I'm kinda surprised at how much people's opinions of Cyberpunk 2077 has changed since release. Did the DLC really fix all of the issues people had with the game?
There's a guy I follow on the internet called "penusbmic", and he claims it's supposed to mean "Pen, USB, Mic".
Whatever you say, Penus B. Mic.
Get good at cooking. No, really! People love to eat.
Steam itself has an offline mode, even if they sell online-only games. I use it pretty often.
It's all good! The fact that you want to be inclusive is great. They have a contraction for nonbinary pronouns in french? that's awesome.
Nice! Does your partner come from a big family? I've found that "sneakily paying the bill for everyone" happens a lot in family reunion meals
Mounting a computer in my hair, so I can do core training and compile code at the same time
I have to eat three meals a day, but I don't walk around with a plate of food all the time
As I kid, I thought it was interesting that while there were male and female voices available for voice assistants (like Siri), people would always pick the female ones
I considered doing this when I was working at Subaru, but I decided to take the high road
Okay, I suppose in the future I'll do better to check my privilege. But what does mental arithmetic have to do with handedness?
Once upon a time I read a statistic that said left-handed people were more successful than righties so I taught myself to write and do all sorts of things left-handed. I'm still a fuckin loser but at least now I'm ambidextrous, so take whatever lesson you want from that
look if god wanted women to exist He would've given Jesus big ol' titties
I've been a man for most of my life. It hurts my feelings when people say "cis men don't deserve this or that privilege" cause I've been there. Everyone deserves the privilege of living in comfort, even the stinky, evil cis men.
Uh, that is to say I agree with you.
Some people on the internet seem to think passion = sexual arousal, I see it all the time with special interests.
You can obviously be passionate about pokemon, for example, without having carnal desires towards them, but the fact that they're popular in certain kinds of art causes people to judge a huge community by its horniest creators.
That's not to say the horny art is bad or anything (although I have a particular gripe with fantasies that wouldn't pass the Harkness test), but it seems to always draw the wrong sort of attention.
It's been a while since I took Modern physics, so take my yammerings with a grain of salt. You want to know more about the atomic model or relative physics?
Mossy, don't take this the wrong day, but I'm laughing at the idea of you first looking at this post and thinking "I know someone is going to have questions about this and goddamnit I have the answers"
Thank you for your service