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[Official] Version 4.0 Promotional Video: A Journey at Your Fingertips|Genshin Impact
  • Thanks for the alert.

    I think I might have found what was responsible for the double posting issue: if the bot doesn't receive a response from the Lemmy server in time, it might not record the post as having been submitted. As a backup, the bot also checks the list of submitted posts on Lemmy for duplicate titles, but if Lemmy is lagging, then that wouldn't work either.

    I've added another check that should address that issue. I'll also have the bot check if it made any duplicate posts and delete them.

  • Capitalism indoctrination in progress.
  • I've heard that people leaving Amazon do so because of the environment/culture there, even though Amazon pays very well.

  • Genshin Impact EP - Farewell to an Upwind Feather

    A fledgling's feather drifting on the wind almost resembles a footprint of time itself.

    Yet a wanderer lives in the moment and has no cause to tarry.

  • For me, it's Focalors. I gotta have all the archons!

  • [Official] Version 3.8 Event Wishes Notice - Phase II
  • Without Kokomi, I wouldn't have been able to complete the previous Abyss cycle. I love the fish <3

  • [Official] Fan Art Collection: Bottleland Miniature Map
  • Are you using a different Lemmy client? I've never seen media auto play on the main site, nor can I find an option to toggle that.

  • [Official] Anime Expo 2023 Genshin Impact event Recap
  • The bot is only able to load a fallback video, which has no audio. I'll add YouTube support ASAP.

    Edit: Some videos aren't on YouTube, so the bot will download the video + audio from Reddit, merge them together, then upload them to a platform that offers free hosting like It'd be much simpler to mirror Twitter instead, but Elon keeps changing stuff.

  • In 2017, I bought a 1TB 960 Evo for 466€. Now, in 2023 the 1TB 970 Evo Plus is 43€.
  • That costs as much as my 840 EVO (120 GB) did in 2014.

  • r/BotDefense is shutting down - I hope Reddit likes spam and malicious actors
  • Especially when ChatGPT bots are on the rise... Reddit couldn't have picked a worse time to alienate the BotDefense team.

  • The supposed "ethical" limitations are getting out of hand
  • I've found it useful for generating regexes and document outlines.

  • Question: People who still frequent Reddit, has it gone back to business as usual or are the protests still having effect?
  • The mods of a gaming sub I frequent marked it as NSFW to prevent Reddit from earning ad revenue. There's some discontent from a vocal minority of users about the change.

  • What are your thoughts on bots reposting links to Reddit posts?
  • I made a bot to repost official announcements for a game I play. Ideally, a day will come where the company makes the announcements themselves on Lemmy and my bot is no longer needed, but until then, the owner of the sub has granted me permission to use my bot.

    My bot makes about one or two posts per day. Other people in this thread have mentioned certain bots making posts every couple minutes, which many people would find quite excessive.

  • Reddit had/has a plan to block mobile browsers in favor of their app
  • The official Reddit app doesn't work on older phones, guess I'm out of luck. I can afford a new phone, but I don't feel it's worth it to buy a new phone just for one app.

  • Awkward the turtle ( 1000 sub reddit mod) banned and begging to get unbanned.
  • It's sad that power mods like Turtle have made many people think that all mods are like him.

    The mods for the sub of a popular game I play are getting shit on for protesting against Reddit by people who think the mods merely want power. No power mod has ever put thousands of hours into creating free helper apps or maintaining a game wiki.

  • nahida nahida
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