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Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough
  • And if they raised the price to $250, they could go with a faster processor and better wifi!

  • American Christianity
  • I get told to cut my hair all the time, I'm just like umm I seem to recall a pretty RIGHTEOUS guy with long locks, they think I mean Jesus, but I mean Samson LMAO.

  • It's a great honor to wear the hat
  • This only works if you are extremely attractive btw.

  • Le Murca
  • Except on their actual ice cream it says ice cream and on their frozen dairy treats they call them frozen dairy treats.

  • Anon watches some old and new movies
  • If you have a stereo/Soundbar that supports it you can have DRC using HDMI ARC from those sources. I think some TVs even come with the option built in.

  • He'll be living with this for the rest of his life
  • Umm you should be doing all of that at the same time?

  • Beethoven's 9th Symphony
  • You and your mum...

  • Things the guys who stole my phone have texted me to try to get me to unlock it - Gothamist
  • They almost definitely got this info by simply having the IMEI, which is printed on the back and can definitely be accessed in whatever Apple calls their service mode though.

  • Tip of my tongue
  • I totally thought it was, he almost looked more Hitler than Hitler, but then I looked up a picture of Hitler and holy fuck that dude had a huge nose.

  • Tip of my tongue
  • Isn't that Abby from NCIS?

  • Greeter Shiloh
  • The Wexner medical center, probably for specific dates/times etc. But I've been to multiple doctors that have dogs full time.

  • Google assistant rule
  • You can, you can even replace assistant since it's hosted in the Google app (why does that sound like something malware would do?)

  • Controller recommendedation?
  • I like that it has mic, I'd like wireless but if third party controllers won't work with Xbox Controller Connector it doesn't matter as much.

  • Controller recommendedation?
  • I think I'll have to try that out.

  • Controller recommendedation?

    Looking to buy a new controller, currently have Xbox One but the thing is I don't really like the sticks on these controllers, the way they push in and out means they don't glide smoothly, I've used the Elite controllers and they don't have this issue but $200+ is a little steep, so does anyone make a good controller that has the same buttons as Xbox One but with better sticks at a reasonable price? Can I replace the sticks in a controller myself?

    Lately, I've switched from coffee to a nice, soothing cup of tea.
  • The fact the water is boiling will also get you the right temp.

  • Tesla repays San Jose pie shop owner after last-minute cancellation
  • Eh I'd personally beat him to death with a dildo if that happened, so it's not really something to worry about.

  • Fast food restaurant Wendy’s plans Uber-like surge pricing, with digital menu boards that change prices depending on demand
  • An extra $0.25/hr during peak. Which of course is done by subtracting the $0.25/hr from the base and adding it back during peak.

  • Lately, I've switched from coffee to a nice, soothing cup of tea.
  • I think you need to clean your microwave...

  • Running a Jellyfin server when I don't control IPs

    I don't know if this is the right place, I don't even know if this will post but I had a Jellyfin server setup with a router and static IPs however with my ISP supplied router I have to use my router as an AP or I'm double natted, no IPV6, the dumb thing is that I can't set IPs static on ISP router. There's got to be a way around this but I can't seem to figure it out.

    n0clue n0clue
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