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Removal of piracy communities
  • You're a moron. Piracy is not stealing because nothing is ever taken from the copyright holder, unless you're going to argue that a theoretical purchase is being stolen. By which logic, deciding not to buy something is stealing.

  • Fighting Game Community pannacotta__
    Why Throws Are Designed the Way that They Are in Street Fighter 6
    The Zuck suck is in full swing.
  • A guy on twitter who's kinda funny.

  • Are we defederating from Threads?
  • The problem is that corporations can scale their own propaganda campaigns way better than we can. It's best to cut the problem off at the source than it is to try and compete with them at their own game.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • My main problem is that there just isn't anything I actually want to engage with on Mastodon. Most of the communities I would engage with simply don't exist there, or only exist there in minute quantities.

  • Are we defederating from Threads?
  • I think the idea is that Threads can pull in a bunch of users to the federated ecosystem using other instance's content, implement features exclusive to Threads to entice people to move from whatever instance they're on now to Threads, and then defederate Threads from everything else afterwards and remove ActivityPub compatibility to trap people on Threads and then enshittify the platform for more money.

  • Are we defederating from Threads?
  • I don't think it's even on ActivityPub yet, so as far as I know you can't really defederate from something that doesn't even exist yet. But I think it's probably for the best that all instances do defederate just to tell Meta and Zuckerberg to fuck off.

  • [@fediverse]( posting this from mastodon. It's amazing if this works!
  • Absolutely wild that this works lmao, ActivityPub is crazy

  • Lemmy resembles the old reddit experience so well that they even emulate the old reddit server performance
  • To be fair, Reddit is a lot bigger than any Lemmy instance, and Lemmy instances have the benefit of being decentralised, so the load is on many different servers owned by different people as opposed to one group of servers owned by one company.

  • Musk is undeniably just trying to run twitter into the ground at this point.
  • Somehow I doubt it's even that. The guy's just a braindead, incompetent moron. I don't think the fucker's even smart enough to realize this is literally the worst possible decision he could've made.

  • Do you think that Lemmy will last or will it die in a few weeks?
  • Maybe, but I think that the branding of the "fediverse" + difficulty of use will make it unlikely to surpass reddit or any other alternatives. It will almost certainly still be around for years to come, but I doubt it'll be much more than niche, despite me hoping for the contrary.

  • The Brilliance of Happy Chaos

    Figured I'd share Rad Chad's latest video, an analysis of Happy Chaos' lore and character! Any thoughts?

    pannacotta__ pannacotta__


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