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5 years tracking Linux market share
  • They count it as Linux, yes!

  • 5 years tracking Linux market share

    1 more year has passed, and I'm still tracking these numbers, albeit now posting with a different username. The upward tendency has not just continued, but even increased; now Linux is nearing 4 % market share globally and over 2 % on Steam.

    What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?
  • I wanted to delete all the subfolders in the current directory:

     rm -rf ./*

    After a few seconds, I realize in horror that I had mistyped the path. Whole system nuked. Had backups though.

  • Does any language have a word for mixing a beverage by pouring from one vessel into another?
  • "Escanciar" in Spanish means pouring from a height for the purpose of mixing a beverage (usually cider) with air. I suppose it would still be valid if you're pouring a mix from some height.

  • Cops can force suspect to unlock phone with thumbprint, US court rules
  • Disabling the USB port is neat, BUT... What if it got instead reconfigured to pretend to be a USB keyboard when connected and then... you know... For research purposes, of course.

  • Speaking of euphemisms, do you guys know of any common dysphemisms?
  • "Socialism turns out to work pretty well and is beating our ass" --> “Now, no one — certainly not me — is discounting the power of markets,” Sullivan noted at the time. “But in the name of oversimplified market efficiency, a large non-market economy had been integrated into the international economic order in a way that posed considerable challenges.”

  • Why is it that approval ratings aren't used as the method of electing politicians?
  • There are some really cool electoral methods that are used in some niche situations (e.g. the Schulze method). Obviously wouldn't work to elect a government, since that would not massively benefit the ruling class as the current methods do.

  • CPI inflation is up 20.29% from January 2020 to February 2024
  • Yes, you are right, but during most of that time, interest rates neared zero. I like to plot the sum of YoY inflation and interest rates since it is more stable and gives a feeling of how much headroom there actually is.

  • Matt Christman surgery was successful
  • Once I needed a small plastic piece printed for a study and a neurosurgeon suggested sending it to the bone printing department. They're really capable and can make things like models for understanding how a patient's anatomy would impact surgery, etc. Obviously overkill for my project though, I just ordered it from Wenext.

  • CPI inflation is up 20.29% from January 2020 to February 2024
  • Curious how long they'll be able to go on with the narrative that inflation will go down and interest rates will be reduced soon...

  • Friend claims capitalism exists because of proletarians' demands - how to answer?
  • Production exists to satisfy demand that's right. And nothing about that is any different under socialism or communism. Whether people want a new phone or not is orthogonal to the fundamental problem of who controls production.

  • Jerry always disagreeing with science
  • Very cool context, thx!

  • Reconstruction of an image from a stack of images
  • If you can't find a tool, this has worked to some degree for me. Open on e.g. GIMP, scale the images to the desired size in different layers, use perspective transform to align them very precisely, then set layer opacity so that you can merge them down with equal weight on each photo. It's not a really good method, but might do the job. Good luck!

  • What are you all doing with Rust?
  • Lately I use it for hobby projects, but also for academic stuff (e.g., interacting with experimental devices, sensors). Rust allows me to write fast code quickly while not spending a long time with valgrind.

  • Yes
  • From the very large proportion of "UX Researchers" and "UX Content" laid off in the picture, I'd suppose it's a satirical UI mockup made by a UX researcher. No idea if that's the case though.

  • Blue MAGA is clearly better :smuglord:
  • No side wants to give you affordable healthcare and housing. If they say they want to do it, but then do absolutely nothing in that general direction, they don't want to do it.

  • The cruelty is the point.
  • Yeah when your country is bombed and deprived of food for months you just need to quickly un-bear all of your children and problem solved!

    Seriously though, some people really think they can find an explanation to make everyone deserve their problems. As if the physical world literally didn't exist and those problems had no correlation outside the individual's soul or whatever.

  • Church shooting: AR-15 had 'Palestine' sticker, antisemitic writings recovered
  • I wonder what the writings were, although I'm cautious on believing that they were antisemitic, since hating Jews and hating Israel have historically been opposing positions expressed by two widely different demographics, and now that division is clearer than ever.

  • WHAT IF...?
  • Printing money is just one way that inflation can appear. The latest trends in that respect are in fact not caused by money-printing.

  • Caption this
  • That long-running Spongebob comic from r/imsorryjon, maybe the last or one of the last parts I think.

  • The design of my new keyboard

    My old keyboard served me well, but lately I'm having to replace a broken switch every month so I'm not sure it's worth it. It's also noisy as hell and I hate the backlighting with every piece of my heart. So here's the replacement.

    I've ordered it from WASD Keyboards, hmu for the design file. Obviously Spanish layout, I chose MX Cherry Brown switches, light pastel colors to improve visibility under dim lighting, and a pattern from a Gray-Scott reaction-diffusion system to decorate special keys. I've added a few (superfluous) icons for editing operations and arrow keys for Vim, as well as part of an Aristotle quote I like, just because the spacebar felt so empty. I used the old Greek translation simply to avoid distracting myself (I can barely read modern Greek, so this looks like an uneventful string of accented letters to me).

    Hi Lemmygrad!

    I miss my old, hugely based feed on, now it's just libs everywhere... so I followed your advice and moved here!

    pancake pancake
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