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if you could fight one person – living or dead – without suffering legal consequences, who would you choose?
  • You didn't let the real question even touch you right? 💀

  • Linux users are the vegans of the computer world
  • Yeah cus maybe it is the best 💀

  • Linux users are the vegans of the computer world
  • Omg shut up 💀💀

  • Indian Defence Ministry set to replace windows with home-grown "Maya OS"
  • Yea we in gwalior, madhyapradesh too had linux devices in our labs in our college.

  • Do you pay with cash or card?
  • I haven't seen cash for many months now. I make my every transaction with upi online/offline. It's just in india. 😪😪

  • 🔥 hot take: Thunder is better than Sync considering subscription model for sync.
  • Yes. Really a good news!! Just tested the app. Feels a lil laggy. Waiting for it to smoothen more before i make the purchase. 🌻🌻

  • Other than the age, What are the things that made us feel less happier, less in the moment, less energized and more depressed than the last decade?
  • Capitalism and neo-colonism has really been there for some decades and has significantly damaged the societal structure controlled by selfish and inhuman being and portraying itself as a liberal and democratic tool. The horrors it has brought are now irreversible even if the social psychology and consciousness understands it because those people can never think of letting anyone reverse that.

    It reminds me of a Simpsons episode where they are taking riches and celebs to the other planet while poor and unpopular are stranded on the earth getting blasted and in nuclear waste in the atmosphere.

    When they have basically snatched every opportunity and power from you of redefining and rethinking of a more flexible and humane society, by giving u hope that they'll do it themselves and will fix everything. And now there's no way out when they've betrayed us and the humanity for their personal and short pleasure.

  • Other than the age, What are the things that made us feel less happier, less in the moment, less energized and more depressed than the last decade?
  • I believe it's not that fascism as it objectively is has increased since the last decade, but it sure has been put on a global headline with the media and globalisation. And i think there hasn't been real increament in the fascistic element but decline... But the politics has basically used it for their agenda manking and then making it mainstream more than it should've been.

  • Removed
    What will happen if i kept running at sppee after running out of breath and heart rate max?
  • 😞 i just want to run my mile 1 minute faster FOR ONCE!!!

  • What's a good podcast you like?
  • I really admire these two → Radiolab and 70 over 70

  • Every culture has a future as history.
  • This makes me really hopeful. 🌻

  • Other than the age, What are the things that made us feel less happier, less in the moment, less energized and more depressed than the last decade?
  • Camus really did break the code for later philosophers and overthinkers...

    Tho it didn't need to go for existentialism or absurdism here.

  • Other than the age, What are the things that made us feel less happier, less in the moment, less energized and more depressed than the last decade?
  • No I'm not experiencing nothing. Omg. I was just studying this matter better. I'm all good with what i am and am doing great. Thanks for the comment tho. I'm sure it'll help people. 😉

  • Other than the age, What are the things that made us feel less happier, less in the moment, less energized and more depressed than the last decade?
  • I too am transitioning. Have cancelled my membership to many platforms Netflix, Spotify etc. And now i want to just buy one thing and soak it in and remember each of that when I'm old.

    Effortlessness doesn't leave any print on your memory of whatever you achieve, nor does it give you that feeling of fulfillment when u get that thing yourself after doing much more effort than just tapping spotify.

  • Other than the age, What are the things that made us feel less happier, less in the moment, less energized and more depressed than the last decade?
  • I agree 💯. There's just too much to take in today. Year ago, when we used to talk about how we don't have so many resources in our access and we need more, what we really meant was that yes I need more things but not more stuff, i need more of this thing where I'm enjoying an album for weeks i need more of it. I want to go get a new album myself. I want to be able to access everything... But not that i want to feel FOMO when i see people going from one thing to another. I didn't want to see this becoming a cool thing to just know too many things, buy too many things, have access to too many things. When did that become a competition and when did i become a boomer if i didn't participate in that race of destroying my brain and my psychology which affects my life eventually.

  • Other than the age, What are the things that made us feel less happier, less in the moment, less energized and more depressed than the last decade?

    For people born in 2000-2008.

    I feel like there has really been a hidden apocalypse in the modern consumer era, exploitation era, the era that no longer cares about humanity or it's mental health.

    From food to entertainment to supposed freedom to so called advancement of the society, we've only seen a steady and constant decline in the psychological and mental state of the society as a whole.

    I can't help but notice how different were the things in 2007 or even 2015. The modernity and it's bells and whistles has really been hazardous.

    How was your journey to picking up a good habit like reading from being an ADHD kid who scrolls all day?
  • I also had started with audiobooks but then as i wanted to feel more solemn and to connect to myself more closely and naturally, i switched to physical books. Having a mediator between you and your thing (in this case book) really still makes things a lil uneasy for me. When u can just go with your own comfort listening yourself speak the words in a book in your mind, really makes me feel lot better compared to having a mediator between. It feels like when I'm reading on my own, i am in my natural habitat.

  • How was your journey to picking up a good habit like reading from being an ADHD kid who scrolls all day?
  • That transition to the modern world has significantly contributed to us thinking that we were happier when we were kids. There were lesser things and it was fun to give everything plenty to time to soak it all in whether it's a video game, a book, nature or a vacation. Now it's just too much.

  • Do you feel like your community is a little restricted to server? (read body)

    Well yes it is! But that's why it is important to look at it... All us moderators and community owner have responsibility towards the server. This is our server. I think it'll be more flourishing for the community if we enforce this perspective in the server/instance.

    Should lemmy have the feature to access different instances with one unique username?

    Or should it be resorted to what it is today → to add link to your other accounts on other instances?

    What Are The Things You Wish You Knew Early On As A Runner?

    What are some of the things runners should definitely be aware of, when they're just starting out?

    🔥 hot take: Thunder is better than Sync considering subscription model for sync.

    Update 5 August: sync gets lifetime subscription feature.

    Yes. Really a good news!! Just tested the app. Feels a lil laggy. Waiting for it to smoothen more before i make the purchase. 🌻?

    oaklyn oaklyn


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