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Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam
  • I don't use mine much anymore but I still have it out, was a really cool idea and while it had a learning curve, definitely made controller gaming possible with a lot of titles, steam input in general these days is fantastic for that but even so I'd totally buy a steam deck layout steam controller v2.

  • You can fit two cars there
  • Oh they can totally be, first job out of uni in 2012 had diesel f350 super duties as field service vehicles, they made sense for some jobs where it was super remote and rough driving (1000+ km a tank), they've since gone to 2 panel vans and a truck which is way more handy. They're super high off the ground so you need to be careful and most importantly, use your mirrors, these were all tow capable so they had the larger mirrors with the second parabolic mirror, you can effectively minimise blind spots to your sides and behind (I think all car mirrors should be that way, I added them to my sedan's mirrors) but they still turn slow and are heavy. A chunk of my coworkers outright refused to use them, instead opting for rentals, and others were definitely white knuckling it the entire time they used them.

  • Elden Ring Publisher Addresses Difficulty Criticism of Shadow of the Erdtree, Offers Tips for DLC
  • Oh damage sponges are the worst, probably one of my biggest complaints with Bethesda's games difficulty sliders generally just making things a slog, survival mode in fo4 is a good example to me of a challenge that doesnt make things an absolute pain, metro 2033 had a mode like that too that totally changed how you played the game, made it challenging without making it a slog.

  • Elden Ring Publisher Addresses Difficulty Criticism of Shadow of the Erdtree, Offers Tips for DLC
  • The scadutree buffs are pretty big from what I can tell, I've got a bunch becauae I explore a lot on first runs and it seems to be at least 3-4% boost to attack and defenses, with some of the new talismans too found there's a lot of stuff to work with.

    So far, feels pretty well balanced, it has challenge but I've not encountered anything that made me question how I died, first few big fights were pretty well telegraphed and super enjoyable. What I really like is that you can go try something else if you hit a wall, go level up a bit, try new gear or different approaches

  • Elden Ring Publisher Addresses Difficulty Criticism of Shadow of the Erdtree, Offers Tips for DLC
  • There's room for accessibility options, no one is forcing you to use them. While there are tools in the souls series to solve issues, there's no reason not to have some sort of scaling option at the least for people that want it, things like directional subtitles, colourblind mode, those are just basic. Why alienate players who would otherwise enjoy the game but may have limitations, it's ok for games to have complex systems and themes that may not appeal to everyone, that's totally independent of accessibility. I personally really enjoyed my playthroughs, and would love other people to be able to enjoy these games as well, and I'm pretty sure fromsoft intends for their games to be enjoyable.

    Your point about rhythm games doesn't support your point, guitar hero and rockband both had difficulty settings and later entries had nofail modes. They also had practice modes where you could slow down sections you were struggling with and work through it.

    Quick edit: my only real complaint is FOV, camera is super zoomed in on some of the giant bosses, DS1 remastered supported ultrawide, would have been nice for Elden Ring to have that at leaat

  • I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity
  • I'm a data engineer/architect and it's the same over here, I get asked constantly "how can we stuff AI into this solution?", never "should we consider using AI here? Is there a value?", my view, people don't understand their data and don't want to put in the effort to understand their data and think that it'll magically pull actionable insights from their dataswamp, nothing new, that's been a constant for as long as I recall.

    Like I totally understand the draw of new and exciting, but there's so much you can do with traditional analytics, and in my view you really need to have a good foundation before doing anything else.

  • How One Chinese EV Company Made Battery Swapping Work
  • I'm also thinking that way wrt to "we need more fast charging for EVs to work", I recall that plugging into a standard outlet will get you something like 5-8 km an hour, slow charging is totally acceptable for most people's usages. If you're in an area where block heaters are the norm you already have outlets at parking spots, if I could commute to work and plug it in, covers most commutes in a 8 hour day, even those of us who rarely go in and live 70k away I'd be getting most of my range back. For the amount I drive, level 1 charging is more than sufficient.

    I think a compact with 2-300 k range would suit me just fine, would cover the odd longer trip and I'll totally grab a rental for anything longer, like I already do it I need to move a fridge.

  • [Troubleshooting] Random EOF shutdowns from Klipper.
  • Totally get you, I swapped my prusa's hotend for a stealthburner as well, they're super nice to service, especially with the 2 part PCB, but having the entire assembly mounted from the front is fantastic.

