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What's the cheapest online storage that you know of?
  • If you're into SCP/FTP/Rsync/SMB check out Hetzner Storage Servers. About 3 € for 1 TB, including 10 snapshots

  • Do any of you use Raspberry Pi’s ?
  • Apologies accepted, seems like I missed something:)

  • Do any of you use Raspberry Pi’s ?
  • Thanks for the great sarcasm mate

  • Do any of you use Raspberry Pi’s ?
  • Using Pi's to run services in my homelab which I want to keep separate from my server (to have some sort of failover in case the server goes down). Status/Monitoring, VPN server and so on

  • Isn't OneDrive/Sharepiont the exact OPPOSITE of a shared drive?
  • That - good sir - is a very valid argument

  • What's a show that should've gotten cancelled or ended SOONER than it did?
  • Surprised I haven’t seen Prison Break yet. After season 3 it just went down

  • Russian pilot who transferred to Ukraine calls on Russians to follow his example
  • Can someone explain how a Russian helicopter can land in UA airfield without being shot down/at? It's not like you can wave a white flag up there

  • What is smth toxic in a relationship you should not like but did/do?
  • Take care and watch out for yourself:)

  • Good luck, Flathub, with convincing companies to sell their software in your planned store 🤡.
  • Can someone please help me out? I don't get it

    This seems like the right way - informing users, those who don't care don't care with or without. I'd say that's fully withing the freedom philosophy

  • Help Choosing OS for Plex Media Server
  • Interesting... I used to use Jellyfin about a year ago until it suddenly stopped working. Now with new equipment and infrastructure I gave it another shot. I think I have to stick with Emby for now... Thanks for your view!

  • Help Choosing OS for Plex Media Server
  • I tried Jellyfin for a few days now and have to say I was absolutely displeased by the stability of the clients (except browser) and sloweness.

    Figured the bottleneck was somewhere else so decided to just try Emby with a 1-m pass. Emby works absolutely beautifully. No issues AT ALL regarding speed, transcoding, clients, or anything. I click the video a second later it’s up. Even through a VPN. Jellyfin frustrated me sometimes locally via LAN.

    However I still want to give Jellyfin a shot. Have you experienced similar?

    • both installed in docker on the same host with recommended but where applicable same config.
  • No more YouTube recommendations on Android if video history is turned off
  • Yes and no. Without a users video history (& other tracking turned off) best they can do is push random ads hoping it would hit one in a million. That is not effective and sometimes even diseffective (hitting a controversially opposite target). Tha harms YouTube on both ends more than the ad’s company

    By pushing users to turn it on they apparently gain more than just pushing random horse crap.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Saved me about 15 mins thank you kind sir

  • Just wanted to share my new dashboard
  • Looks smooth, I am running Homer (different to Homerr or others). Super easy to configure in yml and looks clean. No fancy features as weather however… or maybe haven’t found it ^^

    I do think I’ll give Homarr another try after looking at yours

  • Just wanted to share my new dashboard
  • Looks smooth, I am running Homer (different to Homerr or others). Super easy to configure in yml and looks clean. No fancy features as weather however… or maybe haven’t found it ^^

    I do think I’ll give Homarr another try after looking at yours

  • How do you archive your e-mails? What format should the archive-files have? eml? mbox?
  • Interesting project! I’ll spin it up in the next couple of days and check it out

  • Elon Musk rebrands Twitter as X
  • The domain, which Musk bought ages ago, also redirects to twitter

  • Docker & Databases. Stack or Individual?

    So I'm in the process of (re-) setting up my homelab and unsure about how to handle databases. Many images require a database, which the docker-compose usually provides inside the stack.

    Now my question, shall I have 1 database container which is accessed by all containers? Or shall I have a separate container for each service?

    For critical services, which shall have as few dependencies as possible I'm already using sqlite or a similar solution.

    Also on a sidenote: I have two docker hosts, can I let the containers of 1 hypervisors use the same internal docker network?


