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Trump-appointed judge halts Biden administration credit card late fee cap
  • The whole point I'm trying to make is that the system doesn't work, voting lesser of two evils never helped in any meaningful way.

    We need to stop capitalism, or we will all die, or at the very least suffer greatly.

    That's the whole point.

    I'm not from the US, so I can't vote for either side anyway, but we are all fucked. I watch the children and feel sorry for letting them down. They will not grow up into a world of peace and prosperity, only desolation and dystopia.

    So while yes, Orange man very bad, the system will kill us anyway. Fascism will take your country, but capitalism took our entire planet.

  • Trump-appointed judge halts Biden administration credit card late fee cap
  • I will say it: fuck the system.

    The sooner it's gone, the better.

    It won't be pretty, but this isn't leading us to paradise either, we are killing the planet and can't even take the foot off the gas.

    We need a hard reset, and it's coming. In the best scenario, the system is taken down before the enviromental collapse.

  • Trump-appointed judge halts Biden administration credit card late fee cap
  • They are getting crushed anyway.

    Even without "both sides", the situation worldwide is fucked. And "neither side" is going to change much. Yes, one is worse, but the better side still offers a bandaid over a gushing wound.

    So I don't really blame them.

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    Spotify quietly moves lyrics behind a paywall.
  • I don't know, I have a couple of tracks that I love, but could never get them in FLAC. I listen to them on a very high volume and always feel like there are bits that would feel smoother if they were lossless. I am unable to confirm or deny that.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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