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Fucking mice got into my rice and beans
  • not even Rat'xal, Lord of 10,000 Rats, could defy the sanctity of my grain and lentil storage situation

    You've found the way to ward off Pete Buttigieg!??

  • Things to do in DC
  • If you go tour around Georgetown (it's a nice area) try also going down the Exorcist stairs. Near Georgetown there's a great ice cream shop I'd recommend called Thomas Sweet. It often has a line out the door. I'd prioritize any of the great free museums over this, but there you have it.

    It'll be warm enough to justify carrying canteens or bottles of water around with you, so don't neglect that.

  • Should Hexbear have a more robust robots.txt?
  • I find this to be a very compelling argument, actually.

  • Should Hexbear have a more robust robots.txt?
  • I used to sit and monitor my server access logs. You can tell by the access patterns. Many of the well-behaved bots announce themselves in their user agents, so you can see when they're on. I could see them crawl the main body of my website, but not go to a subdomain, which is clearly linked from the homepage but is disallowed from my robots.txt.

    On the other hand, spammy bots that are trying to attack you will often instead have access patterns that try to probe your website for common configurations for common CMSes like WordPress. They don't tend to crawl.

    Google also provides a tool to test robots.txt, for example.

  • Should Hexbear have a more robust robots.txt?
  • I agree with your points 2-4 but I have observed on my own website that the crawlers who don't respect won't, and the crawlers who do respect will.

  • Should Hexbear have a more robust robots.txt?
  • Of course it's voluntary, but if entities like OpenAI say they will respect it then presumably they really will.

  • Should Hexbear have a more robust robots.txt?

    Consider or and how they block all the stupid AI models from being able to scrape for free.

    Llama 3-V: Matching GPT4-V with a 100x smaller model and 500 dollars
  • it is kind of amusing how zuckerberg is having meta release their models for free for no other reason than to seemingly fuck with microsoft/openai

  • Who here has actually used any GPT or Image generator models?
  • Truly. But this was just something I downloaded off the net and wanted to repurpose for my own needs, so rearchitecting it to use Grid or Flex was way more effort than I wished to put in.

  • Who here has actually used any GPT or Image generator models?
  • I've used a self-hosted Llama 3 to answer some questions about css and centering a div that I was having trouble with (I'm not a web dev by profession, nor am I aspiring to be one). You have to prod at it a few times to get it to tell you something useful which it ultimately did.

    That's about as far as I can work with it: asking and re-asking it very common questions that have been discussed and answered 700 times over (but the answer to which is unknown to me, specifically) in the hopes of getting something actually useful. So to that end, of course it can give me an example implementation of common leetcode questions in C, but it cannot reliably do something that requires a bit more originality.

  • The least nazi defending terf
  • breaking my back to let people know how much i'll publicly defend nazis, specifically, which is suddenly very important to me.

  • Am I wrong though?
  • You can go to about:profiles and then relaunch the web browser with all add ons disabled to see if that changes things up for you. Though I imagine browsing the web without uBlock Origin on is its own special hell.

  • Putin’s crushing new offensive could be the end of Ukraine
    • andrew yang campaign donor mindset big-cool
  • Kevin O'Leary warns student protesters are 'trashing' job chances by fighting police
  • support the state-sanctioned genocide or be unemployed. is that deal being made right now?

  •'s anti-Cuba propaganda
  • Whoa, I remember this site and article, both

  • title
  • 🗿

  • Why are landlords like this? How do you even rehabilitate these people???
  • OK but what if this were just my new product to fleece credulous and stupid landlords?

    Kidding aside, I would like to find ways to entrap landlords into crippling debt for their sins.

  • Microsoft starts testing ads in the Windows 11 Start menu
  • I don't really understand your fstab question as you wrote it, but why aren't you using either genfstab or letting archinstall just do all the tedious parts for you?

  • Microsoft starts testing ads in the Windows 11 Start menu
  • Fedora is a poor distro for absolute newcomers because they do not ship any proprietary software by default*, nor do they keep any in their repos. If you want a free-software-only distro and have (the correct) philosophical inclination for a world without proprietary software, it's an excellent choice.

    Fedora is the distro I use, but with support from RPMFusion for things like FFmpeg with proprietary codecs, my stupid Nvidia proprietary driver, and so on.

    * Fedora makes an exception for some binary firmware images

  • Throwback to this insane Bill Gates moment
  • Just the thumbnail and I know exactly that this is about Epstein.

  • Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads
  • It's so aggressive. When I was young I could watch the players on the court. Now they have the tracking technology (which... as someone into 3d graphics programming I have to admit, that kind of technology is cool) to project ads into the space dynamically. So the court just has more and more virtual real estate sold off for viewers at home. I'm sure it's all perfectly focus and user tested to ensure the exact right balance between unwatchable garbage and, "Ok, I can notice it and maybe I don't like it but I can barely ignore it."

  • Happy Mask Salesman seems to play the piano.

    Original Japanese title. しあわせのお面屋がピアノを弾くようです。

    Was my decision to use C threads unwise?

    Without realizing what I was getting myself into, I wrote some code using C11's threads.h (EDIT: every time I use the angle brackets < and > they just get eaten, even in the code snippet block.) I'm realizing after the fact that this is basically only supported on Linux (gcc/clang). This is my target platform, but I guess if I could cross compile to Windows or macOS that would be nice, too.

    C's threads nominally appear to be a great feature. Finally, a standardized and straightforward interface to threads that would be cross-platform compatible. The reality appears to be anything but.

    So is it worth just replacing that code with pthreads? Is there some near-term development on C threads that might make this worthwhile to use? I'm kind of surprised it hasn't really caught on some 12 years after the standard was introduced.

    antiX-23 released – antiX Linux

    AntiFascist Linux, folks. Get your fresh AntiFascist Linux right here! !gold-antifa

    Primer for those who don't know what AntiX Linux is: It's a Debian derivative without Systemd. There are sysVinit and Runit versions available. AntiX can be used on newer computers, obviously, with the new release and up-to-date Linux kernel. But it is probably one of the best choices for extremely low spec hardware today, like if you have a computer you're running from the mid 2000s and insist on keeping it going.

    Its default desktop is run with IceWM. It will leave something to be desired, it's not the prettiest thing, but it is an extremely lean base system. Your CPU and RAM will all get blown up the moment you launch a modern web browser, of course. !shrug-outta-hecks

    Nintendo registers numerous new patents from Tears of the Kingdom, even for loading screens

    IP is a joke. Fuck copyright. Fuck patents. Nintendo is out here patenting physics.

    > "The movement of movable dynamic objects placed in the virtual space is controlled by physics calculations, and the movement of the player’s character is controlled by user input. When the player’s character and a dynamic object come in contact in the downward direction relative to the character (in other words, when the character is on top of an object), the movement of the dynamic object is added to the movement of the player’s character.”

    These aren't even inventions. They are just obvious models of the real world that would occur to anyone who is trying to replicate physical interactions in a virtual world.

    These are Japanese patents but I also have no fucking doubt a lot of this stuff has very obvious prior art even in gaming, to say nothing of other physics-based software packages.

    neo neo [he/him]
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