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India to mandate USB-C connectors on smartphones and laptops by 2026
  • At least in the EU USB-C is only the standard by 2nd degree, the actual mandatory connector is whatever connector the industry consortium decides on. For now it just happens to be USB-C

  • GNU-Linux
  • Holy Water most likely

  • Shiori Novella, FOSS enjoyer
  • If she has a problem with the price that's still down to her principles being closely FOSS aligned because in her case it certainly is a case of "doesn't want to pay" versus "can't pay"

  • Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree currently has a 'Mixed' status on Steam, with many of the negative reviews complaining that the bosses are too hard [also game's PC performance]
  • Personally I have complicated feelings about this DLC.

    The world design is a 10/10 for me but the rest...

    For a start the Open World feels a bit unrewarding. I don't really have a problem with the abundance of empty space but the rewards you get for exploration feel a bit weak to me. I would have liked a few more weapons in chests and other places instead of Smithing Stone 8 #1241. Case in point: They added 8 new weapon categories but from what I can see barely one of these new categories has more than a single regular weapon in it. Definitely a missed opportunity.

    As for the combat it's fine outside of the bosses. The enemies hit like a truck but once you figure out the gimmicks it's quite manageable. The bosses however are some of the worst in the entire game. I'm not an outstanding player, I'm not even good. But me being bad is not quite the problem I have with these. The problem I have with these bosses is that they are frustrating. For example the first Dancing Lion Boss has such an arsenal and length of combos that, when coupled with its flowing moveset, I cannot find a reliable gap to exploit. I think I found one only for the boss to switch up the Combo the 3rd time around (not HP related changes) and kill me anyway. Add to that the camera being absolute garbage and it feels like I'm fighting a duo boss. The cooldowns between their combos also are annoyingly uncertain, sometimes you have a gap to heal after a combo and sometimes they start the next combo almost immediately. Now mind you there might be gaps I don't see but if the only people who can even find the gaps are the top 20% of players then negative reviews will be inevitable.

    What makes this entire thing worse is that as soon as you employ spirit summons the entire charade is exposed. The only reason these bosses are "hard" is because they hit you in a relentless torrent of combos. The moment there is any other target to take the heat off of you the difficulty plummets into the core of the planet. Oh and also their pathfinding is absolutely shot, I've had multiple cases where Bosses (and regular enemies) got stuck path finding towards me because I was standing on a little pebble or behind a pillar. I think mages are also completely fucked because almost every boss I've stumbled upon was in permanent distance closing mode. No or extremely rare walk phases where a mage could fire off a few spells but instead just constant pressure.

    I think the Bosses can't even be easily rebalanced because the problem is not that they are too tanky or deal too much damage, they are imo just terribly designed to where they are too hard when in a 1v1 and too easy in a 2+v1 due to their move-/attacksets. If they rebalance anything maybe the frequency between combos could be tuned a bit but I really don't think that's going to change much about how people perceive these bosses.

  • Removed
    Elon Musk has another secret child with exec at his brain implant company
  • Oh no you can bet this guy is into Eugenics and refuses to fuck anyone he deems has "inferior genes" without protection

  • Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 3 • KONOSUBA -God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! 3 - Episode 11 discussion
  • I fear Megumin has discovered the concept of edging....

    I also demand moar of this good stuff, like immediately.

    Ah well, waiting it is and I guess there's always the LN

  • Leak: EU interior ministers want to exempt themselves from chat control bulk scanning of private messages - EU Reporter
  • I am so incredibly surprised by this.....

    Who am I kidding it was clear from the start they were going to do this. It just further proves that:

    • they know this shit erodes any semblance of private digital communications down to the bedrock
    • this thing being for "the protection of children" is just a front for them to lie it into effect

    At this point I cannot take any politician seriously who would vote "yes" to this surveilance law given the blatant malicious intent behind it.

  • An AMD patent shows a multi-chiplet Radeon graphics card divided into nine shader engines, much like the reportedly canceled Navi 4c chip.
  • Tbf here it wouldn't be too wild to imagine that the same company which ripped apart monolithic CPU's would have workable designs to do the same with GPU's.

