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Plasma 6.1 is here!
  • @Genom
    I probably remember where it was in Plasma 5. Glad you found it.

  • Plasma 6.1 is here!
  • @Genom
    Look under workspace behaviors. I believe it is hotcorners that are bothering you. Let me know if my quick guess is wrong.

  • MacBook Air owner?
  • @sleepybisexual
    Wired/wireless speaker's I guess?

  • MacBook Air owner?
  • @leopold
    SteamOS was designed for playing Steam Games, and Valve allowing access to the desktop was them being nice. I don't expect using desktop mode to work well. Everything else you complained about (besides the Power issues which is not the fault of SteamOS btw), is you complaining that features work as intended. If you don't like it, install Vanilla Arch, nothing is stopping you. But don't complain that it works as intended.

  • Install updates from Discover without password ?
  • @boredsquirrel
    You need to create a polkit rule that allows authentication without password. I will see if I can send an example your way sometime this comming week.

  • Locked
    We are looking for a new set of Community KDE Goals to work on.
  • @kolorafa
    I havent had any issues in the several months, outside of one really wierd one I had just not to long ago.

    One craah in nearly 6 months I would consider excellent. Are you filing bug repports?

  • Where did the "Window Action" feature go?
  • @JTskulk
    Put it in a pastebin please. The spacing is all messed up, requiring lots of work to fix.

  • Pledges coming from proprietary software companies mean nothing
  • @gencha
    Carbon credits weren't, and are not fake
    They just never did anything.

  • Kate on all Platforms - 2024
  • @cullmann
    I want Kate on Android.

  • The Adwaita Icon Theme no longer follows the FDO icon naming spec breaking KDE applications on Fedora 40 Workstation and Co.
  • @imecth

    To more directly answer, the only icons I would hide there would be the chrome and Pale Moon ones. However, not having seen those two before, I don't know what they are indicating. I would mouse over them or click on them to see what they are.

  • Daily driving Plasma Mobile
  • @dingdongitsabear
    I got a refurbished Pixel off Amazon for roughly $100.

  • The Adwaita Icon Theme no longer follows the FDO icon naming spec breaking KDE applications on Fedora 40 Workstation and Co.
  • @imecth
    Alternative design patterns like PUTTING A SINGLE ICON ON THE TASK BAR SO USERS CAN SEE AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT WHAT A SERVICE OF THEIR CHOICE IS DOING. Like Windows, MacOS, iPadOS, iPhoneOS, ReactOS, Kde Plasma, XFCE, and morr allow?

  • How fast is Plasma on old hardware?
  • @boredsquirrel
    You can edit the config files that live in XDG_CONFIG_DIR/kde

  • <p>F you #</p>

    F you #google. I will update my #Youtube app when I want to, If I want to. I guess I will be switching to @newpipe full time now.

    \#Vanced #Vancedapp #YoutubeVanced #newpipe #Google #GoogleSucks
