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Common Brianna L: Imagine an argument so absurd that even right-wingers could effortlessly dismiss it
  • This is so damned commonplace I don't even bother arguing with people.

  • Common Brianna L: Imagine an argument so absurd that even right-wingers could effortlessly dismiss it
  • I kinda glad I got banned from twitter. Now I only get to see these hot takes and takedowns without any of the other bullshit

  • When Hillary dies, this guy is going to entomb himself in her mausoleum to guard her for all eternity
  • i just read about how it's not healthy to dissociate at work, but what about on hexbear? i can't handle these types of links

  • Apartheid defense league is big mad at wikipedia
  • dangerous if we don't control all narratives!

  • Guys sanctions will definitely work this time and not backfire on our faces like the last thirteen times
  • Those first 13 didn't go far enough.. this one... this one is gonna do the trick.

  • Applied to more than hundred jobs last night, and already five rejections...
  • i feel ya, i didn't mean to sound crass, but i don't know how else it works other than just shotgunning resumes out and waiting

  • Life Protip For Every Cybertruck & Tesla Owner!
  • everytime i cross that part of the ocean i throw some valuables in.. i just want good karma in another life you know

  • Life Protip For Every Cybertruck & Tesla Owner!
  • but they're saying because its a cybertruck owner who obviously has more money than brains they'll conduct a full ocean sweep to find each and every particle of the truck and hopefully the owner

  • nuclear russian roulette
  • Not sure why anyone thinks Russia is still stuck in the 80s when everyone else has moved on with time.

  • Whistleblower says Boeing lost hundreds of faulty parts -- and some may be on new 737 Max planes
  • Not sure even Boeing would be that brazen. It will definitely be something like a hit & run accident or heart attack this time.

  • NSFW
    [CW: Suicide]
  • if i ever decide to fully commit to suicide, then i fucking damn well better commit to taking down some of the imperialists with me

  • Applied to more than hundred jobs last night, and already five rejections...
  • I think it depends where you're at and what you're looking for. I've never really had much of a problem getting an IT job anywhere I've lived, but in some places like in the midwest, I had to go with contract-to-hire jobs rather than just going for fulltime jobs because there just wasn't the market. In the bay area there are bazillions of IT jobs so I could quit today and start interviewing by next month and probably have a new job the month after that, which I've done a couple times now. I don't have a degree, but I went to college long enough that I should have had one. I know a lot of people beat themselves up over rejections and not hearing back but that really should be expected. No one is going to fit everyone's need and a lot of companies get hundreds of applications per job so sometimes they don't even see your application. But just keep applying and you'll get some hits... its just probabilities imo.

  • Hey you, the lib still using Chrome. Read this post!
  • I work with a group of people that came from google and there are a couple of them that refuse to use chrome which I found a little bit surprising at first, especially since they worked on bits of Chrome and bits of a lot of the different systems that hoover up all our data. You'd think if you worked for them you've pretty much given them every iota of data they could ever possibly dream of but I guess there's something in not giving them continual easy free refreshes of that data.

  • r/iamatotalpieceofshit
  • he looks like an actor.. but i can't find the guy's name or even remember what I would have seen him in..

  • What's up with the ruling class choosing the most unlikable representatives
  • i feel like it just furthers peoples' disinterest in everything political -- makes perfect sense

  • this really was Israel's 9/11.
  • least surprising revelation ever

  • Infographics were a mistake.
  • thanks for making a clearer picture, i couldn't understand the other one for shit

  • peeonyou peeonyou [he/him]

    california comrade

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