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Man charged with allegedly assaulting mail carrier delivering 'Harris for President' mailer
  • Depends on the state. Most states from my understanding work like this:

    Threatening to throw a rock and/or actually throwing it is assault. When / If the rock hits them then that’s battery.

    So in this case the threat of violence is the assault. Had he actually made contact then it would have been battery too.

  • EVs are cleaner than gas cars, but a growing share of Americans don't believe it
  • Because we Americans are easily swayed by propaganda, unfortunately.

  • Who still uses pagers?
  • In the HAM Radio world we use them. But we also use our own infrastructure. I have mine set to let me know when something happens that needs my attention asap. Only works around my stuff or other HAMs that have stuff tied into our system. So not useful outside narrow circumstances.

  • Senate to vote on IVF package as Democrats look to corner Republicans after Trump statements
  • Because it’s good for society as a whole? We already do similar things like mandate contraceptives converged under insurance. Plus we also fund things via taxes eg schools, Medicare, etc.

  • Lincoln impersonator watching news
  • I hope they were most excellent to each other

  • How to save data for archive purposes?
  • Waaaaay better.

    Restic allows you to make dedupe snapshots of your data. Everything is there and it’s damn hard to loose anything. I use backblaze b2 as my long term end point / offsite… some will use AWS glacier. But you don’t have to use any cloud services. You can just have a restic repository on some external drives. That’s what I use for my second copy of things. I also will do an annual backup to a hard disk that I leave with a friend for a second offsite copy.

    I’ve been backing up all of my stuff like this for years now. I used to use BORG which is another great tool. But restic is more flexible with allowing multiple systems to use a single repository and has native support for things like B2 that BORG doesn’t.

    We also use restic to backup control nodes for some of supercomputing clusters I manage. It’s that rock solid imho.

  • US Gov to explore requiring 3d printer manufacturers and software developers to contain controls to prevent users from manufacturing firearms components
  • Yeah that was my thoughts too. It’s not like it can’t be bypassed but it’s not “easy.” This is kinda how I see it going for commercial 3D printers. It’s not a bad thing either. I’ve always been a fan of making people earn dangerous knowledge & skills. Even in fictional universes like Star Trek there’s restrictions on using a replicator to make weapons.

    So it’s not unreasonable, imho, to put some kind of guard rails up that force people to actively bypass restrictions in making weapons.

    The trick will be telling the difference between making a nerf gun, action figure guns, and an actual weapon. That I don’t see being possible at this time. Too many edge cases that don’t neatly fit.

  • [SOLVED] ProtonVPN on Arch Linux (CachyOS) ?
  • It’s all good, hope you find a solution that works best for you 😊

  • [SOLVED] ProtonVPN on Arch Linux (CachyOS) ?
  • You could also just grab a wire guard configuration and use it too. They provide them along side the openvpn configs

  • 'I'll be voting no.' Trump clarifies his stance on the abortion amendment in Florida
  • But he’s a convicted felon, so how is he going to vote? 🧐

  • Do any of you have M$ Word running in present form?
  • To be honest, there’s a few good comments linking to scripts and methods here to batch convert them on a windows pc/vm. That’s the best way to go.

    To add on to their comments. If you’re just interested in preserving them then maybe printing them to pdf, specifically pdf/a, would be my approach once you got them opened.

  • What is the most duct-tape thing you've done to Linux?
  • I’ll leave this one here for someone:

    You can tunnel L2 over OpenVPN. Just bridge your interfaces in both sides and it works.

    That way if you need to provision a VOIP phone or just have something NetBoot remotely. Not that I recommend doing that…

  • Trump campaign deletes Freedom video after Beyoncé blocks use of song
  • After the DNC I don’t think Lil Wayne is an option 😂

  • Never again
  • To avoid the collection of cables growing?

  • Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say
  • I thought they were already???

    Like how/why wouldn’t they be public? Even if the data isn’t readily accessible via a gui it’s gotta be somewhere so that federation works. Unless you’ve been thirsty in your main it shouldn’t be a problem?

    Am I missing something?

  • Microsoft begins cracking down on people dodging Windows 11's system requirements
  • Hey now! We got to know why god needs a starship! 😂

  • I just got out of the shower. what is with the product placement ?
  • That is distinctly less whimsical

  • VW Buzz
  • I LOVED it until I saw the price 😢

  • What has he done to deserve this?
  • The US Government is entirely metric. It’s just the US Citizens that aren’t. So there’s this entire separation where no one uses metric, so nothing is made for metric, since nothing is made for metric, no one uses metric.

    Obviously that’s changing over time plenty of people use a mixture of both systems all the time. The machines are mostly driving adoption at this point. 3D printers, cars, etc.

  • Wendy's uses linux (Gnome)

    Saw this on a drive through. Did a double take when I realized it was a Gnome desktop!

    ninekeysdown Nine

    Just a dad with a sysadmin hobby ... leaving reddit

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