    Docker & Databases. Stack or Individual?

    So I'm in the process of (re-) setting up my homelab and unsure about how to handle databases. Many images require a database, which the docker-compose usually provides inside the stack.

    Now my question, shall I have 1 database container which is accessed by all containers? Or shall I have a separate container for each service?

    For critical services, which shall have as few dependencies as possible I'm already using sqlite or a similar solution.

    Also on a sidenote: I have two docker hosts, can I let the containers of 1 hypervisors use the same internal docker network?


    ELI5 Cloudflare Tunnel
  • Unfortunately not at the moment, as all is kinda fiddled and setup manually, but I’m redoing my home lab in a couple of weeks. Send me a message and I’ll send you the docker image or script!

    But basically I did the following:

    • enable ipv4 forwarding
    • configure and start VPN tunnel
    • set the default route to the tunnel
    • set the gw for reaching the remote vpn server to the local gw
    • sets routes for the local network to the local gw

    If your vpn goes down, the default route shall still point to the remote gw, but as it isn’t there you also have a kill switch. Voila!

    I am looking into gluetun but haven’t tried it yet.

    Edit: this doesn’t protect you from someone snooping the traffic inside your local net, but protects it starting from the point where it leaves the local vpngw. The traffic is unencrypted between that and your client.

  • ELI5 Cloudflare Tunnel

    So everyone is talking about cloudflare tunnels and I decided to give it a shot.

    However, I find the learning curve quite hard and would really appreciate a short introduction into how they work and how do I set them up…

    In my current infrastructure I am running a reverse proxy with SSL and Authentik, but nothing is exposed outside. I access my network via a VPN but would like to try out and consider CF. Might be easier for the family.

    How does authentication work? Is it really a secure way to expose internal services?


    Flatpak vs Snap vs Native Packages

    So I know my way around Linux pretty well. However I never really got the gist of the difference between Snap, Flatpak and Native packages.

    What exactly sets them apart?

    Why does everyone seem to hate snap?

    I have been using all of them, simultaneously on the same system and never really noticed a difference in the way installation, updates etc are handled (syntax ofc).

    I hear snap sandboxes? Is that the main reason? Thanks for your insights..

    Flatpak Vs Snap vs Native Packages

    So I know my way around Linux pretty well. However I never really got the gist of the difference between Snap, Flatpak and Native packages.

    What exactly sets them apart?

    Why does everyone seem to hate snap?

    I have been using all of them, simultaneously on the same system and never really noticed a difference in the way installation, updates etc are handled (syntax ofc).

    I hear snap sandboxes? Is that the main reason? Thanks for your insights..

    Kremlin denies Putin has fled Moscow Wagner leader Prigozhin will move to Belarus after attempted mutiny under deal to withdraw troops

    Wagner’s rebellious mercenary leader will move to Belarus under the terms of a truce agreed with President Putin, the Kremlin said on Saturday night.

    Wagner leader Prigozhin will move to Belarus after attempted mutiny under deal to withdraw troops

    A Kremlin spokesman has denied reports that Vladimir Putin has fled Moscow by plane.

    60% of subreddits are still dark! Reddit activity down 30%

    The reddit blackout is even more effectivte than expected! 5177/8829 (\~60%) of subreddits are still dark [1] and the posts per minute are down to 1000 from 1400 [2].

    This is huge. Subreddits were supposed to be back up yesterday. I personally missed Reddit the first day but now I am super comfortable here.

    Glad to have found a new place to hang out!

    Edit: Reddit has 100k subs, 60% out of those who officially signed up




    With an new beginning come NEW USERNAMES

    Did you ever wanna have a username but it was taken? Us early adopters to the fediverse can now freely choose nice, untaken usernames!

    Let that sink in. We have the luxury and freedom to nearly choose any username we want. without having to add unnecessary underscores or numbers.

    Thats nice.

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