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The heart we can't neglect indeed
  • Fucking hell, isn't his goal to rid the world of preventable diseases? Giving everyone the knowledge to make their own medicine is very clearly a good thing!

  • Never know til you go.
  • It'll get hard, too (rigor mortis)

  • Terraforming
  • Mars is already dead, we can't do much more damage.

  • Terraforming
  • Why not both?

  • I don't have such weakness
  • Use a password manager bro

  • Happy Juneteenth everyone!
  • Not only that - you're made of chemicals!

  • Louis XIV
  • What makes you say that?

  • found the bikini bottom rule
  • Doin it on the beach

  • for all the "anti-authoritarians" out there
  • Do you want anybody else's? Or do you deny what words mean? Thanks for the insult. At least I don't worship fascists.

  • for all the "anti-authoritarians" out there
  • Definition of fascism

    Your heroes tick all the boxes.

  • for all the "anti-authoritarians" out there
  • Oh, so you're into fascists?

  • for all the "anti-authoritarians" out there
  • A coup is the violent overthrow of a government, so if the revolution is violent, yeah.

  • Farmers who graze sheep under solar panels say it improves productivity. So why don’t we do it more?
  • Raising animals to harvest is cruel and unusual punishment but it isn't genocide. Genocide is the systematic and widespread extermination of a specific group. The fact that livestock animals outnumber us and their numbers are only growing should tell you we're not genociding them. Words have meaning.

  • Farmers who graze sheep under solar panels say it improves productivity. So why don’t we do it more?
  • Your solutions are unreasonable. Nobody is going to finance rehoming and caring for billions of livestock animals. We can't even do that for our own species.

  • for all the "anti-authoritarians" out there
  • Remind me, what exactly did the red army do to put the communists in power?

  • Outcry from big AI firms over California AI “kill switch” bill Outcry from big AI firms over California AI “kill switch” bill

    Proposed law would require AI companies to adhere to strict safety frameworks.

    Outcry from big AI firms over California AI “kill switch” bill

    cross-posted from:

    OpenAI board first learned about ChatGPT from Twitter, according to former member OpenAI board first learned about ChatGPT from Twitter, according to former member

    Helen Toner, center of struggle with Altman, suggests CEO fostered "toxic atmosphere" at company.

    OpenAI board first learned about ChatGPT from Twitter, according to former member

    cross-posted from:

    OpenAI board first learned about ChatGPT from Twitter, according to former member OpenAI board first learned about ChatGPT from Twitter, according to former member

    Helen Toner, center of struggle with Altman, suggests CEO fostered "toxic atmosphere" at company.

    OpenAI board first learned about ChatGPT from Twitter, according to former member

    cross-posted from:

    Neuralink rival sets brain-chip record with 4,096 electrodes on human brain Neuralink rival sets brain-chip record with 4,096 electrodes on human brain

    Precision expects its minimally invasive brain implant to hit the market next year.

    Neuralink rival sets brain-chip record with 4,096 electrodes on human brain

    cross-posted from:

    > I like that their implant is simply laid on top of the brain, instead of driving electrodes into brain tissue like Neuralink. I'd like to keep my brain unscarred.

    Neuralink rival sets brain-chip record with 4,096 electrodes on human brain Neuralink rival sets brain-chip record with 4,096 electrodes on human brain

    Precision expects its minimally invasive brain implant to hit the market next year.

    Neuralink rival sets brain-chip record with 4,096 electrodes on human brain

    I like that their implant is simply laid on top of the brain, instead of driving electrodes into brain tissue like Neuralink. I'd like to keep my brain unscarred.

    Reid Hoffman meets his AI twin - Full

    cross-posted from:

    > This guy built his own HAL 9000.

    What kinds of FOSS DDC/CI managers are out there?

    Hey, I'm tired of manually setting the brightness on my monitors every morning and evening. Is there a DDC/CI program out there that I can setup to change the brightness automatically at set time points?

    GUNSHIP - Monster In Paradise [Official Music Video]

    Gunship's newest song, 'Monster in Paradise'. I think it's pretty cool!

    Feature request


    I'm not sure if this kind of post fits this community or not, but I'll give it a go. Is there a possibility we could add a bot which creates music? I'd be down to listen to some AI tunes during work, if we could find a fitting model. I have no idea if this is already a thing or not, I'm just sharing my thoughts.

    Duck Family

    A little duck family that swam past me at the lake last week! I have a video but I can't post it through Liftoff.

    photonic_sorcerer photonic_sorcerer

    I'm just a simple man, trying to make his way in the universe.

    Posts 15
    Comments 1.4K