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‘You can expect everything’: what next for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks?
  • Careful, some tankies are going to wail about torturous prison experience he went through while having to simultaneously ignore the emaciated Ukrainian POWs

  • New Boeing Whistleblower Warns of Potentially 'Devastating Consequences' From Plane Flaws
  • Sounds like Uncle Sam needs to step in and nationalize this thing

  • Boeing says its space mission is 'going well' as astronauts stranded
  • Its like a corpo version of Space Force. I'd watch it

  • Marine Le Pen party’s security adviser is an alleged Russian agent
  • Odd. I wish I could find some Foundations of Geopolitics to explain these things.

  • Oklahoma state superintendent announces all schools must incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in curriculums | CNN
  • Yeah that's the goal. Speedrun it to the Supreme Court while it's stacked. That's always been the plan.

    This is the unfortunate bite of realpolitik we all suffer from when people don't come together and vote against the regressive in every election, whatever party they are on in whatever stake (and this goes for not just here, but everywhere)

    To make an unneccesarily long metaphor, We're in a sinking ship, a good chunk of us all are trying to bucket water out the side, others are drilling holes in the bottom and sides while a third of the crew is either undecided

  • 7 in 10 Americans think Supreme Court justices put ideology over impartiality: AP-NORC poll
  • The other 3 agree, but silently are agreeing with it

  • Pioneering internet messenger ICQ shuts after 28 years - CNA
  • I feel you. I signed up for a Border's rewards card the day before the company went under

  • Pyongyang Says It Will Send Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • Trump will 100% try to negotiate Taiwan for more money for himself. Decades of defense spending of a ludicrous amount of money will be for naught. Taiwan will be gone, and Ukraine's funding will dry up between the US and a good swath of Europe (ironically minus The UK!) taking a hard turn right.

    Anyway, good time to remind people to vote!

  • Pyongyang Says It Will Send Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • Orbán sure thinks he's a prince.

  • "now pick up the serial cable and try again"
  • I'd follow this patron anywhere. Lousy warlocks have all the fun

  • Pyongyang Says It Will Send Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • Oh good fuckin luck, NK. Not gonna have the border be shared with China when they defect, they've got lots of directions to run to

  • Flatulent Cows And Pigs Will Now Be Taxed In Denmark
  • Just picturing a tax agent standing in a pasture taking notes when a cow toots

  • Any operating system, you said?
  • Finally, a sane option for the working folk

  • Oklahoma Supreme Court Blocks First US Religious Public Charter School
  • They waited til I moved away to do the right thing.

  • Florida man sneezes his intestines out of his body at restaurant
  • "Hahah, oh The Onion, you sure have run out of ideas, this article didn't even have a punchline."

    It was then that Muse realized it was in fact, not The Onion.

  • Wildfire Threats Make Utilities Uninsurable in US West | As wildfire season starts, some utilities are now operating without insurance — and are on the hook if their power lines are linked to a blaze.
  • This warms my heart to see corporations and not just us lowly serfs feeling the pain of man made climate change.

    Welcome to the party, pal!

  • Removed
    Former russia today employee Julian Assange after British prison vs Ukrainian POW, Volodymyr Tsema-Bursov, after russian captivity

    He's a political asset and a puppet of Putin well known for leaking what he did to sink Clinton.

    Cry me a river at that Tankie Eaque drivel of a defense.

    Edit: I'm a fucking dumbass. Re-read the magazine I was in, I see that this is definitely not a political meme, just two comparisons smashed together

  • muse muse


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