    Stealthburner ended up fixing your clog issues entirely?

  • [Troubleshooting] Random EOF shutdowns from Klipper.
  • Fingers crossed. There's hats you can get to power the pi off of printer's 24v supply, considering doing it on my klippered mk3s and switch that over to using a SBC instead of the laptop.

    If you can swing it, definitely worth printing a spare set for the stealthburner + cw2, just in case you crack anything during assembly.

  • What is your BG3 unpopular opinion?
  • Really like the pathfinder games because you can swap between turn based or real-time on the fly, sometimes I want to think about my actions but other times yeah it gets repetitive

  • [Troubleshooting] Random EOF shutdowns from Klipper.
  • You'd think right, anecdotally when I was meaaign with undervolting on my desktop, you'd get instability or crashes at the limits without useful errors. Could think maybe the processor isn't getting enough power and that's causing instability? Found a klipper thread that about losing connection with the mcu which totally can show up as an EOF error.

  • [Troubleshooting] Random EOF shutdowns from Klipper.
  • How are you powering the pi itself? Wondering if the wakeup draw from your screen is enough to make it unstable, 4 I believe having higher power drawn than the 3 if you're using the same power supply. Pi isn't oced either?

    Quick Edit: I run my v2.4 on a lepotato with oodles of usb attachments (camera, multiple mcus, wifi and a screen. Replacing the mcu connections with a usb-canbus bridge when the heatwave ends) but with it connected directly to a meanwell 5v5a PSU into the gpio header, have never had communication issues to the octopus pro I use. Skr mini on the other printer is connected to a laptop host so it definitely has enough power, did have some odd issues with the skr mini and having an accelerometer connected to the spi header on boot and separately the 24v supply becoming loose that I fixed by crimping ferules onto the supply wires when I added a molex connector to make taking the printer out of its enclosure easier.

  • Elden Ring's developers know most players use guides, but still try to cater to those who go in blind: 'If they can't do it, then there's some room for improvement on our behalf'
  • I'd love a Morrowind type journal to log some of that, totally get I can write things down outside the game, I'd just like to have that option in game especially as I can tend to jump around games and put them down for some time. They're almost there with the player map markers and NPC markers, even just having the ability to make notes in game would be big for me.

  • Recommendations for STL sculpting tools or guides (FLOSS preferred)

    Quick question to the community, does anyone have some good tools to sculpt stls or step files?

    Context, I'm working on some decorative keychains and have a vector image and text I want to add to the base object. I've used aolidworks for both in the past with alright results but I've switched over to freecad this year, haven't had a lot of luck adding in there, vector image is a tracing of a dog that I was provided, it's simplified but still has a lot of components.

    I did look into blender but be honest I'm totally lost using it and have no clue what I'm doing coming from parametric modeling, I'm not an artist at all, my comfort zone is functional parts usually, but was approached by a friend. I did do some mockups in prusa/superslicer where I've added my image and text as negative volumes and merged into a single part. It works but it feels like a really hacky workaround (relevant XKCD) and would prefer to do it right. Any suggestions or resources would be appreciated!

    If interested, here's the mockup that I've done a few test prints on, found I needed to change the line width of my vector a few times and made some features exaggerated so they'd come out more. I've (poorly) covered some identifying text on the back, left the rest as to get a feel for what I'm trying to do, did do some rough sanding on the below pictures. There's a pocket on the top edge that accepts a keyring, it's kinda chunky, about the size of a pog slammer or a thicker poker chip.

    !Rough Sanded Front of keychain with image of a Bernese Mountain Dog!Back of keychain with some details obscured

    FYI - Octoprint (with a plugin) and Klipper support cancelling individual objects while printing

    Just as an FYI because it's saved me grief in the past, both klipper and octoprint can be setup to exclude certain objects while printing. You need to setup your slicer to provide gcode that enables the feature, but it allows you to stop printing a bad object, can reduce wastage in the case where only one part has failed but the others are ok.

    Prusa/Superslicer are what I have experience using it with, I used a preprocessing script to output compatable gcode but apparently there's a label objects option directly in both slicers, the klipper link below goes over enabling that feature.

    AFAIK Octoprint needs a Plugin Klipper has native support

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