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Genocide joe comes out against outdoor cats, what now hexbears?
  • but it's pete passing biden-alert on their way to/from the animal shelter

  • News this morning wants Biden to bow out of the race.
  • I was surprised at how much the media apparatus was finally admitting to what we've all known this entire time, but then I remembered that liberals have the memory of a goldfish, so ultimately I don't think Biden will drop out. MSM will simply stop talking about this within the next few days, until the next incident, and the next, etc etc.

    Remember, Biden's handlers only let us see him at his best, so his performance was no surprise to them. These are the people who have to feed him and (likely) change his diapers. They know, better than anyone else, how cooked he is, and yet they have made zero moves to set up a contingency. There seems to be zero effort to set up Kamala or anyone else to take over the front of the ticket, why would that change now? They are so deep within the sunken cost of going all-in on Biden, they have left themselves zero alternatives. I guess DNC donors panicking and demanding it might be the one thing to make it happen, but I have a feeling they will simply ignore the problem until they can get people (including any nervous donors) distracted by something else. After all, this is the same party that shamelessly weekend-at-bernies'ed Diane Feinstein up until her last, wretched breath.

    All that said, I do think there is a solid chance he croaks before the election. He's already known for his frequent falls (that we see), and the falls will only get worse and more frequent as his brain continues melting and he gets worse at catching himself before he slams his skull into the floor or a podium or something. If his handlers were at all half-competent, they'd at least put him in a wheelchair and try to revive the "FDR 2.0" schtick, but that comes with its own risks and I don't see the DNC going that route.

  • Anything look good on the Steam Summer Sale?
  • Oxygen Not Included is 66% off. This game ruined all other colony sim/management games for me, and is by far my top-played game on Steam. This is probably the best review to give potential players an idea if this game is right for them. It's still being actively developed, and there's even a new DLC being tested on the beta branch right now.

    Cassette Beasts is 40% off. If you've ever been into Pokemon, but felt like their games were getting stale, this is worth checking out. Also, the creators seem like comrades; the "Team Rocket" stand-ins are literally real estate agents, and at one point a bearded NPC named "Karl" makes a cameo.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • Intel suspends planned $15 billion expansion of southern Israel chip plant

    Chip giant makes no link between war in Gaza and decision to freeze extra investment in factory being built in Kiryat Gat, says it remains ‘fully committed’ to the region

    Uh huh, sure, lmao. Hope this is the beginning of a trend hamas-red-triangle

  • Percussive overton window shift
  • Someone get Fetterman a Cybertruck (it has poor visibility and no crumble zones)

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 3rd to June 9th, 2024 - Morena Reigns More - COTW: Mexico
  • Coalition for Justice in Palestine launched an encampment at Buckingham Gaza Fountain earlier today lets-fucking-go rat-salute-2

    This is the heart of the most popular touristy area in Chicago this time of year, so I think it's a smart move to increase visibility and cause disruption, but I'm equally really worried about inevitable police rioting to clear it out because of how visible and disruptive it is.

    Edit: Some additional context, Chicago's downtown neighborhood (the Loop), where this is situated, infamously clears out at night. Not because it's unsafe or anything, but just because there's virtually no night life unlike other neighborhoods. There's a huge police presence around the fountain right now, but I'm really worried that the cops will just wait for the middle of the night to do their thing.

  • The stupid "AI pin" is exploding in the charging case
  • Exploding like an ACME bomb when prompted into a logical paradox is a feature, actually

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Pretty sure tiktok does this, at least if you copy the url from their share context menu: instead of appending a query param with a tracking ID, it generates a unique url for you to share that is tied to your account. This is how tiktok notifies you "so-and-so watched the video you shared."

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • At first I thought the timing of this might be intentional to use the Trump trial shit as a distraction, but on second thought I don't think most Americans give a shit either way :/

  • He moderated r/Ukraine, shaping how the world sees the war. Now he has to fight in it. He moderated r/Ukraine, shaping how the world sees the war. Now he has to fight in it.

    Mykola Sokalskii, who moderates a popular subreddit on Ukraine, said his role has helped him prepare for being in on the frontline.

    He moderated r/Ukraine, shaping how the world sees the war. Now he has to fight in it.

    Real good sign your side is winning when you're conscripting a 39yo, especially someone who is arguably way more valuable left helping run your propaganda war on !reddit-logo !zelensky-pain

    [CW: Food addiction] Zionist gets addicted to cheese and spend $6k/week for rehab

    > Cojab said her addiction stemmed from stress. > > She was the president of a Zionist student group called Realize Israel, at odds with other student activists and professors calling on the university to sever ties with Israel.

    It's so incredibly disgusting seeing a puff piece about a Zionist crybullying over a cheese addiction, posing with large blocks of fancy cheeses, and talking about expensive rehab far out of reach of the average person, all while her ideology is responsible for ongoing mass starvation and genocide against Palestinians.

    Also, I feel like there's a slammer meme somewhere in here !zionist-despair 🧀🧀🧀🧀 !qin-shi-huangdi-fireball

    Big guberment infringing on my right to mutilate my cattl... i mean, my workers
  • I thought she looked familiar, you know it's bad when she lost r/politics. Not that I think they took any valuable lessons from this.

    MGP is not a bait and switch candidate, she was a compromise candidate within that district to defeat a fascist.


  • Israeli Ambassador: "You are shredding the UN charter!" *Feeds UN Charter into minature paper shredder*
  • The ambassador is actually just making the most of the situation after the factory misinterpreted his order for a "baby shredder"

  • China will dominate the world of tech, Web Summit’s Cosgrave says
  • Gonna be real funny when China inevitably leapfrogs western GPUs and CPUs, but such hardware will be unobtainable for western consumers due to protectionist sanctions.

    Will popular consensus be to just deny the reality of superior Chinese tech and continue in their rabid sinophobia, or will g*mers turn on western politicians gatekeeping them from higher frame rates?

    Historians may mark the date of the true beginning of the end of western civilization as the upload date of a Gamers Nexus review of a Chinese gaming PC running Cyberpunk 2077 @ native 8k 240fps with raytracing enabled.

  • Kristi Noem's animal cruelty is hurting the GOP financially
  • Democrats rapidly courting the dog murdering demographic pete

  • Tesla owners learning about the limits of lithium ion battery physics the hard way Tesla supercharging station packed in Oak Brook, dead cars line parking lot due to frigid temps

    Electric vehicles may be the way of the future, but many EV owners are having trouble dealing with Chicago’s bitterly cold temperatures.

    Tesla supercharging station packed in Oak Brook, dead cars line parking lot due to frigid temps

    > "Nothing. No juice. Still on zero percent," said Tyler Beard, who has been trying to recharge his Tesla at an Oak Brook Tesla supercharging station since Sunday afternoon. "And this is like three hours being out here after being out here three hours yesterday."

    > "Like any new technology, there’s a learning curve for people," said Mark Bilek of the Chicago Auto Trade Association.

    Lmao, no my dudes, it's pretty well understood that you need to keep the battery warm enough to be able to charge. This is not some fucking unexplored field of science!

    I'm absolutely cackling at the radio silence from Tesla + dozens of Tesla owners just sitting around cluelessly wondering why their car hasn't charged at all in over 3 hours. Maybe another 3 hours will do it, keep trying !stalin-approval

    Also, a cursory Google search leads me to believe that the Model 3 has no dedicated battery warmer that could be used for this very situation, but instead some system that "runs the motor inefficiently to heat up the battery". Doesn't sound like this can work when the car is stationary, I guess tesla engineers forgot about the Midwest when cutting parts to save on production costs !michael-laugh
