MDN – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

    cross-posted from:

    > Some questions: > > - Would you pay to use MDN? > - Do you think MDN Plus is more like a Technical support service or a way to restrict content that used to be free? > - Do you think there are other ways Mozilla can monetize?

    GitHub - grishka/Smithereen: Federated, ActivityPub-compatible social network server with friends, walls, and groups. GitHub - grishka/Smithereen: Federated, ActivityPub-compatible social network server with friends, walls, and groups.

    Federated, ActivityPub-compatible social network server with friends, walls, and groups. - GitHub - grishka/Smithereen: Federated, ActivityPub-compatible social network server with friends, walls, ...

    GitHub - grishka/Smithereen: Federated, ActivityPub-compatible social network server with friends, walls, and groups.
    The JVM Party - YouTube
    What is the weirdest thing you are afraid of?
  • The most horrible creature on earth... Flying cockroach

  • Book recommendations
  • As I understand, your needs are more related to an absence of fundamental knowledge, than an a problem of learn X language/technology.

    I strongly recommend you this book:

    Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP). One of the best books of computer science ever written. This book gives you a solid foundation about computer science in its most primitive concepts, for example, what is a program? what do we mean when we say that we build programs? what are variables and how values are associated to them? their life time, what are functions and what are they made of (procedures)? scalar values, values of (composite) values, why are data control structures built that way? macros, how data is represented, how the interpreter/compiler understands it, etc. etc. etc. In short, SICP is to computer science what Euclid's elements are to mathematics.

    All this relying on a language known as Lisp (specifically Scheme and its variant Racket). It is not necessary that after the book you continue using it, be careful, it is quite addictive ;) It is included because as it is one of the languages with a very simple syntax and structure, it helps you not to abstract so much from what is really important: dealing with the problems, not with the language.

    It is a somewhat technical book, since it is academic, but it was created just for introductory courses (in 80's and 90's at MIT), not only for computer science, but also for other engineering and related careers. It includes many exercises that increase in difficulty as you advance between chapters, being at the beginning somewhat tedious because of the use of some mathematics.

    Some tips

    After reading the book you can move on to algorithm and data structure books.

    plus: learn databases (SQL/No-SQL)

    I do not recommend any of these languages to take as beginner:

    • C++/C#/Java: they have too many abstractions that can lead to confusions/misunderstandings that at a beginner level are unnecessary, like OOP. These concepts you can learn later with practice, and according to the type of project you need to run.
    • Rust is too advanced and can lead to headaches as it's not very intuitive for a beginner.
    • JS is such a poorly designed language that it leads to many bad programming practices and misconceptions when approached without prior knowledge. Just take a look at scoping and closures to get an idea of what I mean.

    I recommend:

    • C
    • Python (very useful for algorithms and data structure)
    • Scheme/Lisp
  • Apache Log4j bug: China’s industry ministry pulls support from Alibaba Cloud for not reporting flaw to government first | South China Morning Post
  • It is a double-edged sword: Where is the Apache Foundation registered and operating? In the United States. The company that found the exploit, Alibaba, is Chinese. Even the department that found it (security team) is located in the offices of Alibaba Cloud, in Singapore. In short, the Chinese government was very close to having a tool to seriously damage the Western technology infrastructure, without the other side ever knowing where exactly they were being hit from. And if it had been the other way around? if that information had reached the Singaporean authorities earlier? we must not forget that it is a very servile government to the United States. Or in the worst case scenario the report was intercepted at the Apache Foundation, remember PRISM? one of their goals is to find potential vulnerabilities and exploit them against "hostile forces" even forcing companies registered on US soil and several beyond their borders to leave "backdoors" in their products/systems without public knowledge.

    Fortunately or unfortunately it was reported and announced publicly, without prior knowledge of the respective governments, so neither side gained a considerable advantage in this new field of warfare that is the cyberspace.

  • Chrome Users Beware: Manifest V3 is Deceitful and Threatening
  • the ordinary user will only notice it when his adblocker stops working.

    Firefox maintains the largest extension market that’s not based on Chrome, and the company has said it will adopt Mv3 in the interest of cross-browser compatibility.

    We all know, and more the Mozilla people, that this cross-browser compatibility is false, the big G is forcing them to use their technology unilaterally. Mozilla is one step away from switching to blink engine, but they has no more options, with the huge losses generated by many bad decisions made, especially during the disastrous management of Brendan Eich. Google became their only oxygen tank (keeping Mozilla afloat enough to avoid antitrust laws and disintegrate the conglomerate).

  • Inside Nigeria’s decision to ban Twitter
  • Officials point to Twitter’s treatment of posts from the separatist leader Nnamdi Kanu, head of the outlawed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) group. Based in the U.K., Kanu uses Facebook, Twitter, and internet radio streaming to broadcast his separatist messages to Nigerians in the country’s Southeast region. The Nigerian government has complained that IPOB’s “hate messages” have been flagged consistently, but Twitter has said the tweets do not violate Twitter rules.

    I think that promoting the separation of entire countries, specially those how are uncomfortable for western countries, are approve for these "social networks" (Think Tanks). The Nigerian government has a lot of contradictions, specially with the Muslim communities, but IPOB, included Boko Haram (With its active propaganda machine in Twitter/Facebook/Youtube of Africa) plan to create Modern Apartheid states worst than IsraHell. In this sense I agree with the Nigerian government to create a sovereign internet.

  • miguel dinomug

    Miguel, aka mickie. Code, Science, Politics, etc.

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