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What are people daily driving these days?
  • Despite the memes, Arch isn't that hard to install nowadays. The Wiki is stellar and archinstall is a thing (as well as EndeavourOS).

    But Debian testing is a fine choice as well, of course.

  • Outlook sendet Passwörter, Mails und andere Daten an Microsoft
  • An dieser Stelle big shoutout an, die tatsächlich allen Kunden eine E-Mail "[Wichtige Information] Sicherheitsrisiken bei neuem Microsoft Outlook" gesendet haben.

    Sich als relativ kleiner Mailanbieter zu trauen, eine (vollkommen berechtigte) Warnung vor dem wahrscheinlich weitestverbreiteten Mailclient zu verschicken, ist schon beeindruckend, finde ich.

  • What was a profound moment that a video game caused you to experience, and why?
  • Outer Wilds had so many profound moments, imho. Just listing a couple more:

    Spoilers, obviously
    • The core of the interloper
    • The dead Nomai in Dark Bramble (two of them in an embrace, iirc)
    • The messages from other Nomai tribes in the Vessel
    • Having to remove the warp core from the ATP
    • The number of loop iterations in the probe tracking module
    • The ending of the DLC

  • Migrated from Windows to Linux. Decided to share list of answers/statements I was looking for before did it (and could not find).
  • In my experience, once you've got Arch set up, it less work to maintain than Manjaro. On Arch, you have noticeably more frequent, but smaller, package updates. On Manjaro, compatibility issues with the AUR may occur, which happened a few times for me, while that won't happen on Arch.

  • PasswordManagement: which one of these options would you choose?
  • Keepass allows you to use a passphrase in combination with a randomly generated keyfile. You only need to copy the keyfiles to your devices once (not via cloud services, obviously). Your actual database can then be synchronized via any cloud provider of your choice (hell, you could even upload it publicly for everyone to see) and it would still be secure.

  • Fuck it, give me your most OVERRATED Distros
  • Of course, one doesn't have to install Arch manually; archiso and Endeavour are great conveniences and exist for a reason.

    That doesn't change the fact that people who rely on those tools not because they want to save some time/effort but because they're unable to follow wiki instructions are likely better off with something other than Arch.

  • Fuck it, give me your most OVERRATED Distros
  • And if one is not able to install Arch using archinstall, then they should question themselves if Arch is even the right distro for them.

    Without wanting to be elitist, I'd go further than that. While archinstall is a nice convenience, even the "manual" installation is really just diligently reading and following the wiki guide.

    If that's too much for you, you're likely going to struggle when stuff needs manual intervention and you're probably better off with a different distro.

  • Inhale…Exhale…Reset Timer!
  • That depends a bit on the ruleset. According to Guinness (where hyperventilating with pure oxygen beforehand is allowed), it's 24:37.36. According to the freediving organisation AIDA (where pre-breathing oxygen isn't allowed), it's 11:35

  • Jugendwort-Vorschlag offenbart Egoismus: Beleidigung mit existenzieller Tragik
  • Ich hab erster Hand Leute gesehen die NPC rassistisch verwendet haben und auch welche die es Sexistisch verwendet haben.

    Hab ich noch nie in dem Kontext gehört und die Verbindung zwischen NPC und Herkunft/Geschlecht ergibt sich mir auch nicht. Ich kenne das primär als Begriff für "uninteressante Person ohne Tiefgang".

  • What is your unbiased opinion on Manjaro?
  • What distros are there that have drive encryption but don't require decrypting the drive while booting? Isn't LUKS pretty much the standard disk encryption for all Linux distributions?

  • Looking for games that will make me cry
  • Not on my normal playthrough, but I did try every possible ending at least once. My comment was rather intended as a joke, because dying in various hilarious ways is sort of part of the game.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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