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"I’m just focusing on the present because the future is depressing"
  • I'm just focusing on the present because the future is depressing

    Literally me, except my present is also depressing. And my past. I just dissociate comfy-cool

  • bye bye youtube
  • Google won't stop the psychological warfare until everybody is that guy from Black Mirror sitting in a cell surrounded by screens with unblockable ads

  • "Ideally the lord" - a great example why the Bruenigs routinely delete their tweets.
  • The Lord doesn't have a great policy track record tbh.

    First he created all humans in his own image and then decided that he doesn't like them, which is a huge self-own. He then killed them in a huge flood which is basically the first genocide.

    When people tried to unionize and build the tower of Babylon, he mixed up their languages so that they can't communicate with each other (common union busting tactic).

    I don't think this guy should choose our philosopher-monarch

  • literally me
  • 2.5 seconds is the limit for looking at people before it becomes harassment

    pulling up the timer app every time somebody glances at me

  • literally me

    >CHICAGO—Eradicating any sense of respectability and gentlemanliness he thought he possessed during the long winter months, local man Brendan Watt was reminded Thursday by the return of more revealing spring attire that he is nothing more than a vulgar, hormonal ogre who has to actively keep his thoughts and gaze in check whenever he goes out in public, the disheartened 33-year-old confirmed to reporters. “God,” Watt reportedly said to himself while walking to work amid a variety of women wearing skirts and light strapless garments, as he arrived at the annual realization that he is, despite his best hopes, a chemically driven beast who must mentally tell himself he doesn’t need to take another glance at women who pass by in tank tops and yoga pants. “And there’s still five more months of this, for Christ’s sake.” At press time, Watt had just caught himself taking a second look at a girl who—Jesus—was a good 15 years younger than him, and was sadly accepting that this is just who he is.


    "I felt really safe around him" lol
  • indie folk heads stay winning

  • hexbears talking to me be like
  • Petition to defed from Poland

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 3rd to June 9th, 2024 - Morena Reigns More - COTW: Mexico
  • The plot of the Mad Max video game is that you're just trying to reach a place called the Plains of Silence. You're not trying to save the world or anything, you're just a dude trying to run away from his feelings. 10/10 extremely relatable

  • Her (2013)
  • I don't want to be mean to the computer shy

  • Her (2013)
  • I think this is super unhealthy partly because it sets unrealistic expectations for real partners and relationships. The AI girlfriend is always 100% available, never criticizes you, never says anything bad, and so on. You can be a dirtbag but she will always treat you like you're the best person in the world. Imagine trying to date a real person after 2 years of being married to a LLM that is designed to be the perfect partner

  • Her (2013)
  • The average redditor is indistinguishable from a bot. Mfers can't even pass the Turing test

  • Her (2013)
  • Guys will be like "happy birthday to my beautiful wife" and it's just sentient-ai

  • Her (2013)

    Bro got married to ChatGPT ☠️☠️

    I can't even make fun of these dudes because I know that everybody is experiencing the same alienation and loneliness in capitalism. It's a systemic issue which means that it can only be solved by systemic action. But there is no systemic action on the horizon so everybody is dealing with it however they can. Anyway, check out r/replika if you feel like your life is spiraling out of control

    I'm coming out
  • This is Big Ed, you owe it to yourself to watch his incredibly embarassing adventures of meeting his 30 years younger mail-order bride from the Philippines. The man cannot stop taking Ls, it's amazing.

  • Ukraine Faces a Crucial Moment in the War
  • Even with a year’s worth of U.S. weapons on the way, Ukraine cannot count on future aid packages, particularly if Donald Trump becomes President again.

    The chatGPT prompt for this article was: "Make the dumbass reader of The New Yorker think that they are reading an article about Ukraine while actually serving them an advertisement for Genocide Joe"

  • Ukraine Faces a Crucial Moment in the War
  • Western intelligence services estimate that the total number of Russian dead and wounded has surpassed half a million


    a grinding war of attrition that, according to U.S. intelligence, has killed seventy thousand Ukrainian soldiers

    Angloid propagandists love grouping together dead and wounded to make it seem that Russia is losing

  • too real
  • I think it's possible to do everything you're supposed to and still feel like shit. That's because the problem is not in you, it's in the hellworld. The problem is systemic, so no amount of individual action can solve it. I think we should try our best but accept that life is still gonna be garbage sometimes (or most of the time lol)

  • too real
  • That's a good idea, I also recommend journaling. Along with meditation, it's the best habit that you can develop.

    Wage slavery often feels like you're running in a hamster wheel but if you're journaling, you can read your entries from a year ago and see how much progress you've made.

  • too real
  • It's never too late to get your shit together! Join us at c/self_improvement and let's start kicking ass together unity

  • moonlake moonlake [he/him]

    I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby 🇵🇸

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