  • Meta won't train AI on Euro posts after all, as watchdogs put their paws down
  • I think they were referencing glue on pizza ring and stuf .like that

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • Correct me if I'm wrong but if I start a project with a GPL and a custom proprietary license for use at work wouldn't that also apply to any contributions by 3rd parties later on to that projevt? Afaik only adding or switching licenses with existing 3rd party contributions is difficult without a CLA.

  • Raspberry Pi launches its IPO
  • For me anything "private" just means you can't buy shares publicly. Worker cooperatives would be included in that (since you need to be a worker to own a "share")

  • tankie censorship problem
  • well in this particular case it wouldn't have mattered, I used the username but the admin in question has their clear name set as the display name (which made the whole "doxxing" claim even funnier to me)

  • Raspberry Pi launches its IPO
  • Also the reason why every company that is consistently 'good' is run privately. If you answer to nobody but yourself you have a lot more room for long term plans

  • tankie censorship problem
  • You agree that tagging the username of a mod (wasn't even one it was an admin) is doxxing? If so, you're delusional.

    Mod names are visible by default on my instance so if taking a look there and then mentioning the username you see there is doxxing good luck with the rest of your life. You can't have a system where everyone can easily find out who performed a mod action and then claim you were "doxxed"

  • tankie censorship problem
  • To quote the reason why calling out mods by name is forbidden from a previous encounter I had with them: "removed for doxxing"

    So yeah I think you're giving them too much credit here

  • First projections of EU Parliament election results
  • sadly that won't stop people from voting for them

  • First projections of EU Parliament election results
  • Oh they absolutely could and would but they know "solving" it would expose them for the fascists they are (case in point there have been several "isolated cases" of AfD politicians behind closed doors literally demanding migrants be shot at the borders)

  • Summer is the worst season of the year, isn't?
  • I feel your pain, pretty much the same here except the heat is at least dry

  • A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
  • Absolutely, the only thing that will ever move the needle significantly is if the average user walks into a store and comes out with a system that has linux already installed.

  • Summer is the worst season of the year, isn't?
  • I hate summer, I dislike shorts and t-shirts being too much clothing for the scorching heat. I also don't like seeing our dried up husk of a garden despite best attempts to water the damn thing.

  • AMD introduces X870(E) chipset, promises AM5 updates through 2027+ - AMD introduces X870(E) chipset, promises AM5 updates through 2027+ -

    New chipsets and longer socket support The AM5 socket is here to stay (at least until 2027). AMD has announced it will support the AM5 socket through 2027 and beyond. This extension follows nearly eight years of support for the AM4 socket, which will continue to be supported until 2025. Today, AMD i...

    AMD introduces X870(E) chipset, promises AM5 updates through 2027+ -
    [Meta] Admins (not mods) here are already swinging around the content-removal-hammer

    Check the modlog for proof, a discussion post about moving this instance to an instance that shan't be named now got removed for "linking to instance featuring pedo content".

    Ironically that exact possibility was reason for the discussion in the first place so seeing it happen this quickly is a bit funny.

    Not sure how best to go about linking to said instance since it seems to get your content removed. DM's would be the only solution I guess but not sure if those are checked as well.

    Ascendance of a Bookworm Part 3 - Anime Adaptation Announced

    cross-posted from: >Warning: TO Books, Studio WIT and the official Ascendance of Bookworm X Twitter Accounts contain Spoilers beyond what has been translated in the Novel Pre-Pubs

    [Announcement] Pre-Pub Discussions moved to new Community

    To prevent spoiling full LN readers the Pre-Pub posts will move to a separate community. Please subscribe to it now if you are on another instance so you won't miss any comments. New Community: !

    [Pre-Pub] Ascendance of a Bookworm Part 5 Volume 5 - Pre-Pub Part 6 Read Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 5 Volume 5 Part 6

    As tensions rise over the increasingly important “Zent candidates,” Rozemyne finds herself entangled in the web of royal politics. Thankfully, this also secures her the chance to bargain with one of the princes...


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