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Added Bugs to Keep my job
  • chore: replaced println() with proper logging util

    I forgot to replace them water finishing debugging.

  • New Discord TOS binds you to forced arbitration - Opt-Out Now
  • When I opt out, do they delete or lock my account?

  • Team Fortrule
  • The legend says (top to bottom):

    Aldi South controlled region

    Aldi North controlled region


    Suspected troop movements

  • You can't claim to be an environmentalist and be anti-nuclear energy at the same time
  • So nuclear waste / radiation does not hurt the environment?

    If that were the case, we wouldn’t store it in strongly protected containers, no?

    The logic does not make sense here, OP.

  • Was sind eure liebsten Podcasts?
  • Darknet Diaries

    Sehr empfehlenswert, wenn man sich für Cybersecurity interessiert.

  • Germany: Berlin schools asked to distribute leaflet describing the 1948 Nakba as a 'myth'
  • But the greens have nothing to do with this one. They were not mentioned once in this article, see:

    The culprits are the SPD and CDU, the latter being in the opposition. Your reasoning does not make sense here.

  • I've been having a Burnout 3 obsession lately
  • Saw the Burnout series in this youtube video once.

    Never played it, it does look like fun though, I'd like to play it sometime.

  • PowerDeleteSuite still works for nuking your Reddit history
  • Yes. It missed the joke though. Framstag is the combination of Friday and Saturday in German. It is used for advertising by a store chain named Penny.

  • unRaid adding new pricing tiers
  • Now I'm even happier that I moved to proxmox.

  • Bluesky and Mastodon users are having a fight that could shape the next generation of social media
  • I still don't get, why ppl go to blue sky.

    Like, he sold his platform before, what says that he would not sell out again?

  • Opinions?
  • I also selfhost forgejo and im really happy with it. (I moved from GitLab.) Personally I cant wait for federation (which GitLab is also working on). If it were so be implemented, then ppl could actually contribute so projects on selfhosted git servers, which I am really looking forward so.

  • Top comment gets to choose my hostname
  • I'll use this in the future! I really like the idea!

  • Top comment gets to choose my hostname
  • This seems to be the most popular one, though I can't use it in the way its written here, because it will fuck up DNS. I'll substitute the dots with dashes and then it should work.

  • Top comment gets to choose my hostname
  • This is genius! Why didn't I think if that before?

  • Top comment gets to choose my hostname

    After nuking my old install, I am in need of a hostname. Top comment chooses it.

    I love my Gitea. Any tips and tricks?
  • Somehow GitHub managed to convince everyone that Git

    It has gotten so bad, that the Windows Git Application(s) at our school is in a folder called "GitHub" (╥﹏╥)

  • How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone?
  • Good argument. But isn't that always the case when asking if ppl are / aren't into a topic? A person, who is invested in the topic is way more likely to reply. I agree with you, but I don't know how I could've avoided said issue.

  • How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone?

    On a recent post, there were a lot of comments, which said that they were missing the headphones on newer mobile devices.

    How many actually use the headphone jack?

    I ask, because I have one on my phone, since I really wanted one, but I rarely use it. Like Tops 1/Month.

    Does a FOSS App need TOS and Privacy Policy?

    I'm currently working on a FOSS Discord bot. When I host an official instance of said bot, do I need a TOS and or Privacy Policy, or is a link to the license (in my case GPLv3) enough?

    I live in Germany, if that makes a difference.

    [question] Did GitHub remove Copilot from the Student Developer pack?

    I used to use GitHub Copilot with my student developer pack. I renewed my license a few days ago and Copilot stopped working and when I try to reactivate it in my settings it says I have to pay.

    Did they remove copilot access from the student dev pack benefits?

    Lets talk about the Mob Vote Lets talk about the Mob Vote

    My opinion on the Mob Vote and why the approach is flawed

    Lets talk about the Mob Vote

    What do you guys think about this whole situation?

    moonleay moonleay

    [ developer | music addict ]

    Posts 7
    Comments 43